The document provides an overview of the internet and the world wide web (www). It explains that the internet connects computers globally through a network, while the web is an information sharing system built on top of the internet using HTTP. Webpages are stored on web servers and retrieved by web browsers like Chrome or Firefox in response to URL requests. URLs identify the location of webpages through a protocol, server, and request-URI format. Hyperlinks allow webpages to link to each other and incorporate graphics, audio, and video.
2. What is Internet?
» Internet is a huge network of networks
» It connects computers together on global scale, forming
a network in which any computer can communicate with
any other computer as long as both computers are
connected to the internet
3. What is web?
» World wide web (www) is simply termed as web
» Web is a way of accessing information over the internet
» It is an information sharing model built on top of the
5. Web Data
» Web uses http protocol to transmit data
» Http stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, a language made for
the internet communication
» Data is presented in the form of webpage, these webpages are
stored in a server systerm
» A webserver is an application in the server which listens for requests
from the web clients
» When webserver receives a request for a webpage, it transmits the
webpage back to the web client as response.
» Web clients used are browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox
and Google Chrome
» Webpages are linked to each other using hyperlinks, it can also
include graphics, audio and video
6. Web protocol
» Browsers are used to browse through webpages in the web
» A URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator, is the address
where the webpage is located
» A address is in the format: protocol://server/request-URI,
» The protocol part describes how to tell the server which document
you want and how to retrieve it. The server part tells the browser
which server to contact, and the request-URI is the name used by
the web server to identify the document
» Index.html is the webpage that was requested by the web client user
and which will be retrieved by the webserver and sent as response
to browser. Browser will then display the webpage.