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We have a DREaM: the Developing
Research Excellence & Methods network

  DREaM Project participant Dr Alison Brettle, @BrettleAli

  with DREaM Project co-investigators:
  Professor Hazel Hall, @hazelh
  Professor Charles Oppenheim, @CharlesOppenh
Aim of the DREaM project

To develop a formal UK-wide network of LIS researchers
January 2011 until August 2012
   Five events
      Launch conference
      Three linked workshops
      Concluding conference (9th July 2012, British Library)

   Event amplification
      Extensive use of social media
         @LIS_DREaM, DREaM online community, Vimeo, 際際滷Share
DREaM Conferences

 Workshop content
   Experts & methods
   Unconference half hour
   Interactive component

 Social aspects of
   Social evenings
   Social networking
   Event amplification
Workshop 1                             Workshop 2                            Workshop 3
Edinburgh 25th October 2011            London 30th January 2012              Edinburgh 25th April 2012
Ethnography                            User involvement: action              Horizon scanning
Social Network Analysis                Techniques from history               Repertory grids
Discourse analysis                     Webometrics                           Data mining
Unconference half hour                 Unconference half hour                Unconference half hour
Ethics and legal issues                Research and policy                   Research impact
 Impact of DREaM: participant
   Social network analysis
      To be reported at DREaM
       conference on July 9th
   Research skills audit
   Critical incidents
   See also feedback on each
 Research skills audit
   Familiarity before & after
   5 point scale for each of 12
    workshop themes
   22 before submissions
   25 after submissions
Never heard    Heard but                    Applied in
                               of this      unfamiliar      In theory     practice           Expert

                             Pre    Post   Pre      Post   Pre    Post   Pre    Post   Pre        Post

Ethnography                  2       0     9         1     8       23    3       1     0              0
Social network analysis      3       0     10        0     8       23    1       2     0              0
Discourse analysis           2       0     12        1     6       19    2       4     0              0
Ethics & legal issues        0       0     3         0     6       10    12     12     2              3
Action research              4       0     4         1     8       18    6       6     0              1
Research techniques from
history                      5       0     9         0     4       20    3       5     0              0
Web metrics                  3       0     10        0     5       23    4       2     0              0
Tying research output to
policy                       0       0     8         0     5       14    8       8     1              3
Horizon scanning             4       0     7         1     7       17    4       5     0              0
Repertory grids              17      0     5         2     0       22    0       1     0              0
Data mining                  0       0     11        2     10      21    1       1     0              0
Increasing research impact   0       0     5         0     8       13    8      10     1              2
 Critical incident analysis
   Use of unconference half
    hour at third workshop to
    collect data on incidents
    of impact
   Thematic analysis: 15
 Themes: impacts
   Influenced choice of PhD methodology or research
   Increased knowledge and (research) confidence
   Gave ability to demonstrate research knowledge
    in the workplace
   Widened network/research relationships
   Generated new resources to share
Influenced                   Methods from DREaM 2
choice of PhD                useful in planning PhD
                             methodology, especially
methodology or               introduction to
research design              ethnography and
                             importance of reflexivity
Able to suggest use of       and discourse analysis.
Social Network Analysis
to colleagues PhD student
who was looking for          Adapted my research
suitable methodology to      methodology for my PhD
measure impact of digital    to analyse discourses
media.                       in interviews and in the
                             literature survey.
Increased                  [We] have input in
 knowledge &                areas where we might
                            not have previously,
 (research)                 because we can make
 confidence                 a contribution
                            wearing [a] DREaM
Ive been more reflective
in my own practice, and
also considered a wider
range of methods and           In chatting with academic
how they overlap or fit        colleagues about another project
together.                      I had insight and confidence that I
                               would not have had if Id not
                               attended LIS DREaM.
Gave ability to            [When] evaluating a
                           service to continuously
demonstrate                improve and measure
research                   outcomes the ideas
                           for designing the study
knowledge in               came from DREaM.
the workplace
In general it has given   When discussing the
me a profile at work      importance of
which allows me to be     evaluation with my
interested in research    manager I mentioned
and its relation to       different tactics that
practice.                 had been explored at
Widened                [I] met Tom Haigh
                       (speaker) who
network &              suggested I join his
research               email list... I now have
                       useful responses to my
relationships          questions and its an
                       interesting list.
It was part of
developing a closer
working relationship   [I] posted details of
with my PhD            regional event and [am]
supervisor.            now in regular Twitter
                       contact with [an] LIS
                       DREaM member.
Following each workshop I
  Generated                  have delivered short
                             sessions for fellow IS
  new resources              researchers where I shared
  to share                   the content and how it
                             impacted on our
[I met a] DREaM              organisation.
delegate doing academic
research. [She] shared
[a] questionnaire she       Delivering the sessions
had used for similar        has focused my learning       My tweet on
project to [mine]. [This    and highlighted               ethnographic research
was] very helpful for [a]   techniques to others          methods was RTd by a
current project.           who intend to apply           colleague whod found it
                            some for research or          useful and recommended
                            work purposes                 it to other students using
                                                          the phdchat hashtag.
 Some conclusions
   DREaM project impact to date
      Largely tied to increase in knowledge and capabilities of
       the workshop cadre
      There is evidence that participants now have a different
       relationship with research
      Event amplification has contributed to potential for
       impact beyond the core group
   What next?
      DREaM2 follow-on grant to capitalise on, and develop
       further, the impact so far
      DREaM Conference, British Library, Monday 9th July
We have a DREaM: the Developing
Research Excellence & Methods network

