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 INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. ~ Albert Einstein
 HABITS  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.  - Aristotle  Habits are cobwebs at first, heavy cables at last.  -Chinese Proverb  Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as bad ones.  -Robert Puller  Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, hard to get out of.  -Benjamin Franklin  Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit.  You are what you repeatedly do.  --_______(?)
 Walking the Walk 1.  Our success in work (and life) is tied directly to the habits (good and bad) we develop. 2.  Habits (good and bad) are learnable through practice and repetition, practice and repetition, practice and repetition  (28  consecutive days to develop a good one). 3.  Once a skill/habit locks into your subconscious mind it becomes a permanent part of your behavior. 4.  Once it becomes a habit, it becomes both automatic and  easy to do . 5.  Since all of us already know  much of what we need to do to be successful, the challenge is :   talking the talk  and  walking the walk,   gittin r dun, just doing it , or just  forcing ourselves out of our personal comfort zones
The True Sales PRO 1. Able to make and keep unconditional commitments. Too often that word unconditional is not in the average salesperson's realm of comprehension. 2. They have written personal goals and clear plans to achieve them.  ( >2% ) 3. They are A-Player competent - not just possessing the skills to succeed in sales, but the willingness to execute those skills day-in and day-out. 4. They take full responsibility for meeting their targets. In fact, they find ways to exceed those targets - despite the adversity and obstacles. 5. They are grounded in an effective sales methodology that enables them to control the sales process . They are a student of sales.
The True Sales PRO #2 1.  Smart 2.  Self Starters 3.  Great Communicators 4.  See Sales As A Career (live to sell vs. selling to live) Know How To REALLY Listen 6. Computer Literate
The True Sales PRO #3 Life Long Learners Really Make Helping Others A Priority (with no expectation of receiving anything in return) Committed To Perpetual Improvement
 Saw Sharpener Options* *Doing Nothing - Not Really An Option ($0) *Hire A Personal Life Coach (@ $125/hour) *Attend Motivational  Rah Rah Seminars ($300-$500) *Enroll In A Selling Systems Program ($1500+) *Have the personal discipline to do whatever it takes to make sure you are a better sales person in April than you were in March; better on Tuesday than you were on Monday, etc. etc.  *Thats what youre doing by being with me this AM ($0) *from Mr. Coveys Seven Habits
Christopher Columbus Syndrome
Selling Is it an art? Is it a science?
Great selling is a process artfully done.
No sales, no money. Know sales, know money
Prospecting *prospecting is the life blood of any sales professional *todays prospecting efforts = tomorrows commission dollars *prospecting has to be scheduled like you would a client lunch, a visit to the doctor, etc. *sporadic prospecting doesnt work *prospecting trumps the other sales skills
Hunter or Farmer?  Which are you?   How do you spend your time?   you? How do you spend your time? Page 5
Poll Question #1 Assuming a 40 hour work week,  what percentage of your time should you be spending  managing your existing book of business vs.  prospecting for new business? 1)  80% - 20% (8 hours) 2)  50% - 50% (20 hours) 3)  20% - 80% (32 hours) 4)  never thought about it 5)  99% - 1%  (40 minutes)
Do you have a prospecting plan or do you look at prospecting the way Columbus looked at exploring?
What Activities Comprise A Prospecting Plan? *Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc.   know more about your prospects and your competition than they know about themselves *Read local newspapers, business magazines,  and trade journals *Personal Mailings   letters, HAND WRITTEN thank you notes, birthday cards,  etc. *Personal Email Campaigns *Personal Mailing Campaigns *Corporate Mailings  & Email Campaigns *Touch Points  -- PrintGrowProTAKEAWAY *Traditional Networking (school, church, volunteer activities, civic functions) *Trade shows that visit your town  *4 MORE BIGGEES
The 3 Foot Rule  Execute It Daily *get way out of your comfort zone *smile, make eye contact, and say hi to everyone
Referrals *Have you asked for any in the last 7 days?
Cold Calls
#1  Practice #2  Have Fun!!! #3  Be Prepared/Scripted #4  Expect to Win #5  -  Keep Notes of Who, What, Why, etc. #6  Keep A Journal On How You Perform #7  Always Have Good Questions Ready #8  See #1 (5Ps  Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance)
Social Media
Hi5 MetaCafe DIGG ASmallWorld Plaxo NING LinkedIn YouTube FlickR Twitter MySpace StumbleUpon Facebook WordPress (personal blogs) Color
Social Media is the new cold calling -video-
LinkedIn Personal Blog Twitter YouTube Account
Its no longer only who you know;  its who knows you.
