1. According to a recent study, as many as one quarter of all couples first met online as online dating has become a major factor in the dating scene.
2. The number of students taking distance education or online courses has increased dramatically, rising from 3 million in 2000 to over 12 million in 2007. Over 25% of all students now take at least one online course.
3. The growth in online learning is being driven by both traditional digital native students and large numbers of adult learners seeking more flexible, convenient educational options that fit their lives and careers. This trend is expected to continue increasing the number of online students and programs in the coming decade.
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1. Distance, Online, and Mobile Learning Facts, Impact, and ProjectionsDr. Sue Day-Perroots, DeanWASSA Annual ConferenceOctober 4, 2010
2. Setting the Stage - Quiz1 in ___ couples first met online.Ebook sales exceeded print book sales by a margin of ____ to _____.1 in ___ students are taking an online course.____ equals the percentage of 18-22 year old full time students living on campus.
3. LOVE just a click away According to a recent study by Michael Rosenfeld from Stanford University, as many as one quarter of all couples first met online.The Web is the greatest technological shake-up the dating scene has ever witnessed.More Americans Finding Their Mates Online, Terrence O'Brien on August 17, 2010.
4. Who are our Students?Only 16% of US students are full-time, traditional age and living on campusThe over 25 population is the fastest-growing student segment in higher education and has consistently increased during the last three decades. Peter Stokes, Paper for the Secretary of Educations Commission on the Future of Higher Education
5. The 75% Non-traditionalsWant sequential degree steps: certificate, AA, BA/BS, MastersContinuous enrollment, year-roundFlexible scheduling and servicesAdvising upfront and as neededFlexible payment and financial aid opportunitiesFrom 2007 to 2016, the population of college students ages 18 to 24 will increase by 11.1 percent, but the population of students ages 25 to 34 will increase by 26.8 percent (US Dept of Ed -Center for Ed Statistics)
7. Online Learners Nothing is as likely to change the face of higher education over the next decade as the switch to more online learning. The enrollment in distance-education courses nearly quadrupled, from 3,077,000 to 12,153,000 from 2000 - 2007. Students (digital natives) AND adult learners (convenience) are demanding online courses.Greater than 25% of students are enrolled in at least 1 online course (Fall, 2008 ).
8. Online LearningAssociates institutions teach over 遜 of all online students. Community Colleges entered online later, but identified as central to missionColleges serving working adults are most positive about enrollment potential85% online enrollments w/in 50 mile radius of campus beginning to see change with for-profit private marketing1 in 5 institutions offered 1st online courses in 2007. WVU began in 1999. Amazon announced in July 2010 that ebook sales exceeded print book sales by a margin of 143:100.Why is this important?Summer Sessions will more than likely be called upon even more heavily to generate revenue to add to the institutions bottom linePrograms focused on serving adult students are the largest potential growth market, according to demographics, in higher educationOnline courses able to serve minority students well will be better positioned to compete (particularly in the West & South)
9. Importance continuedOnline addresses flexibility in schedules & livesOnline addresses access during commute, or from workplace, homeOnline addresses career focus and advancementIncreases revenue w/o increasing physical infrastructure
10. 3 Common Characteristics of Schools Successful at Serving Online StudentsEntrepreneurial Spirit University Leadership allows units to try new thingsCommitment to Adult & Mobile Student Population Summer
11. WVU Extended LearningExtended Learning = 62,634 credit hours (77% distance ed); Over 3,200 online students per term + 1,300 enrolled in both online & on-campus.Continuing and Professional Education served 2,747 adult learners. Collaboration with Forensics and its numerous online opportunities accounted for much of this 68% annual increase.Over 647 high school students enrolled in WVU courses in their high schools great recruits for Summer programmingAnd
12. SummerSummer 09 11.3k enrollment w/ over $5 million to Colleges for on-campus; another $5 million for onlineOver 400 courses online Summer 10; Enrollment in Online & Both = 49% of total enrollmentyOn-campusELBothELugELg5542492313892409 2487 Growth in Online 10 nearly equal to on-campus SREC courses allow Non-Residents to enroll at Resident tuition for online coursesInvested $120k in grants for on-campus programming
23. 4 Certificates Continuing & Professional EducationOver 70 courses offered (90% online) A View of 2020The location of a college, and the geographic spread of its influence and recruiting area, will be the most significant factor in determining its flow of enrollees in the next decade. *The Western states will see an overall increase in graduates of about 1% per year.
26. Post test1 in ___ couples first met online.Ebook sales exceeded print book sales by a margin of ____ to _____.1 in ___ students are taking an online course.____ equals the percentage of 18-22 year old full time students living on campus.
27. Show & TellOnline.wvu.eduInstructional Technology Resource Center (ITRC)https://ecampus.wvu.edu/A Vision of K-12 Students Today (video)A Vision of Students Today (video)http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/collegeinc/view/