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Beyond NLP Certification Test

Name on Certificate 
Certificate Size                                         A4                              Letter (8.5x11)


          This test contains 50 Multiple Choice Questions.

          Please complete the test as per the example below, placing your answer in the box at the right.
           The answer given below is E.

          Save your completed test as a .doc or .pdf file and return it for grading.

                o   Email: certification@chrishoward.com

                o   Fax: +1-310-316-6708

                o   Mail: Academy of Wealth and Achievement, attn: Certification Department,
                    1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd Ste. 395, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
          Upon completion, you will receive an email with your test results. If you pass, your certificates
           will be sent electronically. If you need to reload, you will be advised of your score via email.


1        The pass mark required for this test is
 A       100%
 B       25%

 C       70%
 D       80%
 E       75%

1        Rapport is defined as
 A       The ability to influence someone to do what you want them to do
         A feeling of friendship toward another person
         A feeling of trust and responsiveness
         A strategy for getting what you want

                                                                        息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012
                                                                     Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test
                                                                                                          Page 1 of 9
2   One indicator of rapport is
A   An internal dialogue saying you know this person
    The ability to lead behavior
    The ability to know what the other person is thinking
    Accurately guess their star sign
3   The sensory modalities are
A   Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Olfactory and Auditory Digital
    Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Auditory Digital
    Visual Constructed, Visual Remembered, Auditory Digital
    Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
4   The Law of Requisite Variety states:
A   The requirement of every person to have rapport with their unconscious mind
    The person with the most Sensory Acuity is in control
    The person with the most Situational Awareness is in control
    The person with the most behavioral flexibility is in control
5   In regards to Sensory Acuity we look for Skin Tonus shifts from
A   Shiny to Not Shiny
    Light to Dark
    Changes in shape as indicated by lines or no lines
    All of the above
6   In regards to Sensory Acuity we look for Skin Color shifts from
A   Blood to no blood
    Shiny to not shiny
    Light to dark
    None of these
7   Three other areas we can calibrate physiological change are
A   Breathing, lower lip size and eyes
    Breathing, eye color, blink rate
    Blink rate, feeling inside, saying something (optional)
    A & B but not C
8   The basis of gaining rapport with another person is
A   Matching and mirroring
    Mind reading skills
    Making the other person think exactly like you do about everything
                                                                     息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012
                                                                  Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test
                                                                                                       Page 2 of 9
9    Three areas to mirror/match for gaining rapport are
A    Mirroring, matching and heart rate
     Physiology, breathing, chunk size
     Blink rate, feeling inside, saying something (optional)
     All of the above
10   Vc describes
A    Visual Color  a Sub-Modality
     Visual Constructed
     Virtual Constructed
     Venus Corpulosum  a brain construct opposite the R.A.S.
11   Preferred Representational System is
A    The only thing necessary to mirror to create instant rapport
     The key defining aspect of a persons personality
     The sensory modality used to initiate access to stored information
     The sensory modality most commonly used to access and process experience
12   Lead Representational System is
A    The sensory modality used to initiate access to stored information
     The only thing necessary to match and mirror to create instant rapport
     An indicator of someone hiding the truth
     A way to lead someone from their own Preferred Representational System to your own
13   Lead Representational System is usually determined by
A    Taking the neurological opposite of the Preferred Representational System
     Asking for it  What is your Lead?
     Initial eye movement when asked questions causing memory recall
     Looking for R.E.M. during sleep
14   The following is a list of VISUAL predicates/predicate phrases
A    I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through, Push through it
