The document is a screenplay outline describing scenes from the lives of several teenagers. In the first scene, Anna works on her blog "We Are Trying" from her bedroom. In the second scene, Mike discovers Anna's blog and is inspired to leave his house. In the third scene, Joyce talks with her mother in the car about needing to decide her future, but says she doesn't know what she wants. The screenplay goes on to describe interactions between the teenagers at school where some find inspiration or comfort from Anna's blog.
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We are trying SCREENPLAY
[Extreme close-upshot]
We Are Trying,the title of the blogisshown.
[Overthe shouldershot]
Annacontinuouslyworksonherblogandwalks away.
Mike is workingonhislaptop.
[Overthe shouldershot]
Mike stumblesuponthe blogWe Are Trying.
Stay Strongis shownonthe laptop.
Mike is half-smilingwhile lookingatthe blog.
Mike is standingupfromhischair.
2. [Panningwide shot]
Mike puts onhisshoesand picksup hisbag pack.
[Wide shot]
Mike triesto sneakoutof the house withhisfatherfacinghisback to Mike.
[Close up]
Mike walksdown the stairs.
Mike continuestowalkdownthe stairs.
Mike walkstowardsthe door.
Mike opensthe door silently.
Mike walksto the maingate across the garden.
[Wide shot]
Mike walkstowardsthe street.
[Wide shot]
Mike continuestowalkto school.
Mike reachesschool.
[Overthe shoulder]
Mike looksat a car.
3. SCENE 3
JoycesmothersaysYou have to decide whatyouwantto do inlife Joyce,lookingatJoyce.
Joyce takesherearphonesoff.
Itsyour lastyear inhighschoolsays JoycesmothertoJoyce.
[Close upshot]
I knowclaimsJoyce.
Joyce and hermothersitin silence.
[Mid shot]
I dontknowmyself okaysaysJoyce to hermotheras she walksoutof the car.
[Panningwide shot]
Joyce walkstothe school door.
Joyce walksupthe stairs.
[Wide shot]
Joyce and Annawalkpasteach other.
[Wide shot]
Annawalkstowardsthe stairs.
4. [Midshot]
Annadrops herbooks.Kai triesto help.
Kai helpsAnnapickherbooks.
Kai and hisgirlfriendare sittingonthe staircase.
[Mid- Two shot]
KaisgirlfriendsaystohimIts notyou,itshim.
KaisgirlfriendleavesKai onthe stairsand walksaway.
[Overthe shoulder]
Kai looksat picturesof the two of themon hisphone.
[Close up Pointof view shot]
Kai reads a poston the blogWe Are Trying
[Panningmid shot]
Kai half-smilesandstaresblanklyintoaclassroom.
[Wide shot]
The classroomconsistsof Anna,two female studentsandMike workingontheirindividual tasks.
[Wide shot]
5. Annais workingonthe computerwhensuddenlyagirl walkstowardsherand triestotease and play
withherhair to mockher.
[Overthe shoulder]
Mike noticesthe bullying.
[Close upshot]
Mike is writingacommenton the blogWe Are Trying.
[Wide shot]
Mike tellsthe girl onhisside to leave Annaalone.
Mike pusheshischairback and walkstowardsthe door.
[Pointof view]
Mike opensthe door andlooksat Joyce talkingonthe phone.
Joyce talkson the phone sayingMom,I needto talkto youafterschool.
[Close upshot]
Annasbooks,pills andknivesare shownasshe typesonherlaptops.
[Extreme close up]
CommentsonAnnasblogsayingYoubloghas helpedsomanyotherlike me.Thankyouare shownon
the screen.
[Overthe shoulder]
Annaslooksather knivesandpills.
[Pointof view]
Annapushesthe books,knivesandthe pillsawayfromher.