This document describes a web video plugin that makes it easy for users to add embedded videos or pop-up videos to their web pages. It allows videos to redirect to other pages for monetization purposes. The plugin also protects videos hosted on Amazon S3 from bandwidth theft. It includes both a WordPress and standard web page version, and provides ongoing help for non-technical users to learn how to create and upload web videos.
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Web video make easy
1. Web Video Make Easy
Easily add videos directly into your pages
('embedded'), or trigger them as snazzy 'popups'
Redirect any video to any other web page (once it's
finished or while it's playing) to money-making effect
- including YouTube movies!
Protect videos (and other files) on an Amazon S3
account from bandwidth theft (this alone could save
you a fortune - and great for protecting 'members
only' content)
Unique 'Wordpress' video plugin, plus a version for
standard web pages
Take away the "geek speak" of web video with
ongoing web video help: if you barely know a
THING about creating and uploading web video,
we'll show you how