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Two Truths, One Lie: Speaking, Intermediatelevel
Ice-breakeramongstkidswhomaynotknow eachotherverywell orwhenyourstudentsmaynot
1. Form a circle.
2. Each personmustthentell the grouptwothingsthat are true aboutthemselvesandone thing
that isnot true about themselves.
3. Try to getthe studentstomix up the truthsand liesbecause otherwiseitwill be obvioustopick
whichone isthe lie.
Make the longest words:Writing, Intermediate level
Write a topical target wordverticallydownthe board,forexample,WINTER.Intwosor threes,
studentsattempttocome up withthe longestwordthatbeginswitheachletter.Give teamsa
pointperword anda bonuspointforthe longest.
What does your name mean?: Writing, Basic level
Usinga dictionary,google oranyotherresource,studentsfindandwrite downanappropriate
adjective thatbeginswitheachletterof theirfirstname.Forexample:
What do you know about bananas?: Writing, Advanced level
Seta five-minute time limitandingroupshave studentsthinkupandwrite downas manyfacts as
theycan about bananas(orcats, Belgium, DavidBeckham, etc.).One pointshouldbe givenfor
each true sentence.
How many sounds can you hear?:Listening, Basic level
Studentssitinsilence fortwominutesandwrite downeverysoundthattheyhear.Letthem
compare theirlistswiththeir neighbors beforeseeingwhohasthe longestlist?

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  • 1. WARMING-UPS Two Truths, One Lie: Speaking, Intermediatelevel Ice-breakeramongstkidswhomaynotknow eachotherverywell orwhenyourstudentsmaynot knowyouverywell. 1. Form a circle. 2. Each personmustthentell the grouptwothingsthat are true aboutthemselvesandone thing that isnot true about themselves. 3. Try to getthe studentstomix up the truthsand liesbecause otherwiseitwill be obvioustopick whichone isthe lie. Make the longest words:Writing, Intermediate level Write a topical target wordverticallydownthe board,forexample,WINTER.Intwosor threes, studentsattempttocome up withthe longestwordthatbeginswitheachletter.Give teamsa pointperword anda bonuspointforthe longest. Waterfall Industrious Nausea Terrified Empty Retailer What does your name mean?: Writing, Basic level Usinga dictionary,google oranyotherresource,studentsfindandwrite downanappropriate adjective thatbeginswitheachletterof theirfirstname.Forexample: Flirtatious,Relaxed,Extrovert,Desirable
  • 2. What do you know about bananas?: Writing, Advanced level Seta five-minute time limitandingroupshave studentsthinkupandwrite downas manyfacts as theycan about bananas(orcats, Belgium, DavidBeckham, etc.).One pointshouldbe givenfor each true sentence. How many sounds can you hear?:Listening, Basic level Studentssitinsilence fortwominutesandwrite downeverysoundthattheyhear.Letthem compare theirlistswiththeir neighbors beforeseeingwhohasthe longestlist?