     See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear
     I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me
     Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options
15   The following is a list of AUDITORY predicates/predicate phrases
A    I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through it, Push through it
     See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear
     I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me
     Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options
                                                                       息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012
                                                                    Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test
                                                                                                         Page 3 of 9
16   The following is a list of KINESTHETIC predicates/predicate phrases
A    I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through, Push through it
     See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear
     I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me
     Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options
17   The following is a list of AUDITORY DIGITAL predicates/predicate phrases
A    I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through, Push through it
     See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear
     I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me
     Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options
18   The following is a VISUAL statement
A    Things are looking up
     You really sound excited
     I get where you are going
     All of the above
19   The following is an AUDITORY statement
A    You really sound excited
     I get where you are going
     Things are looking up
     None of the above
20   The process Overlapping Representational Systems means to
A    Lead someone from their own Preferred Representational System to your own
     Take someone elses rapport and make it your own
     Move from a preferred to non-preferred Representational System
     Uncover someone not telling the truth
21   A key criteria for creating outcomes is
A    Only set one goal at a time
     To have it stated in the positive
     Strategic Vision every goal you set
     Include Away From States to cause motivation
22   The following is a Mind Read (MR)
A    She was crying
     She said to me that she did not like chocolate
     She looked thrilled
     The volume of his voice diminished
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23   The following is a Sensory based (S) observation
A    They are not a goal achiever
     She looked thrilled
     The volume of his voice diminished
     The other person is upset now
24   Four components of verbal communication for mirroring and matching are
A    Tone, tonus, lower lip size, blink rate
     Tone, tempo, volume, and timber
     Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic & Auditory Digital
     It is actually three, because three is the magic number in hypnosis
25   The following is true for describing the R.A.S.
A    Reticular Activating System = determines what we focus on and delete
     Result Acceleration System = determines what we focus on and delete
     Reticular Activating Systems = determines what language we understand
     None of the above
26   An anchor is defined as
A    A link between a physical stimulus and an emotional state or response
     A bell ringing and causing reactions
     A powerful set of emotional states
     A tool to overcome limiting emotional states
27   The Five keys to anchoring are
A    Internet, Timing, Uniqueness, Replicability, Number of Tempos
     Intent, Timing Uniqueness, Replicability, Number of Times
     Intensity, Timing, Uniqueness, Repetition, Number of Times
     Intensity, Timing, Uniqueness, Replicability, Number of Times
28   The Clarity Model is a linguistic model that
A    Creates ambiguity through artfully vague language patterns
     Explores and/or uncovers specificity and shallow structure of language
     Explores and/or uncovers specificity and deep structure of language
     All of the above
29   The Clarity Model is the linguistic opposite of the
A    Unclarity Model
     Hypnotic Language Patterns
     Ambiguity Model
     Meta Model
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                                                                    Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test
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30   The letters E in C.R.E.A.T.E. stand for
A    Evidence Procedure & End Step
     Ecological & End Step
     Extra step & Entrepreneurial
     Established & Exact
31   The three processes for internalizing experience and upon which the Clarity Model are based are
A    Distortion, Deletion & Generalization
     Distinction, Deletion & Generalization
     Distortion, Deletion & Greatness
     Seeing it, feeling it & believing it
32   Future Pacing is useful for
A    Ending a process on a high
