Everyone procrastinates at times but this cannot continue to be your story if you intend to use your time on this planet to create a massive amount of wealth. Do you think the Bill Gates of the world gave into their internal desire to procrastinate? They may have done it for a little bit but then they could not keep at that for long so they got up and they got moving.
And you must do the same. There is too little time to waste on doing things that take you no closer to your goal so we must keep moving forward and get over the need to procrastinate. Here¡¯s how...
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Wealth creation tactics wct - how to stop procrastinating
2. Everyone procrastinates¡
? But it doesn¡¯t have to be YOUR story
? Do you intend to use your time to create great
? If you do, there¡¯s very little time to waste
? Try these ideas to get you moving:
3. Know what your goal is
? What are you working
? What¡¯s the big idea?
? What pleasure are you
driving towards?
? What pain are you
trying to escape?
? You¡¯ve got to have a big
4. Simplify big tasks
? Don¡¯t allow yourself to
be overwhelmed
? Break big projects into
small chunks
? Keep taking the next
5. Stop overthinking!
? It¡¯s easy to get stuck
? Keep asking yourself
¡°what is the next thing I
need to do to move
? Don¡¯t let your brain
deceive you into
thinking you need a
? Keep moving forward
6. Stop comparing yourself
? Other people can¡¯t be
the measure of how
well you are doing
? Don¡¯t use them as a
reason to stop
? Measure yourself only
against what you know
you are capable of
7. Rebuild faith in yourself
? Take little steps and
celebrate your
? You can do more than
you know or think!
? Overwhelm is your
enemy ¨C keep things
? Determine your path
and stick to it