Web mining is the process of applying data mining techniques to discover patterns from the World Wide Web. There are three categories of web mining: web content mining which focuses on techniques to find documents that meet certain criteria, web structure mining which aims to leverage the collective judgement of web page quality through hyperlinks, and web usage mining which studies user behavior when navigating the web. Some applications of web mining include determining frequent user access patterns to improve website structure and page design, enhancing e-commerce effectiveness for sales and advertising, and helping to boost the power of web search engines.
2. Outline
What is Web Mining?
Challenges in Web Mining
Applications of Web Mining
Tools used for Web Mining
3. What is
Web Mining is the process of
Data Mining techniques to
discover patterns
from the World Wide Web.
As the name proposes, this is
information gathered by
mining the web.
4. Web Mining Categories
Web Content Mining
Focuses on techniques
for assisting a user in
finding documents that
meet a certain criterion
Image Source:https://techblogwriter.co.uk/learning-and-development-technology-trends/text-video-audio-and-images/
5. Web Mining Categories
Web Structure Mining
Aims at developing
techniques to take
advantage of the
collective judgement of
web page quality which is
available in the form of
Image Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Web-structure-mining-as-a-graph_fig2_305993898/
6. Web Mining Categories
Web Usage Mining
Focuses on techniques to
study the user behaviour
when navigating the web.
Image Source; https://www.123rf.com/photo_99486398_stock-vector-man-working-on-computer-vector-business-icon.html
7. Determining frequent access
behaviour of users.
Improve structure of website and
design of individual pages.
Improve the effectiveness of e-
commerce(sales & advertising).
Web mining helps to improve the
power of web search engine.
Applications of
Web Mining