1. Assessment of water footprints in University of
Gujrat and development of guidelines for
sustainable use of water
Umeed Maalik
Supervisor: Dr. Rashid Saeed
Water scarcity is most rising and burning issue
regarding human consumption
Human water use is of two types direct use and indirect
Water Footprint is an innovative approach to study
and manage human water use presented by Dr.
Hoekstra in 2002.
Assessment of water use and water loss at campus.
Dissemination of sustainable water use at campus.
Assessment and calculation of water footprints at campus
with international standard calculator methodology.
Assessment and calculation of water footprints at campus
with international standard calculator methodology.
Assessment and calculation of water footprints at campus
with international standard calculator methodology.
Media awareness campaign about water conservation.
No. of
List of selected Variables with symbols
1 Profile (P)
2 Campus Food (CF)
3 Campus Activity (CA)
4 Residential Site (RS)
5 Washing Habits (WH)
6 Energy Needs (EN)
7 Food Habits (FH)
8 Drinking Intake (DI)
9 Shopping Habits (SH)
10 Awareness (A)
Hafiz Hayat Campus University of Gujrat is the
selected study area.
People from different cultural backgrounds and work
activities are available here.
Various life activities like academics, libraries, labs,
cafeterias, photocopy shops and transport section are
together available to study water consumption in these
life forms.
9. Hafiz Hayat Campus UOG Map Sketch
Academic Blocks, Labs and Libraries
Cafeterias, Photocopy shops and Tuck shops
Hostels and residential area
10. Water Footprint Concept
Water Footprint (WF) is an innovative idea like
carbon footprint and ecological footprint
It was presented by Dr. Hoekstra in 2002. Then
Water footprint network was established.
Water footprint calculators especially GRACEs
Water Footprint methodology was introduced in
A European's Water Footprint is determined as
3550 liters per capita per day.
From Campus population
3181.4060347liters/person /day
11. Questionnaire Results
About 7149303.46 liters/day water used by
campus population during working hours.
It was observed that 1241.1985069
liters/person/day of water used during
working hours.
About 11175595.3 liters/day water consumed
by the campus people after working hours.
About 31814.060347liters/person /daywater
was consumed by campus population.
12. Data Sheet results
Cafeteria and Hostel
Transport section=1654.3423L/d
Management section
Water pumped= 10500105L/d
(WAPADA +generators)
13. Data Sheet Results
Photocopy shops=37500 (3) = 112500L/d
Tuck Shops=92000 (5) = 460000 L/d
UOG Mart =52280 L/d
Bank services=37500 (2) = 75000 L/d
University store= 15895.02386L/d
University Examination Cell
(4.11.1 4.11.12 activities )
19973141.013 liters/day
15. Reference
Seelen, L. M., Flaim, G.,
Jennings, E., &Domis, L. N. D.
S. (2019).Saving water for the
future: Public awareness of
water usage and water
quality.Journal of
environmental management,
242, 246-257