The rules of the game have changed
The way goods are produced today is completely different, and so are the goods produced.
With the new trend in technology, consumers can now influence design and control production, and manufacturers are now able to adapt quickly to specific consumer demands.
This shift is particularly exciting for consumers who are able to see the results of their input taken into consideration.
Gone are the days for manufacturers who may be threatened by consumer feedback. Today the technology exists for the development and creation processes to engage consumers earlier to poll for their ideas and opinions. Consumers can become a part of the development process.
The evolution lead manufacturing to face other new challenges such as mass-customization, sustainability and 3D printing . Thus, factories have to be adapted and smarter to improve the consumer experience. Internet of Things, Big Data analytic and remote control are one of the key factors and must be supported by an efficient business process management to connect machines and real time data together. Then, OEMs will be able to answer glocal needs and lower time-to-market, cost while producing high quality products and/or services. Those who embrace this approach are ready to enter the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The rules of the game have changed
The way goods are produced today is completely different, and so are the goods produced.
With the new trend in technology, consumers can now influence design and control production, and manufacturers are now able to adapt quickly to specific consumer demands.
This shift is particularly exciting for consumers who are able to see the results of their input taken into consideration.
Gone are the days for manufacturers who may be threatened by consumer feedback. Today the technology exists for the development and creation processes to engage consumers earlier to poll for their ideas and opinions. Consumers can become a part of the development process.
The evolution lead manufacturing to face other new challenges such as mass-customization, sustainability and 3D printing . Thus, factories have to be adapted and smarter to improve the consumer experience. Internet of Things, Big Data analytic and remote control are one of the key factors and must be supported by an efficient business process management to connect machines and real time data together. Then, OEMs will be able to answer glocal needs and lower time-to-market, cost while producing high quality products and/or services. Those who embrace this approach are ready to enter the 4th Industrial Revolution.
伎 覓 誤磯血 , 讌ロ 覓 誤磯 襦 企り 給. 讌ロ 覓 誤磯 碁 企 讌, 蠏碁Μ螻 企殊磯 蠍磯 IoT 觜る 企至 蟲豢 螳ロ 讌 蟷 危エ覲願給 | Now beyond the Internet of Things, we are entering the era of the intelligent Internet of Things. Let's take a look at what the intelligent Internet of Things trend is and how cloud-based IoT services can be built.
襷る 螳碁 ロ 5螳 IT螻 蟯伎 覈 譯殊 蠍一 襴 螳. 螳碁 2021 蠍一襦 瑚 伎れ 螳牛蟆 襴 螻旧襴暑 | 98 / 5000 TTS覲旧蠍壱蠍一語蠍磯蠍一
伎願鍵/蠍 伎
Every year Gartner introduces key technology trends that will drive disruptive innovation in the IT industry over the next five years. We share a brief summary of what Gartner mentioned as an innovation technology of 2021.