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Web Mining of Drug
Reviews for Market
Ajinkya Ingle
Rohan Waghere
Priyanka Bhandari
Gaurav Kshirsagar
1. Introduction
2. Gathering data
3. Cleaning data
4. Exploratory data analysis
5. Reviews analysis
6. NLP analysis
7. Classification Algorithms
8. LDA Topic Modelling
9. Conclusion
 The US has the largest pharmaceutical market in
the world with a value of $339 billion USD.
 US prescription drug spending is expected to
reach as high as $610 billion by 2021.
 Pfizer alone spent 7.6 billion dollars on R&D in
financial year 2017.
 The growth is expected to accelerate in coming
 While these drugs are prescribed for their
therapeutic properties, their use may result in
unintended or adverse effects.
 There is a need for people to know the quality of
drugs in this overcrowded market.
Gathering Data - Data Source
 We chose WebMD as our primary source to gather data.
 It is considered a legitimate source of information for all sorts of drugs
Gathering Data
 Searched for top 5 drugs for a
given condition.
 Parsed the data from each of the
drugs page.
 Gathered reviews and ratings
from the drug review page.
 Stored the obtained results in a
csv file.
Gathering Data
 We parsed all the pages to acquire all the reviews.
 Age, Gender, Ratings and Comments were collected in a dataframe.
 Beautifulsoup was used to parse the data from webpages.
Age and Gender
Gathering Data - Final output
 The data had a lot of noise and repetitive terms.
 The age and gender had to be extracted from the Reviewer Details column
Cleaning Data
 Got rid of the repetitive terms
 Created separate columns for Age and Gender
Cleaning Data
 Got rid of rows with NA values or
 Removed Punctuations
 Categorized age groups
 Assigned genders to respective
Exploratory Data Analysis
Stats of the sample dataset
EDA: Gender
 Not a balanced gender
 Female: 67%
Male: 33%
EDA: Age
 Use increased with the
increase in age
 54.7% of the analgesics
users were between age
group 45 to 64
 13.1% of analgesics users
were above the age group
EDA: Effectiveness Rating
 26.6% of Analgesics were
had the highest
Effectiveness Ratings
 While comparable
percentage of ratings were
rated as the second
EDA: Satisfaction Ratings
 32.2% of reviews had the
lowest Satisfaction
 27.1% of reviews had the
Highest Satisfaction
EDA:Comparing two or more features
 Satisfaction Rating vs Ease
of Use Rating
 Ease of Using the
Analgesics doesnt assure
the satisfaction of the
Effectiveness Rating
EDA:Comparing two or more features
 Male customers in 19-24 age category have higher effectiveness rating
 Whereas the opposite is true in 25-34 age category
 Drug has different effects in males and females in different age groups
Satisfaction Rating
Reviews Analysis
 Most of the long reviews come from people who rated 1, 4 or 5.
 Maximum reviews do not contain more than 50 words.
 We also calculated the review length to rating correlation to be 0.068
NLP - TFIDF vectorization
 We used TF-IDF vectorization to identify the important words in the documents.
 Extracted top 5 most important words in each document by its tfidf weight
 Gives a basic ideas of what people are talking about more frequently
Reveals side effects
experienced by
NLP - WordClouds
 WordCloud for female patients
 Migraine, headache, fever are
some of the most cited problems
that can be observed
 WordCloud for male patients
 Sluggish , headache, fever are
some of the most cited problems
that can be observed
Classification - Using Tfidf vectors and sklearn
 Classifying Satisfaction Rating based on
 Created 3 buckets of reviews
 Cleaned Comments
 Adjective Comments
 Gives a broader picture of variation in the
accuracy of the models
Classification - Confusion Matrices
 The model struggles with 1 star ratings classification .
 Max accuracy we obtained was of linear svm i.e. 52%
 We try a different approach to classify
Classification based on extracted features
 We estrated additional
features like number of
words, chars,..etc.
 Applied classification
algorithms using these
 Compared the results with
previous method.
Correlation of features
 This is a correlation plot where
we can see satisfaction rating
which is our chosen variable
contrasted with other variables
to see how they impact.
 We see effectiveness rating and
satisfaction rating have 0.86
correlation which depicts a high
Age-wise ratings distribution
 Also for example I have shown satisfaction rating distribution
for every age interval and we can thus say that age group 45-
54 and 55-64 were highly satisfied with their feedback of
prescribed medicines.
