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Custom Water Feature
Water Feature Supply
P : (858) 876-7261
E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com

Michael Martin

October 2, 2012

SECTION 131200


A. Provide the following custom water feature at location chosen by client.
1. Fountain Materials. (To be determined by the client)
2. Fountain Dimensions. (96 by 84 or other selected size)
3. Pump Information
4. Lighting for Fountain
A. Indoor water feature

A. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2006.
B. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008

A. Coordination: Coordinate the installation of the indoor water feature with size, location and
installation of service utilities
B. Pre-installation Meeting: Conduct a pre-installation meeting one week prior to the start of the
work of this section; require attendance by all affected installers.

A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's printed product data, specifications, standard details,
installation instructions, use limitations and recommendations for each piece of equipment,
system, and material used.
B. Shop Drawings: Provide large scale shop drawings for fabrication, installation and erection of
all parts of the work. Provide plans, elevations, and details of anchorages, connections and
accessory items. Provide wiring diagrams and installation templates for work installed by
others. Show all interfaces and relationships to work of other trades.
C. Shop Drawings: For fabrication and installation of interior water feature.
1. Include elevations, detail section, mounting information, reinforcement, interface
withadjacent materials and location and placement of remote components.
D. Samples: Submit samples as required.
E. Manufacturer's Qualification Statement.
Custom Water Feature
Water Feature Supply
P : (858) 876-7261
E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com

Michael Martin

October 2, 2012

A. Source: All water feature equipment provided from a single qualified manufacturer to ensure
a single source of responsibility for the interrelated components.
B. The pump motor shall be an industry standard submersible motor with mechanical seals and
heavy duty bearings designed to operate under water. External components shall be
stainless steel.
C. Controllers shall comply with National Electrical Code (NEC) and Underwriters Laboratory
(UL) standards and shall be labeled where required by code. Control enclosures shall be
NEMA rated for service and application.
A. Deliver materials and products in unopened, factory labeled packages. Store and handle in
strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Store under cover
and protect from weather damage.
B. Sequence deliveries to avoid delays, minimize on-site storage.
A. Manufacturer shall provide a two-year limited warranty for all fountain parts, workmanship,
and design functionality. Fountain pump warranty dependent upon manufacturer.
B. Water Feature Supply warrants to the original purchaser (the end user) of any custom water
feature or any part thereof which proves to be defective in materials or workmanship, as
determined by the factory within the warranty period from the shipping date, will be repaired
or replaced at no charge with a new or remanufactured part, and returned freight prepaid.
1. Exceptions are light lamps and lenses which carry a thirty (30) day warranty. The end
user shall assume the responsibility and expense for removal, packaging, and freight
to ship to Water Feature Supply to determine warranty and for all reinstallation
C. The warranty is void where damage results from: operation with no flow, continued operation
with only partial flow, continued operation with obstructions that result in pump cavitation
(noisy operation), improper electrical connection, improper voltage, alteration, lightning,
careless handling, misuse, abuse, freezing, disassembly of motor, or failure to follow
maintenance or operating instructions. Modification or repair by an unauthorized repair facility
shall void the warranty.
D. In no case will Water Feature Supply or its distributors accept responsibility for any costs
incurred by the user during installation, removal, inspection, evaluation, repair, parts
replacement, or for return freight. Nor will any liability be accepted for loss of use, loss of
profits, loss of goodwill, for consequential damage, or for personal injuries to the purchaser or
any person.
E. No implied warranties of any kind is made by Water Feature Supply for its products, and no
other warranties, whether expressed or implied, including implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shall apply. If an Aqua Control product
proves to be defective in materials or workmanship, the retail purchasers sole remedy shall
be repair or replacement of the product as expressly provided above.
Custom Water Feature
Water Feature Supply
P : (858) 876-7261
E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com

Michael Martin

October 2, 2012

A. Basis of Design Manufacturer:
Water Feature Supply
10065 Rue Chantemar
San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: (858)876-7261
Website: http://www.waterfeaturesupply.com
A. Fountain Details
1. Fountain Dimensions (72H by 60W by 6D)
2. Water Distribution Unit
a) Bottom Trey Reservoir: Manufacturer's stainless steel basin.
b) Side rail water fill and disbursement
c) Top trey water distribution unit
d) Submersible Fountain Pump
Electrical  Lights and Pump
a) Standard 110 AC Volt Outlet
b) 6  Power Cord (exit to be determined by client)
4. Waterfall Pumps(Also Dependent upon selected dimensions)
a) Control Panel: UL Listed, pump and light timer, lockable.
5. Control Panel: UL Listed, pump and light timer, lockable.
6. Lights: Copper body, stainless steel fasteners, tempered glass lenses, UL rated
7. Underwater sealants as required for a complete installation.
8. Removable steel cover grille at lower basin.
9. Industrial grade waterproofing. (stone facings)

