This document summarizes key points from an internet marketing practices course. It discusses techniques for acquiring website visitors through search engine optimization, social media, and paid advertising. It also covers best practices for converting visitors to customers through usability, affordance, and natural mapping principles. Retaining customers is discussed through customer service, personalization, loyalty programs and email marketing best practices. Metrics like conversion rates and their improvement are also covered.
7. How detail you want to see? Individual user, unique installation, AP launch #, tab switch, clicks How frequent you want to be updated? Live TV shopping, TV series, Adwords performance, download conversion, census How much you want to pay? Your time of implementation/analysis Do you have enough resource to act upon the finding?
121. 1. Use main images to introduce 3 new features . gyroscope . video recording / editing . voice control 2. Additional features in smaller space 3. Clear and easy to catch key points
#33: can be used to achieve some desired goal can do what is needed.( 轉檔 ) user can rapidly start getting some work done how well users can use that functionality. easy to remember, high level of productivity is possible. make few errors during the use of the system subjectively satisfied when using it;