     Using Hypnosis
     Generalizing change into a persons real life and future time stream
     Making it look like you know what you are doing with this stuff
33   When collapsing a negative anchor using the Collapse Anchor process, it is important to
A    Stack powerful positive states and DO NOT stack the negative states
     Stack powerful positive states and ALWAYS stack the negative states
     Use all the knuckles on both hands if you have to
     Always us a bell ringing every time you set a state anchor
34   A Neural Bridge is a kinesthetic strategy for transitioning through anchored states whereby
A    The second state can be toward and the second last can be away from
     The second state can be an away from and the second last can be toward
     The second state must be an away from and the second last must be toward
     The second state can be an away from and the second last must be toward
35   Sub-Modalities are
A    Used to build modalities
     The building blocks of the structure of experience
     Only a basic tool used in old style processes
     The smallest part created during stressful times
36   Three keys to producing results with working with Sub-Modalities are
A    Speed, Universals, Direction
     Speech, Universals, Drivers
     Speed, Universals, Drivers
     Associated, Dissociated, Location
                                                                       息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012
                                                                    Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test
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37   Contrastive Analysis is
A    Is the only tool necessary for successful sales
     A Context Reframe
     The process of identifying the differences in two or more patterns
     The process of identifying the similarities in two or more patterns
38   With a Belief Change with Sub-Modalities (SMDs), which is true
A    Elicit all SMDs including the new desired state
     Elicit all SMDs except for the old unwanted state
     Elicit all SMDs except for the new desired state
     Elicit no SMDs except for the new desired state
     According to Eye Accessing Cues, the lower right hand quadrant when looking at another person
     could mean they are accessing
A    Auditory Digital
     Visual Construct
     Auditory Remembered
     Visual Remembered
     Answer: The order & sequence of internal and external events consistently applied to deliver a
     desired result Question
A    What is the definition of a Strategy?
     What is anchoring?
     How do you change someone?
     What is a Strategy Scrambler?
41   Motivation, Decision, Convincer, Reassurance are the major components of which Strategy?
A    Love
     All of the above
42   What are the major components of a Love Strategy
A    Motivation, Decision, Reassurance
     Attraction, Recognition, Deep Love
     Number of times, Automatic, Constant
     Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
43   A Phobia is
A    Justified if the thing is really scary
     An intense irrational fear
     The Immune system attacking its own body
     There for life  nothing can fix it
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Someone who is often late, likes to live in the moment, is not inherently good at setting Goals could
     be considered
A    An In Time Person
     A Through Time Person
     A Loser
     Someone who needs to do Wealth Acceleration Certification Level 1
45   The three statements for the Agreement Frame are:
A    Get it, Got it, Good
     Yes, I see, I appreciate
     An elegant way to overcome resistance
     I appreciate and I respect and I agree and
46   When using the Phobia Scramble, it is important to
A    Run the movie forward once in black and white and then backwards repeatedly
     Run the movie forwards and backwards in rapid motion
     Run the movie forwards slow and backwards fast
     Use black and white to paint out the difference in their response
47   In a Parts Integration you need to do this first
A    Separate Intention from Behavior by chunking up to common ground
     Identify the conflict and the parts involved
     Test & Future Pace
     Elicit opposite or flip side of the coin
48   In Strategic Visioning TM, it is important that the final state be
A    Associated so that the person knows it is possible
     Associated because thats what the Law of Attraction says to do
     Dissociated to create tension toward achievement of the goal
     Dissociated so that the ultimate outcome is still a surprise
     Close your eyes, think of something in your future. Point in that direction. Do the same for
     something in your past. This is the process for
A    Eliciting someones Time Stream
     Eliciting someones spelling strategy
     The first thing you need to do before you start a Parts Integration
     A suggestibility test in hypnosis
50   Which of the following is a Suggestibility Test
A    Postural Sway
     Book and Balloon
     Finger Vise
     All of the above
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Wealth acceleration level 1 test