Comparison of Different Classification Algorithms
 Classifying Satisfaction Rating
based on extracted features
 Demonstrating different
accuracies for our decision
variable in contrast to other
 Naive Bayes=59%
Comparison of Different Classification Algorithms
 Random Forest=61%
 Neural Networks=59%
 Thus we can say Logistic
regression outperforms
other algorithms in our
Parameters Tuning
 We used GridSearch parameters tuning to improve accuracy in MLP classifier
 But no significant performance improvement was observed.
 Average precision of 50% was obtained.
 Neural Networks gets better with more data.
LDA - Topic Modeling (Without TFIDF)
 Top 7 topics and their most frequent words.
 Headache and addictive are some of the perceived side-effects
LDA - Topic Modeling (With TFIDF)
 1st topic mentions the positive words, it means it works for a fair amount of
 However, 2nd Topic shows the side effects like Dizziness and Itching
 Also, People who need more potent drugs use Vicodin instead of Tramadol
 Fibromyalgia is widespread muscle pain in back and shoulder. That one of the
reason patients are prescribed Tramadol to reduce pain
Sentiment Analysis
 More than half of the comments are observed to be subjective.
 Therefore the reliability reduced significantly
Analysis of Drug Side-effects - Comparative Study
 We have tried to analyze the side-effects of drugs and how they vary based on the age groups and drug.
Analysis of Drug Side-effects - Comparative Study
Methadone Morphine
Tramadol Oral All Drugs
Analysis of Drug Side-effects - Comparative Study
 This data can also be used by doctors, so that while prescribing these medicines he can also prescribe
other medicines to reduce the side-effects.
 WebMD reviews are not the ideal place for
drug companies to look for insights since
people are inherently biased either along a
positive side or a negative one.
 However, it is a good source to know the
customers sentiments, the drug side-effects
and study competitors drugs.
Headaches: When Is It an Emergency? The first
page contains no hard facts  you have to click and
thereby drive up the sites lucrative click-throughs
 but instead quickly transforms visitors from Web
users with headaches to hard-core migraineurs and
- Virginia Hefferman (The New York Times)
Thank You !!

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Web mining of drug reviews for market analysis

  • 1. Web Mining of Drug Reviews for Market Analysis Ajinkya Ingle Rohan Waghere Priyanka Bhandari Gaurav Kshirsagar
  • 2. Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Gathering data 3. Cleaning data 4. Exploratory data analysis 5. Reviews analysis 6. NLP analysis 7. Classification Algorithms 8. LDA Topic Modelling 9. Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction The US has the largest pharmaceutical market in the world with a value of $339 billion USD. US prescription drug spending is expected to reach as high as $610 billion by 2021. Pfizer alone spent 7.6 billion dollars on R&D in financial year 2017. The growth is expected to accelerate in coming years. While these drugs are prescribed for their therapeutic properties, their use may result in unintended or adverse effects. There is a need for people to know the quality of drugs in this overcrowded market.
  • 4. Gathering Data - Data Source We chose WebMD as our primary source to gather data. It is considered a legitimate source of information for all sorts of drugs
  • 5. Gathering Data Searched for top 5 drugs for a given condition. Parsed the data from each of the drugs page. Gathered reviews and ratings from the drug review page. Stored the obtained results in a csv file.
  • 6. Gathering Data We parsed all the pages to acquire all the reviews. Age, Gender, Ratings and Comments were collected in a dataframe. Beautifulsoup was used to parse the data from webpages. Ratings Comments/Reviews Age and Gender
  • 7. Gathering Data - Final output The data had a lot of noise and repetitive terms. The age and gender had to be extracted from the Reviewer Details column
  • 8. Cleaning Data Got rid of the repetitive terms Created separate columns for Age and Gender
  • 9. Cleaning Data Got rid of rows with NA values or null. Removed Punctuations Categorized age groups Assigned genders to respective users.
