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2 nd  Demography-Prize Zachte G : ¡° a modern approach towards building networks for young people in a shrinking and ageing region¡± Maja Rocak  Researcher Zuyd University -> NEIMED  Maurice Hermans founder Zachte G community researcher Zuyd University -> NEIMED
The context of Limburg
The context of Limburg
The context of Limburg
Awareness & media
NEIMED: core objectives Research-based knowledge development Collection and dissemination of information Network development Production of innovative ideas and scenarios
We broadcast our talents Zachte G is a net native creative community  contribute to a vital creative climate in the Limburg region
From website to platform zachte g is harvesting  local creativity zachte g is  grass-roots driven fuelled by its members and their input zachte g  promotes the Limburg region  by  displaying local talent and creativity zachte g promotes the Limburg region as a  modern and dynamic region zachte g is about  self-consciousness zachte g provides  identity  for the CE in Limburg zachte g believes in the power of  new media
We broadcast our talents Zachte G activities: zachteg.nl  -> web community & social media zachteg.tv  -> web TV  dutchbutnotfromholland.eu  -> web shop zachte g event  -> yearly event
Let's get physical Zachte G Event 8 th  may 2009 Constructiewerkplaats Schmitz Heerlen
Let's get physical Zachte G Event 8 th  may 2009 Constructiewerkplaats Schmitz Heerlen
It's about economics, stupid Zachte is about opportunities, competitions, jobs ¡° Art prize Arte Laguna 2009 ¡± ¡° High Bridge Internationale Idee?nwedstrijd ¡± ¡° Creativity + Commerce 2010 ¡± Companies can enter a 'pitch' to Zachte G Initiated a webshop: Dutchbutnotfromholland.eu beautiful art & design from the land of Zachte G
Creative entrepreneurship without losing your soul
It's about economics, stupid Zachte is about opportunities, competitions, jobs Companies can enter a 'pitch' to Zachte G Establish cross-overs between young creative economy and traditional economy
blah Develop new thinking on shrinkage
Zachte G & Shrinkage Much attention for the 'silver economy' Be part of the shrinkage debate and communicate the perspective of the creative talents Broadcasting not the typical 'image' of Limburg Attention for the more 'software side' of shrinkage Mobilize the creative capital for shrinkage
Zachte G & Shrinkage Zachte G published a manifesto ¡°Shrinkage and new thinking¡± Egid van Houtem - Maastricht Marcel Tabbers - Venlo Maurice Hermans - Heerlen
Watcht the  Zachte G TV episode ¡°Shrinkage & creative thinking¡± http://www.vimeo.com/7064974

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We broadcast our talents: zachte g in Berlin

  • 1. ?
  • 2. 2 nd Demography-Prize Zachte G : ¡° a modern approach towards building networks for young people in a shrinking and ageing region¡± Maja Rocak Researcher Zuyd University -> NEIMED Maurice Hermans founder Zachte G community researcher Zuyd University -> NEIMED
  • 3. The context of Limburg
  • 4. The context of Limburg
  • 5. The context of Limburg
  • 7. NEIMED: core objectives Research-based knowledge development Collection and dissemination of information Network development Production of innovative ideas and scenarios
  • 8. We broadcast our talents Zachte G is a net native creative community contribute to a vital creative climate in the Limburg region
  • 9. From website to platform zachte g is harvesting local creativity zachte g is grass-roots driven fuelled by its members and their input zachte g promotes the Limburg region by displaying local talent and creativity zachte g promotes the Limburg region as a modern and dynamic region zachte g is about self-consciousness zachte g provides identity for the CE in Limburg zachte g believes in the power of new media
  • 10. We broadcast our talents Zachte G activities: zachteg.nl -> web community & social media zachteg.tv -> web TV dutchbutnotfromholland.eu -> web shop zachte g event -> yearly event
  • 11. ?
  • 12. ?
  • 13. Let's get physical Zachte G Event 8 th may 2009 Constructiewerkplaats Schmitz Heerlen
  • 14. Let's get physical Zachte G Event 8 th may 2009 Constructiewerkplaats Schmitz Heerlen
  • 15. It's about economics, stupid Zachte is about opportunities, competitions, jobs ¡° Art prize Arte Laguna 2009 ¡± ¡° High Bridge Internationale Idee?nwedstrijd ¡± ¡° Creativity + Commerce 2010 ¡± Companies can enter a 'pitch' to Zachte G Initiated a webshop: Dutchbutnotfromholland.eu beautiful art & design from the land of Zachte G
  • 16. ?
  • 17. ?
  • 19. It's about economics, stupid Zachte is about opportunities, competitions, jobs Companies can enter a 'pitch' to Zachte G Establish cross-overs between young creative economy and traditional economy
  • 20. ?
  • 21. blah Develop new thinking on shrinkage
  • 22. Zachte G & Shrinkage Much attention for the 'silver economy' Be part of the shrinkage debate and communicate the perspective of the creative talents Broadcasting not the typical 'image' of Limburg Attention for the more 'software side' of shrinkage Mobilize the creative capital for shrinkage
  • 23. Zachte G & Shrinkage Zachte G published a manifesto ¡°Shrinkage and new thinking¡± Egid van Houtem - Maastricht Marcel Tabbers - Venlo Maurice Hermans - Heerlen
  • 24. Watcht the Zachte G TV episode ¡°Shrinkage & creative thinking¡± http://www.vimeo.com/7064974
  • 25. ?