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Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten
Highly DemandedHighly Demanded
Professional Skills.Professional Skills.
1. Ten Different Skills.1. Ten Different Skills.
2. Suggestions.2. Suggestions.
3. Conclusion.3. Conclusion.
4. Q & A Session.4. Q & A Session.
Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten
Highly DemandedHighly Demanded
Professional Skills.Professional Skills.
1. Research Skills.1. Research Skills.
2. Flexibility Skills.2. Flexibility Skills.
3. Computer Skills.3. Computer Skills.
4. Communication Skills.4. Communication Skills.
Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten
Highly DemandedHighly Demanded
Professional Skills.Professional Skills.
5. Planning Skills.5. Planning Skills.
6. Leadership Skills.6. Leadership Skills.
7. Multicultural Skills.7. Multicultural Skills.
8. Interpersonal Skills.8. Interpersonal Skills.
Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten
Highly DemandedHighly Demanded
Professional Skills.Professional Skills.
9. Team Work Skills.9. Team Work Skills.
10. Problem Solving Skills.10. Problem Solving Skills.
1. Willing to Learn.1. Willing to Learn.
2. Professionalism.2. Professionalism.
3. Positive Attitude.3. Positive Attitude.
 Winners do not do different things.Winners do not do different things.
But they do things differently.But they do things differently.

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  • 1. Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten Highly DemandedHighly Demanded Professional Skills.Professional Skills. 1. Ten Different Skills.1. Ten Different Skills. 2. Suggestions.2. Suggestions. 3. Conclusion.3. Conclusion. 4. Q & A Session.4. Q & A Session. By: IFTAKHARBy: IFTAKHAR AHMED.AHMED. (M.A,EMBA,PGDPA)(M.A,EMBA,PGDPA)
  • 2. Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten Highly DemandedHighly Demanded Professional Skills.Professional Skills. 1. Research Skills.1. Research Skills. 2. Flexibility Skills.2. Flexibility Skills. 3. Computer Skills.3. Computer Skills. 4. Communication Skills.4. Communication Skills. 2/62/6
  • 3. Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten Highly DemandedHighly Demanded Professional Skills.Professional Skills. 5. Planning Skills.5. Planning Skills. 6. Leadership Skills.6. Leadership Skills. 7. Multicultural Skills.7. Multicultural Skills. 8. Interpersonal Skills.8. Interpersonal Skills. 3/63/6
  • 4. Ways to Develop the TenWays to Develop the Ten Highly DemandedHighly Demanded Professional Skills.Professional Skills. 9. Team Work Skills.9. Team Work Skills. 10. Problem Solving Skills.10. Problem Solving Skills. 4/64/6
  • 5. Suggestions.Suggestions. 1. Willing to Learn.1. Willing to Learn. 2. Professionalism.2. Professionalism. 3. Positive Attitude.3. Positive Attitude. 5/65/6
  • 6. Conclusion.Conclusion. Winners do not do different things.Winners do not do different things. But they do things differently.But they do things differently. 6/66/6