10. Slate Face Pieces  2
11. Automatic refresh system

A. Installer shall examine substrates, supports, and conditions under which this work is to be
performed and notify Contractor, in writing, of conditions detrimental to the proper completion
of the work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.
Beginning of installation will be construed as Installer accepting substrates and conditions.
A. Strictly comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and approved details.
B. Securely anchor work to desired location.
C. Install electrical system in accordance with the National Electric Code and applicable
Custom Water Feature
Water Feature Supply
P : (858) 876-7261
E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com

Michael Martin

October 2, 2012

A. Prepare and start equipment and systems in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and
B. Adjust for proper operation within manufacturer's published tolerances.

A. See Section - Closeout Submittals, for closeout submittals.
B. Training: Train Owner's personnel on operation and maintenance of system.
1. Use operation and maintenance manual as training reference, supplemented
withadditional training materials as required.
A. Adjust equipment, operating parts and similar items to work easily, smoothly, and correctly.
B. Clean exposed surfaces using manufacturer recommended materials and methods. Remove
and replace work which cannot be successfully cleaned.
C. Test all equipment to show that it complies with specified requirements, and that the water
features are in proper working order.
1. Pressure test water service piping until free of leaks or other defects.
2. Test electric circuits, feeders, and equipment.
A. Provide and review maintenance manual, demonstrate equipment, and instruct Owner's
personnel in routine maintenance and proper operation procedures.
A. Clean exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. Make sure insides of basins are clear
ofconstruction debris.
B. Touch up exposed finishes and restore damaged or soiled areas.
C. Protect installed water feature from subsequent construction operations

息 2013 Water Feature Supply.

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Water Feature CSI For Water Feature Supply

