This document contains an academic intervention recommendations checklist for a CSCC student named [Student Name] with a Cougar ID provided. The checklist reminds the student to attend BluPrint workshops, study for a minimum of 2 hours per credit hour each week, take a maximum course load determined by their advisor based on work and personal responsibilities, attend all classes, reduce work hours if possible, seek out tutoring options, register with disability services if applicable, make career advising or personal counseling appointments, check their financial aid status, communicate with instructors, register early for classes and print their schedule every time it is changed. Notes section is blank.
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Warn & Prob_Advisor Tool
1. Advisor
Academic Intervention Recommendations: WARN& PROB - AdvisorTool
CSCC Academic Advising
Cougar ID: Todays Date:
Student email
Current Telephone number:
Attend a BluPrint Workshop Session(s):
Study a minimum of2 hours per credit hour PER week
EX: 12 credits x 2 = 24 hours a week of study time
Your current semester
______credits x 2 = ________ hours you need to set aside to be successful
Take a maximum of _______ credit hours Determined by discussion with the advisor.Based on number ofhours working and
other responsibilities.
Attend all classes Vital to success in the classroom.Professors often tie grades to attendance. You
can receive an E or be dropped for not attending enough classes even when you
submit all work and take all tests.
Reduce work hours. Is this realistic for you?
Administrative Withdrawal
Advisor will recommend ifyou qualify.
Fresh Start Rule You cant have attended CSCC for a minimum of 24 consecutive months to apply
for this rule.
Seek out tutoring!
Math Lab (AQ 213/DH313) Speech lab (NH 017) Reading/Writing Lab (AQ 214) Writing Center Library
Do you have Math anxiety? Make an appointment to meet with Nichole Braun 614.287.5353
Register with Disability Services (EB 101)
Career Indecision/Exploration Make an appointment with Career Services. 614.287.2782
Personal Counseling Make an appointment with Counseling
Review your FA Status Check your CSCC student email for communication from the FAoffice.
Communicate with your instructors Find their contact information on the syllabus or in the directory
Register early! Build the perfect schedule!Have lots ofclasses to
choose from!
On time registration begins___________ for ______ term.
When you make changes to your schedules or register for the first