This document summarizes the different types of white blood cells (WBCs), including their classification, structures, and functions. It discusses neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes. Some key points include:
- WBCs are classified into neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes.
- Neutrophils have multilobed nuclei and granules containing enzymes to kill bacteria during phagocytosis. They are the first responders of the immune system.
- Eosinophils contain granules that help attack parasites and reduce allergic inflammation.
- Basophils contain histamine and other substances that cause immediate hypersensitivity reactions
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2. WBC
• Wbc or leukocyte are the nucleated formed
elements of blood.
Nucleus- Multilobed
Arneth Count
Granules- Primary- Hydrolases Phosphatase
(Azurophil) Myeloperoxidase Sulphatase
Lysozyme Nuclease
Cathepsin G Glycosidase
Secondary- Lactoferrin Vit B12 Binding
Various receptor proteins proteins
Pools.of neutrophil-
I. BM pool- 90% Circulating
II. Intravascular pool- 3%
III. Tissue pool- 7% Marginal
Functions -
1.Defence - a) 1st line b) 2nd line
2. Febrile response
Granules- MBP(major basic protein)
Eosinophil peroxidase
Cationic protein
ECF – A(eosinophilic chemotactic) factor
Functions –
• Attach and kill parasites too large to phagocytose (hydrolytic enzyme,
highly reactive O2 species, MBP)
• Reduce the ill effect of allergic inflammation (Histaminase,
• Anaphylactic reaction (ECF-A)
• Weak phagocytosis
• Granules contain histamine, heparin, bradykinin, serotonin, slow
reacting substances of anaphylasxis and no. of lysosomal enzymes.
1. Immediate hypersensitivity reaction ( Fall in BP, Bronchospasm)
2. Heparin- Anticoagulant, influence lipid metabolism
2 Types – Large - Precursor
Small – Immunity (B & T Lymphocytes)
 First 2-3 days- Immature
 Mature 24 hrs after neutrophil (Second Line Defence)
Enter tissue
Mobile Macrophage(60-80µm) Monocyte (Months & Yrs)
Monocytes+ Mobile macrophage + Fixed tissue Macrophage + Few
specialized Endothelial cells (BM, Spleen & LN) =
 Tissue Macrophage (Histiocytes)
 Macrophage in Lymph Node
 Macrophage in Lungs (Alveolar Macrophage)
 Macrophage in Liver (Kupffer cells)
 Macrophage of Spleen and BM.
27. Neutrophil Monocyte
3-20 bacteria > 100 bacteria
Afterwards- Inactive and dies Afterwards- Digests, extrude
the residual product and
survive for many yrs
3 selective procedures –
1. Smooth surface
2. Protective protein coat
3. Opsonin productions
Role of Defensins (Oxidizing agents)- O2
-, H2O2, OH- , HOCl-
Phagocytosis anaerobic
Bacterias resistant to digestive enzymes are killed by defensins