We work with people in the energy sector who want to improve their management, business and leadership capabilities, with a range of courses around the world.
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Warren Business Consulting Calendar
1. Month Date Course Location
February 10-12 International Oil & Gas Contracts Jakarta
February 16-18 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Abu Dhabi
February 24-26 Contracts & Negotiations in Oil & Gas London
March 2-4 Digital Transformation in the Energy Sector London
March 9-11 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Lagos
March 16-18 Risk Management in Energy London
March 16-18 Procurement & Supply Chain Management Lagos
March 16-18 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Bali/Jakarta
April 5-7 Mini MBA in Oil & Gas Erbil
April 6-8 International Oil & Gas Contracts Lagos
April 27-29 Project Governance London
May 11-13 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Houston
May 18-20 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas London
June 22-24 Leadership in Gobal Energy London
September 7-9 Leadership in Gobal Energy Istanbul
September 7-9 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Bali/Jakarta
September 7-9 Risk Management in Energy Lagos
September 14-16 Project Governance Lagos
September 14-16 Digital Transformation in the Energy Sector London
October 5-7 Contracts & Negotiations in Oil & Gas London
October 12-14 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Lagos
October 19-21 Procurement & Supply Chain Management London
October 22-24 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Abu Dhabi
November 2-4 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas London
November 9-11 Project Governance Jakarta
November 22-24 Mini MBA in Oil & Gas Erbil
November 23-25 Risk Management in Energy London
November 23-25 International Oil & Gas Contracts Lagos
December 7-9 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Singapore
December 14-16 3 Day MBA in Oil & Gas Houston
December 14-16 International Oil & Gas Contracts Jakarta
2020 Public Course Calendar
Course Summaries
All our courses focus on strategic management issues in the energy business, from upstream oil &
gas to renewables, helping executives make better decisions and develop their careers.
MBA in Oil & Gas
Highly acclaimed introduction to the fundamentals of the upstream oil & gas industry, giving you a
CEO's perspective on the business and a clear understanding of what drives profits.
Digital Transformation in Energy
A new 3 day programme to help executives navigate the complexities of AI, Big Data, IoT and other
new technologies to transform their business.
International Oil & Gas Contracts
Providing a thorough knowledge of contracts in the different markets of the global oil industry, this
is a course designed for in-house lawyers and their legal advisors, commercial managers,
government officials and other executives involved in complex contractual negotiations.
Project Management
Focused on Project Governance, rather than day-to-day management, this course will help
managers identify and select the right projects, design them appropriately and supervise their
successful delivery.
Contracts & Negotiations
A well-established course covering the range of commercial contracts in the oil and gas industry
and how to negotiate them. Relevant for anyone involved in JVs, granting instruments, GSAs, PSCs,
or any other partnerships.
This two day introduction to Leadership in Oil & Gas looks at the key principles of
managing high performing teams in the complex world of exploration & production, for those
taking on new functional regional, or staff responsibilities.
Risk Management
Risk is everywhere in the upstream business. This course will help managers identify and mitigate
risks - subsurface, country, commercial - throughout the appraisal process.
In-house Courses
We also deliver a range of in-house courses customised to the client's needs. Please contact us for
further information.
Tel: +44 203 239 0807
Email: training@warrenbusinessconsulting.com