This talk describes how by combining RDF LinkedData standards from the W3C and the TLS protocol from the IETF, using the work by the WebID Incubator Group at the W3C one can create a global institutional decentralised Web Of Trust to power and secure commercial transactions.
The slides with text for this presentation can be found at
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WebID and eCommerce
1. WebID &
Henry Story
image thanks Licence: CC Attribution
Monday, 30 April 12 1
2. Outline
? Identity from Telecomunication networks to the Web
? WebID and Linked Data
? Com.merce, Trust and the Social Web
Monday, 30 April 12 2
15. RFC 3986, section 3.5
The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
resource and additional identifying information. The identified
secondary resource may be some portion or subset of the primary
resource, some view on representations of the primary resource,
or some other resource defined or described by those
representations. A fragment identifier component is indicated
by the presence of a number sign ("#") character and terminated
by the end of the URI.
Monday, 30 April 12 15
20. WebID in Browsers
? video available at http://bbl?
? describes in detail the WebID spec
Monday, 30 April 12 20
21. $keytool -keystore ubs.jks -genkeypair -validity 365 -alias
bob -ext san="uri:" -ext
Monday, 30 April 12 21
25. DANE:
DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities
? DANE: DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities
Monday, 30 April 12 25
26. SPDY
Faster secure HTTPs
Monday, 30 April 12 26