  DREaM Project participant Dr Alison Brettle, @BrettleAli

  with DREaM Project co-investigators:
  Professor Hazel Hall, @hazelh
  Professor Charles Oppenheim, @CharlesOppenh

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We have a DREaM: the Developing Research Excellence & Methods network

  • 1. We have a DREaM: the Developing Research Excellence & Methods network DREaM Project participant Dr Alison Brettle, @BrettleAli with DREaM Project co-investigators: Professor Hazel Hall, @hazelh Professor Charles Oppenheim, @CharlesOppenh
  • 2. Aim of the DREaM project To develop a formal UK-wide network of LIS researchers January 2011 until August 2012
  • 3. Overview Five events Launch conference Three linked workshops Concluding conference (9th July 2012, British Library) Event amplification Extensive use of social media @LIS_DREaM, DREaM online community, Vimeo, 際際滷Share
  • 5. Workshop content Experts & methods Unconference half hour Interactive component Social aspects of workshops Social evenings Social networking Event amplification
  • 6. Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Edinburgh 25th October 2011 London 30th January 2012 Edinburgh 25th April 2012 Ethnography User involvement: action Horizon scanning research Social Network Analysis Techniques from history Repertory grids Discourse analysis Webometrics Data mining Unconference half hour Unconference half hour Unconference half hour Ethics and legal issues Research and policy Research impact http://lisresearch.org/dream-project/dream-event-2-workshop-tuesday-25-october-2011/ http://lisresearch.org/dream-project/dream-event-3-workshop-monday-30-janua http://lisresearch.org/dream-project/drea
  • 8. Impact of DREaM: participant level Social network analysis To be reported at DREaM conference on July 9th Research skills audit Critical incidents See also feedback on each event http://lisresearch.org/dream-project
  • 9. Research skills audit Familiarity before & after 5 point scale for each of 12 workshop themes 22 before submissions 25 after submissions
  • 10. Never heard Heard but Applied in of this unfamiliar In theory practice Expert Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Ethnography 2 0 9 1 8 23 3 1 0 0 Social network analysis 3 0 10 0 8 23 1 2 0 0 Discourse analysis 2 0 12 1 6 19 2 4 0 0 Ethics & legal issues 0 0 3 0 6 10 12 12 2 3 Action research 4 0 4 1 8 18 6 6 0 1 Research techniques from history 5 0 9 0 4 20 3 5 0 0 Web metrics 3 0 10 0 5 23 4 2 0 0 Tying research output to policy 0 0 8 0 5 14 8 8 1 3 Horizon scanning 4 0 7 1 7 17 4 5 0 0 Repertory grids 17 0 5 2 0 22 0 1 0 0 Data mining 0 0 11 2 10 21 1 1 0 0 Increasing research impact 0 0 5 0 8 13 8 10 1 2
  • 11. Critical incident analysis Use of unconference half hour at third workshop to collect data on incidents of impact Thematic analysis: 15 responses
  • 12. Themes: impacts Influenced choice of PhD methodology or research design Increased knowledge and (research) confidence Gave ability to demonstrate research knowledge in the workplace Widened network/research relationships Generated new resources to share
  • 13. Influenced Methods from DREaM 2 choice of PhD useful in planning PhD methodology, especially methodology or introduction to research design ethnography and importance of reflexivity Able to suggest use of and discourse analysis. Social Network Analysis to colleagues PhD student who was looking for Adapted my research suitable methodology to methodology for my PhD measure impact of digital to analyse discourses media. in interviews and in the literature survey.
  • 14. Increased [We] have input in knowledge & areas where we might not have previously, (research) because we can make confidence a contribution wearing [a] DREaM hat. Ive been more reflective in my own practice, and also considered a wider range of methods and In chatting with academic how they overlap or fit colleagues about another project together. I had insight and confidence that I would not have had if Id not attended LIS DREaM.
  • 15. Gave ability to [When] evaluating a service to continuously demonstrate improve and measure research outcomes the ideas for designing the study knowledge in came from DREaM. the workplace In general it has given When discussing the me a profile at work importance of which allows me to be evaluation with my interested in research manager I mentioned and its relation to different tactics that practice. had been explored at DREaM.
  • 16. Widened [I] met Tom Haigh (speaker) who network & suggested I join his research email list... I now have useful responses to my relationships questions and its an interesting list. It was part of developing a closer working relationship [I] posted details of with my PhD regional event and [am] supervisor. now in regular Twitter contact with [an] LIS DREaM member.
  • 17. Following each workshop I Generated have delivered short sessions for fellow IS new resources researchers where I shared to share the content and how it impacted on our [I met a] DREaM organisation. delegate doing academic research. [She] shared [a] questionnaire she Delivering the sessions had used for similar has focused my learning My tweet on project to [mine]. [This and highlighted ethnographic research was] very helpful for [a] techniques to others methods was RTd by a current project. who intend to apply colleague whod found it some for research or useful and recommended work purposes it to other students using the phdchat hashtag.
  • 18. Some conclusions DREaM project impact to date Largely tied to increase in knowledge and capabilities of the workshop cadre There is evidence that participants now have a different relationship with research Event amplification has contributed to potential for impact beyond the core group What next? DREaM2 follow-on grant to capitalise on, and develop further, the impact so far DREaM Conference, British Library, Monday 9th July
  • 19. We have a DREaM: the Developing Research Excellence & Methods network DREaM Project participant Dr Alison Brettle, @BrettleAli with DREaM Project co-investigators: Professor Hazel Hall, @hazelh Professor Charles Oppenheim, @CharlesOppenh