  • 10. Exploratory Data Analysis Stats of the sample dataset
  • 11. EDA: Gender Not a balanced gender distribution Female: 67% Male: 33%
  • 12. EDA: Age Use increased with the increase in age 54.7% of the analgesics users were between age group 45 to 64 13.1% of analgesics users were above the age group 65
  • 13. EDA: Effectiveness Rating 26.6% of Analgesics were had the highest Effectiveness Ratings While comparable percentage of ratings were rated as the second highest
  • 14. EDA: Satisfaction Ratings 32.2% of reviews had the lowest Satisfaction Ratings 27.1% of reviews had the Highest Satisfaction Rating
  • 15. EDA:Comparing two or more features Satisfaction Rating vs Ease of Use Rating Ease of Using the Analgesics doesnt assure the satisfaction of the customer
  • 16. Effectiveness Rating EDA:Comparing two or more features Male customers in 19-24 age category have higher effectiveness rating Whereas the opposite is true in 25-34 age category Drug has different effects in males and females in different age groups Satisfaction Rating
  • 17. Reviews Analysis Most of the long reviews come from people who rated 1, 4 or 5. Maximum reviews do not contain more than 50 words. We also calculated the review length to rating correlation to be 0.068
  • 18. NLP - TFIDF vectorization We used TF-IDF vectorization to identify the important words in the documents. Extracted top 5 most important words in each document by its tfidf weight Gives a basic ideas of what people are talking about more frequently Reveals side effects experienced by people
  • 19. NLP - WordClouds WordCloud for female patients Migraine, headache, fever are some of the most cited problems that can be observed WordCloud for male patients Sluggish , headache, fever are some of the most cited problems that can be observed
  • 20. Classification - Using Tfidf vectors and sklearn Classifying Satisfaction Rating based on comments Created 3 buckets of reviews Comments Cleaned Comments Adjective Comments Gives a broader picture of variation in the accuracy of the models
  • 21. Classification - Confusion Matrices The model struggles with 1 star ratings classification . Max accuracy we obtained was of linear svm i.e. 52% We try a different approach to classify
  • 22. Classification based on extracted features We estrated additional features like number of words, chars,..etc. Applied classification algorithms using these features. Compared the results with previous method. New Features
  • 23. Correlation of features This is a correlation plot where we can see satisfaction rating which is our chosen variable contrasted with other variables to see how they impact. We see effectiveness rating and satisfaction rating have 0.86 correlation which depicts a high correlation.
  • 24. Age-wise ratings distribution Also for example I have shown satisfaction rating distribution for every age interval and we can thus say that age group 45- 54 and 55-64 were highly satisfied with their feedback of prescribed medicines.
  • 25. Comparison of Different Classification Algorithms Classifying Satisfaction Rating based on extracted features Demonstrating different accuracies for our decision variable in contrast to other variables: KNN=40% Naive Bayes=59% Logistic Regression=60.5%
  • 26. Comparison of Different Classification Algorithms SVM=43.5% Random Forest=61% Neural Networks=59% Thus we can say Logistic regression outperforms other algorithms in our scenario.
  • 27. Parameters Tuning We used GridSearch parameters tuning to improve accuracy in MLP classifier But no significant performance improvement was observed. Average precision of 50% was obtained. Neural Networks gets better with more data.
  • 28. LDA - Topic Modeling (Without TFIDF) Top 7 topics and their most frequent words. Headache and addictive are some of the perceived side-effects
  • 29. LDA - Topic Modeling (With TFIDF) 1st topic mentions the positive words, it means it works for a fair amount of customers However, 2nd Topic shows the side effects like Dizziness and Itching Also, People who need more potent drugs use Vicodin instead of Tramadol Fibromyalgia is widespread muscle pain in back and shoulder. That one of the reason patients are prescribed Tramadol to reduce pain
  • 30. Sentiment Analysis More than half of the comments are observed to be subjective. Therefore the reliability reduced significantly
  • 31. Analysis of Drug Side-effects - Comparative Study OxyContinOxyCodone We have tried to analyze the side-effects of drugs and how they vary based on the age groups and drug.
  • 32. Analysis of Drug Side-effects - Comparative Study Methadone Morphine
  • 33. Tramadol Oral All Drugs Analysis of Drug Side-effects - Comparative Study This data can also be used by doctors, so that while prescribing these medicines he can also prescribe other medicines to reduce the side-effects.
  • 34. Conclusion WebMD reviews are not the ideal place for drug companies to look for insights since people are inherently biased either along a positive side or a negative one. However, it is a good source to know the customers sentiments, the drug side-effects and study competitors drugs. Headaches: When Is It an Emergency? The first page contains no hard facts you have to click and thereby drive up the sites lucrative click-throughs but instead quickly transforms visitors from Web users with headaches to hard-core migraineurs and drug. - Virginia Hefferman (The New York Times)

Editor's Notes

  • #11: Knowledge derived from Analysis: Exploratory and Confirmatory nature Detection of Mistakes Checking for assumptions Determining relationships between explanatory variables Assessing the direction and rough size of relationships between exploratory and outcome variables Helps in preliminary selection of appropriate models of the relationship between outcome and other explanatory variables
  • #21: Source : https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/model_selection/plot_confusion_matrix.html