This document discusses turtles and their characteristics. It provides facts about turtles, including that they breathe air and have a bony or cartilaginous shell. It notes that the largest turtle on record was over 15 feet long, while the smallest tortoise is only about 3 inches long. The upper shell is called the carapace while the lower is the plastron. Sea turtles come in different subspecies and have varying diets, with some eating sponges and jellyfish while others eat shellfish or algae.
5. 5
what is
A Turtle is a reptile
from the Chelonian
family and dwells
well in the water.
Whats up!!
How are you?
6. 6
I wanna get to
know you more
We breathe air and do
not lay eggs
underwater, although many
species live in or around water. The
largest turtles are aquatic.
We special bony or
cartilaginous shell
developed from
our ribs that acts as
a shield.
Alright so, take a
look at my facts
7. 7
The largest ever chelonian
was Archelon ishcyros,
a Late Cretaceous sea turtle
known to have been up to
4.6 m (15 ft) long
The smallest turtle
is the speckled
tortoise of South
Africa. It measures
no more than 8 cm
(3.1 in) in length
and weighs about
140 g (4.9 oz)
The upper shell of the turtle
is called the carapace. The
lower shell that encases the
belly is called the plastron.
The carapace and plastron are
joined together on the
turtle's sides by bony
structures called bridges
8. 8
Sea turtles have several different
subspecies. Many types of sea
turtles feed on sponges,
jellyfish, and other
soft sea life. However,
some turtles that have stronger
jaws feed on shellfish. Not all
sea turtles eat meat though. The
green sea turtle is an herbivore,
which eats no meat at all. They
feed on algae, and are an
important part of coral reef