7. Lessons TV = simple Journies are short Few people publish Catch-up rules New requirements Minimal options Easy browsing Privacy Long-tail opportunity?
8. What we needed Fresh design concept Tech feasibility Communications to stakeholders Rough business plan and how we got it Focused on design and build Find problems, (try to) solve problems Final phase of analysis and business planning
10. How did we do? 2x more watches per viewer (vs. similar sites) Subscriptions feature was used 10x more than Like button (vs. similar sites) Low bounce rate and high time on site Channels were the most popular way of navigating the site, and had the best conversion Recommendations were best at driving long-tail plays
11. Wheres the market? Rights issues make it hard to launch a consumer product But there is a strong opportunity as a provider of a metabroadcasting services to site owners
12. So, what have we learned? Plenty of scope for innovation in video website design But the simple channel is still a winner Subscriptions are a key user interaction Serious scaling challenges (see #noSQL) An interesting new business model
13. 1. A public metabroadcasting platform, coming soon 2. Investigating funding to focus on this new opportunity Whats up next?