  • 1. Beyond NLP Certification Test Name Name on Certificate Certificate Size A4 Letter (8.5x11) Instructions: This test contains 50 Multiple Choice Questions. Please complete the test as per the example below, placing your answer in the box at the right. The answer given below is E. Save your completed test as a .doc or .pdf file and return it for grading. o Email: certification@chrishoward.com o Fax: +1-310-316-6708 o Mail: Academy of Wealth and Achievement, attn: Certification Department, 1601 N. Sepulveda Blvd Ste. 395, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Upon completion, you will receive an email with your test results. If you pass, your certificates will be sent electronically. If you need to reload, you will be advised of your score via email. Example: 1 The pass mark required for this test is A 100% B 25% E C 70% D 80% E 75% 1 Rapport is defined as A The ability to influence someone to do what you want them to do B C D A feeling of friendship toward another person A feeling of trust and responsiveness A strategy for getting what you want 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 1 of 9
  • 2. 2 One indicator of rapport is A An internal dialogue saying you know this person B C D The ability to lead behavior The ability to know what the other person is thinking Accurately guess their star sign 3 The sensory modalities are A Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Olfactory and Auditory Digital B C D Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Auditory Digital Visual Constructed, Visual Remembered, Auditory Digital Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic 4 The Law of Requisite Variety states: A The requirement of every person to have rapport with their unconscious mind B C D The person with the most Sensory Acuity is in control The person with the most Situational Awareness is in control The person with the most behavioral flexibility is in control 5 In regards to Sensory Acuity we look for Skin Tonus shifts from A Shiny to Not Shiny B C D Light to Dark Changes in shape as indicated by lines or no lines All of the above 6 In regards to Sensory Acuity we look for Skin Color shifts from A Blood to no blood B C D Shiny to not shiny Light to dark None of these 7 Three other areas we can calibrate physiological change are A Breathing, lower lip size and eyes B C D Breathing, eye color, blink rate Blink rate, feeling inside, saying something (optional) A & B but not C 8 The basis of gaining rapport with another person is A Matching and mirroring B C D Breathing Mind reading skills Making the other person think exactly like you do about everything 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 2 of 9
  • 3. 9 Three areas to mirror/match for gaining rapport are A Mirroring, matching and heart rate B C D Physiology, breathing, chunk size Blink rate, feeling inside, saying something (optional) All of the above 10 Vc describes A Visual Color a Sub-Modality B C D Visual Constructed Virtual Constructed Venus Corpulosum a brain construct opposite the R.A.S. 11 Preferred Representational System is A The only thing necessary to mirror to create instant rapport B C D The key defining aspect of a persons personality The sensory modality used to initiate access to stored information The sensory modality most commonly used to access and process experience 12 Lead Representational System is A The sensory modality used to initiate access to stored information B C D The only thing necessary to match and mirror to create instant rapport An indicator of someone hiding the truth A way to lead someone from their own Preferred Representational System to your own 13 Lead Representational System is usually determined by A Taking the neurological opposite of the Preferred Representational System B C D Asking for it What is your Lead? Initial eye movement when asked questions causing memory recall Looking for R.E.M. during sleep 14 The following is a list of VISUAL predicates/predicate phrases A I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through, Push through it B C D See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options 15 The following is a list of AUDITORY predicates/predicate phrases A I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through it, Push through it B C D See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 3 of 9
  • 4. 16 The following is a list of KINESTHETIC predicates/predicate phrases A I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through, Push through it B C D See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options 17 The following is a list of AUDITORY DIGITAL predicates/predicate phrases A I got it, Gut feeling, Feel my way through, Push through it B C D See, Watch, Looks good to me, Clear I hear you, Loud and clear, Rings true, Resonates with me Does that make sense, Think it through, Lets be logical, List the options 18 The following is a VISUAL statement A Things are looking up B C D You really sound excited I get where you are going All of the above 19 The following is an AUDITORY statement A You really sound excited B C D I get where you are going Things are looking up None of the above 20 The process Overlapping Representational Systems means to A Lead someone from their own Preferred Representational System to your own B C D Take someone elses rapport and make it your own Move from a preferred to non-preferred Representational System Uncover someone not telling the truth 21 A key criteria for creating outcomes is A Only set one goal at a time B C D To have it stated in the positive Strategic Vision every goal you set Include Away From States to cause motivation 22 The following is a Mind Read (MR) A She was crying B C D She said to me that she did not like chocolate She looked thrilled The volume of his voice diminished 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 4 of 9
