This document discusses the differences between components and web services. Components must be packaged and deployed as part of a larger application system, while web services are published on the web and accessed using standard protocols. Web services allow for interoperability across different platforms and middleware, unlike components. The document also discusses various web service standards needed for interoperability, including those from W3C, OASIS, and WS-I.
6. Komponen vs. service reusable To be used a component must: be packaged to be deployed as part of some larger application system fit with the existing framework used to develop the system Components can be sold. Component developers charge on a per-deployment basis: whenever a new client downloads the component. There are many component frameworks available for building distributed systems (e.g., J2EE, DCOM, .NET, CORBA). The problem is: they are not compatible. Web services are reusable too. To be used a service must: be published on the Web advertise its description and location to potential clients across the Web so that they can access it using standard protocols Web Services can be sold too. Service providers can charge on a per-call basis: each time an existing client interacts with a service by exchanging a new message. Web services can be composed into larger systems and (of course) can be found on the Web. Unlike components, Web services do not have to be downloaded and deployed in order to be used by clients.
10. Standard web service Standard diperlukan karena banyaknya pilihan Web service juga memiliki banyak standard (standard baru, sudah hilang, yg masih terus) Tanpa standard, interoperability tidak kan terjadi. Perlu waktu agar standard diterima secara luas oleh industri. Karena spesifikasi yg diawali dg WS bukan jaminan interoperability ada. Badan standard WS: W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization) GGF (Global Grid Forum)
12. Keterbatasan middleware Web service ditujukan untuk mengatasi beberaoa keterbatasan middleware Non standard interface Sangat mahal untuk membangun sistem tersebar pada berbagai macam platform middleware Lack of trust Trust domain yang berbeda sangat susah Centralized Tidak cocok untu B2B RPC vs. Messaging Interkasi lambat dan asinkron
17. WS dan Middleware Web service bisa dianggap evolusi dari middleware secara alamiah WS standard memungkinkan interoperability antar middleware Proses integrasi lebih mudah B2B integrasi dimungkinkan (SOAP bisa lewat firewall)
18. Arsitektur Interpretasi yg umum adalah dari IBM. Ada 3 elemen: Service requester Service provider Service regitry
19. WS standard The Web service architecture proposed by IBM is based on two key concepts: architecture of existing synchronous middleware platforms current specifications of SOAP, UDDI and WSDL The architecture has a remarkable client/server flavor It reflects only what can be done with SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) UDDI (Universal Description and Discovery Protocol) WSDL (Web Services Description Language)