  • 1. Custom Water Feature Water Feature Supply P : (858) 876-7261 E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com Michael Martin October 2, 2012 SECTION 131200 WATER FEATURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01SUMMARY A. Provide the following custom water feature at location chosen by client. 1. Fountain Materials. (To be determined by the client) 2. Fountain Dimensions. (96 by 84 or other selected size) 3. Pump Information 4. Lighting for Fountain 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES A. Indoor water feature 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators; National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 2006. B. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2008 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: Coordinate the installation of the indoor water feature with size, location and installation of service utilities B. Pre-installation Meeting: Conduct a pre-installation meeting one week prior to the start of the work of this section; require attendance by all affected installers. 1.05SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's printed product data, specifications, standard details, installation instructions, use limitations and recommendations for each piece of equipment, system, and material used. B. Shop Drawings: Provide large scale shop drawings for fabrication, installation and erection of all parts of the work. Provide plans, elevations, and details of anchorages, connections and accessory items. Provide wiring diagrams and installation templates for work installed by others. Show all interfaces and relationships to work of other trades. C. Shop Drawings: For fabrication and installation of interior water feature. 1. Include elevations, detail section, mounting information, reinforcement, interface withadjacent materials and location and placement of remote components. D. Samples: Submit samples as required. E. Manufacturer's Qualification Statement.
  • 2. Custom Water Feature Water Feature Supply P : (858) 876-7261 E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com Michael Martin October 2, 2012 1.06QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source: All water feature equipment provided from a single qualified manufacturer to ensure a single source of responsibility for the interrelated components. B. The pump motor shall be an industry standard submersible motor with mechanical seals and heavy duty bearings designed to operate under water. External components shall be stainless steel. C. Controllers shall comply with National Electrical Code (NEC) and Underwriters Laboratory (UL) standards and shall be labeled where required by code. Control enclosures shall be NEMA rated for service and application. 1.07DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials and products in unopened, factory labeled packages. Store and handle in strict compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Store under cover and protect from weather damage. B. Sequence deliveries to avoid delays, minimize on-site storage. 1.08WARRANTY A. Manufacturer shall provide a two-year limited warranty for all fountain parts, workmanship, and design functionality. Fountain pump warranty dependent upon manufacturer. B. Water Feature Supply warrants to the original purchaser (the end user) of any custom water feature or any part thereof which proves to be defective in materials or workmanship, as determined by the factory within the warranty period from the shipping date, will be repaired or replaced at no charge with a new or remanufactured part, and returned freight prepaid. 1. Exceptions are light lamps and lenses which carry a thirty (30) day warranty. The end user shall assume the responsibility and expense for removal, packaging, and freight to ship to Water Feature Supply to determine warranty and for all reinstallation expenses. C. The warranty is void where damage results from: operation with no flow, continued operation with only partial flow, continued operation with obstructions that result in pump cavitation (noisy operation), improper electrical connection, improper voltage, alteration, lightning, careless handling, misuse, abuse, freezing, disassembly of motor, or failure to follow maintenance or operating instructions. Modification or repair by an unauthorized repair facility shall void the warranty. D. In no case will Water Feature Supply or its distributors accept responsibility for any costs incurred by the user during installation, removal, inspection, evaluation, repair, parts replacement, or for return freight. Nor will any liability be accepted for loss of use, loss of profits, loss of goodwill, for consequential damage, or for personal injuries to the purchaser or any person. E. No implied warranties of any kind is made by Water Feature Supply for its products, and no other warranties, whether expressed or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shall apply. If an Aqua Control product proves to be defective in materials or workmanship, the retail purchasers sole remedy shall be repair or replacement of the product as expressly provided above.
  • 3. Custom Water Feature Water Feature Supply P : (858) 876-7261 E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com Michael Martin October 2, 2012 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 INTERIOR WATER FEATURE SYSTEM A. Basis of Design Manufacturer: Water Feature Supply 10065 Rue Chantemar San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: (858)876-7261 Email:sales@waterefeaturesupply.com Website: http://www.waterfeaturesupply.com 2.02 CUSTOM WATER FEATURE COMPONENTS A. Fountain Details 1. Fountain Dimensions (72H by 60W by 6D) 2. Water Distribution Unit a) Bottom Trey Reservoir: Manufacturer's stainless steel basin. b) Side rail water fill and disbursement c) Top trey water distribution unit d) Submersible Fountain Pump Electrical Lights and Pump a) Standard 110 AC Volt Outlet b) 6 Power Cord (exit to be determined by client) 4. Waterfall Pumps(Also Dependent upon selected dimensions) a) Control Panel: UL Listed, pump and light timer, lockable. 5. Control Panel: UL Listed, pump and light timer, lockable. 6. Lights: Copper body, stainless steel fasteners, tempered glass lenses, UL rated cords. 7. Underwater sealants as required for a complete installation. 8. Removable steel cover grille at lower basin. 9. Industrial grade waterproofing. (stone facings) 3. 10. Slate Face Pieces 2 11. Automatic refresh system PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Installer shall examine substrates, supports, and conditions under which this work is to be performed and notify Contractor, in writing, of conditions detrimental to the proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning of installation will be construed as Installer accepting substrates and conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Strictly comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and approved details. B. Securely anchor work to desired location. C. Install electrical system in accordance with the National Electric Code and applicable regulations.
  • 4. Custom Water Feature Water Feature Supply P : (858) 876-7261 E : sales@waterfeaturesupply.com Michael Martin October 2, 2012 3.03 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Prepare and start equipment and systems in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and recommendations. B. Adjust for proper operation within manufacturer's published tolerances. 3.04 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. See Section - Closeout Submittals, for closeout submittals. B. Training: Train Owner's personnel on operation and maintenance of system. 1. Use operation and maintenance manual as training reference, supplemented withadditional training materials as required. 3.05ADJUSTING, TESTING, AND CLEANING A. Adjust equipment, operating parts and similar items to work easily, smoothly, and correctly. B. Clean exposed surfaces using manufacturer recommended materials and methods. Remove and replace work which cannot be successfully cleaned. C. Test all equipment to show that it complies with specified requirements, and that the water features are in proper working order. 1. Pressure test water service piping until free of leaks or other defects. 2. Test electric circuits, feeders, and equipment. 3.06 DEMONSTRATION A. Provide and review maintenance manual, demonstrate equipment, and instruct Owner's personnel in routine maintenance and proper operation procedures. 3.07 PROTECTION A. Clean exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. Make sure insides of basins are clear ofconstruction debris. B. Touch up exposed finishes and restore damaged or soiled areas. C. Protect installed water feature from subsequent construction operations END OF SECTION INTERIOR FOUNTAINS 13 12 23 - 1 息 2013 Water Feature Supply.