Editor's Notes

  • #3: DREam is a UK project is funded by the AHRC a national UK research funding body. The grant is held by Edinburgh Napier and the work is supported by LIR Research Coalition. The Board of the LIS Research Coalition dreamt up the project. Hazel developed the proposal based on earlier work by two representatives on the Coalition Board, Professor Charles Oppenheim (JISC) and Stephanie Kenna (British Library)
  • #4: DREam is a UK project is funded by the AHRC a national research funding body. The grant is held by Edinburgh Napier and the work is supported by LIR Research Coalition Hazel and Charles obtained funding, dreamed up the project???? Roles on LIS Coalition???
  • #7: Overview of 3 workshops Methods sessions experts from other fields, plus interactive elements hearing about other peoples research in unconference half hour. Tasks and group work eg discuss ethical problems All very lively and lots of enthusiasm left each day wanting more
  • #8: Outside the workshops the DREaM online community can communicate with each other and obtain updates from the events. This is open to people outside the cadre.
  • #9: Impact of Dream Participant Level Social Network Analysis reported at final conference. Completed a profile at beginning and the end Skills Audit Critical Incidents Focus on the latter 2 Make point that evaluation is ongoing and furthermore that some of the impacts are likely to be long term and difficult to quantify
  • #10: Limited as its not a matched set of responses so can only identify overall trends
  • #11: Good news is that everyone had learned something and at the very least they all remembered the titles and subjects of the presentations!! Largest improvements seemed to be that participants now understood methods in theory does this suggest a good depth of content of presentations?? Or a movement from unfamiliar to know in theory??? Examples that participants are beginning to use the techniques and the learning in practice particular methods but also perhaps elements that are easier to incorporate into daily working eg increasing impact and ethics A few experts longer term to become expert Useful to redo the audit in a year or even longer term and see how things have moved NEED A BETTER WAY OF HIGHLIGHTING THESE???? THINK
  • #12: Brief explanation of technique ie asked them to describe one instance of how they had used the knowledge/experience from participation and its corresponding effect or impact
  • #13: Range of impacts should also say that enjoyment of workshops goes with out saying difficult to capture the buzz that was in the room at the workshops perhaps can see this from some of the videos. This methods captures some of the longer term ones.