  • 5. 23 The following is a Sensory based (S) observation A They are not a goal achiever B C D She looked thrilled The volume of his voice diminished The other person is upset now 24 Four components of verbal communication for mirroring and matching are A Tone, tonus, lower lip size, blink rate B C D Tone, tempo, volume, and timber Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic & Auditory Digital It is actually three, because three is the magic number in hypnosis 25 The following is true for describing the R.A.S. A Reticular Activating System = determines what we focus on and delete B C D Result Acceleration System = determines what we focus on and delete Reticular Activating Systems = determines what language we understand None of the above 26 An anchor is defined as A A link between a physical stimulus and an emotional state or response B C D A bell ringing and causing reactions A powerful set of emotional states A tool to overcome limiting emotional states 27 The Five keys to anchoring are A Internet, Timing, Uniqueness, Replicability, Number of Tempos B C D Intent, Timing Uniqueness, Replicability, Number of Times Intensity, Timing, Uniqueness, Repetition, Number of Times Intensity, Timing, Uniqueness, Replicability, Number of Times 28 The Clarity Model is a linguistic model that A Creates ambiguity through artfully vague language patterns B C D Explores and/or uncovers specificity and shallow structure of language Explores and/or uncovers specificity and deep structure of language All of the above 29 The Clarity Model is the linguistic opposite of the A Unclarity Model B C D Hypnotic Language Patterns Ambiguity Model Meta Model 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 5 of 9
  • 6. 30 The letters E in C.R.E.A.T.E. stand for A Evidence Procedure & End Step B C D Ecological & End Step Extra step & Entrepreneurial Established & Exact 31 The three processes for internalizing experience and upon which the Clarity Model are based are A Distortion, Deletion & Generalization B C D Distinction, Deletion & Generalization Distortion, Deletion & Greatness Seeing it, feeling it & believing it 32 Future Pacing is useful for A Ending a process on a high B C D Using Hypnosis Generalizing change into a persons real life and future time stream Making it look like you know what you are doing with this stuff 33 When collapsing a negative anchor using the Collapse Anchor process, it is important to A Stack powerful positive states and DO NOT stack the negative states B C D Stack powerful positive states and ALWAYS stack the negative states Use all the knuckles on both hands if you have to Always us a bell ringing every time you set a state anchor 34 A Neural Bridge is a kinesthetic strategy for transitioning through anchored states whereby A The second state can be toward and the second last can be away from B C D The second state can be an away from and the second last can be toward The second state must be an away from and the second last must be toward The second state can be an away from and the second last must be toward 35 Sub-Modalities are A Used to build modalities B C D The building blocks of the structure of experience Only a basic tool used in old style processes The smallest part created during stressful times 36 Three keys to producing results with working with Sub-Modalities are A Speed, Universals, Direction B C D Speech, Universals, Drivers Speed, Universals, Drivers Associated, Dissociated, Location 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 6 of 9
  • 7. 37 Contrastive Analysis is A Is the only tool necessary for successful sales B C D A Context Reframe The process of identifying the differences in two or more patterns The process of identifying the similarities in two or more patterns 38 With a Belief Change with Sub-Modalities (SMDs), which is true A Elicit all SMDs including the new desired state B C D Elicit all SMDs except for the old unwanted state Elicit all SMDs except for the new desired state Elicit no SMDs except for the new desired state According to Eye Accessing Cues, the lower right hand quadrant when looking at another person 39 could mean they are accessing A Auditory Digital B C D Visual Construct Auditory Remembered Visual Remembered Answer: The order & sequence of internal and external events consistently applied to deliver a 40 desired result Question A What is the definition of a Strategy? B C D What is anchoring? How do you change someone? What is a Strategy Scrambler? 41 Motivation, Decision, Convincer, Reassurance are the major components of which Strategy? A Love B C D Spelling Buying All of the above 42 What are the major components of a Love Strategy A Motivation, Decision, Reassurance B C D Attraction, Recognition, Deep Love Number of times, Automatic, Constant Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic 43 A Phobia is A Justified if the thing is really scary B C D An intense irrational fear The Immune system attacking its own body There for life nothing can fix it 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 7 of 9
  • 8. Someone who is often late, likes to live in the moment, is not inherently good at setting Goals could 44 be considered A An In Time Person B C D A Through Time Person A Loser Someone who needs to do Wealth Acceleration Certification Level 1 45 The three statements for the Agreement Frame are: A Get it, Got it, Good B C D Yes, I see, I appreciate An elegant way to overcome resistance I appreciate and I respect and I agree and 46 When using the Phobia Scramble, it is important to A Run the movie forward once in black and white and then backwards repeatedly B C D Run the movie forwards and backwards in rapid motion Run the movie forwards slow and backwards fast Use black and white to paint out the difference in their response 47 In a Parts Integration you need to do this first A Separate Intention from Behavior by chunking up to common ground B C D Identify the conflict and the parts involved Test & Future Pace Elicit opposite or flip side of the coin 48 In Strategic Visioning TM, it is important that the final state be A Associated so that the person knows it is possible B C D Associated because thats what the Law of Attraction says to do Dissociated to create tension toward achievement of the goal Dissociated so that the ultimate outcome is still a surprise Close your eyes, think of something in your future. Point in that direction. Do the same for 49 something in your past. This is the process for A Eliciting someones Time Stream B C D Eliciting someones spelling strategy The first thing you need to do before you start a Parts Integration A suggestibility test in hypnosis 50 Which of the following is a Suggestibility Test A Postural Sway B C D Book and Balloon Finger Vise All of the above 息 Academy of Wealth & Achievement 2012 Wealth Acceleration Certification TM Level 1 Test Page 8 of 9
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