TAKEAWAY  #1 *Plan every day in advance *Make prospecting a part of every day *Always work from a written to do list *Schedule prospecting the same way you would lunch with a client *Make your list the night before the workday ahead *Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly *The first 10% of time you spend planning your work before you begin can save you up to 90% of the time once you get started.
TAKEAWAY  #2 Read Something!  The Go Giver Bob Burg
TAKEAWAY  #3 Google Yourself Monthly
TAKEAWAY  #4 *Call Yourself *Listen To Your Voice Mail Message *Would You Call You Back? *Friendly  Positive  Enthusiastic?

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Webinar Mar 25 際際滷 Share

  • 1.
  • 2. INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. ~ Albert Einstein
  • 3. HABITS We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle Habits are cobwebs at first, heavy cables at last. -Chinese Proverb Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as bad ones. -Robert Puller Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, hard to get out of. -Benjamin Franklin Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do. --_______(?)
  • 4. Walking the Walk 1. Our success in work (and life) is tied directly to the habits (good and bad) we develop. 2. Habits (good and bad) are learnable through practice and repetition, practice and repetition, practice and repetition (28 consecutive days to develop a good one). 3. Once a skill/habit locks into your subconscious mind it becomes a permanent part of your behavior. 4. Once it becomes a habit, it becomes both automatic and easy to do . 5. Since all of us already know much of what we need to do to be successful, the challenge is : talking the talk and walking the walk, gittin r dun, just doing it , or just forcing ourselves out of our personal comfort zones
  • 5. The True Sales PRO 1. Able to make and keep unconditional commitments. Too often that word unconditional is not in the average salesperson's realm of comprehension. 2. They have written personal goals and clear plans to achieve them. ( >2% ) 3. They are A-Player competent - not just possessing the skills to succeed in sales, but the willingness to execute those skills day-in and day-out. 4. They take full responsibility for meeting their targets. In fact, they find ways to exceed those targets - despite the adversity and obstacles. 5. They are grounded in an effective sales methodology that enables them to control the sales process . They are a student of sales.
  • 6. The True Sales PRO #2 1. Smart 2. Self Starters 3. Great Communicators 4. See Sales As A Career (live to sell vs. selling to live) Know How To REALLY Listen 6. Computer Literate
  • 7. The True Sales PRO #3 Life Long Learners Really Make Helping Others A Priority (with no expectation of receiving anything in return) Committed To Perpetual Improvement
  • 8. Saw Sharpener Options* *Doing Nothing - Not Really An Option ($0) *Hire A Personal Life Coach (@ $125/hour) *Attend Motivational Rah Rah Seminars ($300-$500) *Enroll In A Selling Systems Program ($1500+) *Have the personal discipline to do whatever it takes to make sure you are a better sales person in April than you were in March; better on Tuesday than you were on Monday, etc. etc. *Thats what youre doing by being with me this AM ($0) *from Mr. Coveys Seven Habits
  • 10. Selling Is it an art? Is it a science?
  • 11. Great selling is a process artfully done.
  • 12. No sales, no money. Know sales, know money
  • 14. Prospecting *prospecting is the life blood of any sales professional *todays prospecting efforts = tomorrows commission dollars *prospecting has to be scheduled like you would a client lunch, a visit to the doctor, etc. *sporadic prospecting doesnt work *prospecting trumps the other sales skills
  • 15. Hunter or Farmer? Which are you? How do you spend your time? you? How do you spend your time? Page 5
  • 16. Poll Question #1 Assuming a 40 hour work week, what percentage of your time should you be spending managing your existing book of business vs. prospecting for new business? 1) 80% - 20% (8 hours) 2) 50% - 50% (20 hours) 3) 20% - 80% (32 hours) 4) never thought about it 5) 99% - 1% (40 minutes)
  • 17. Do you have a prospecting plan or do you look at prospecting the way Columbus looked at exploring?
  • 18. What Activities Comprise A Prospecting Plan? *Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc. know more about your prospects and your competition than they know about themselves *Read local newspapers, business magazines, and trade journals *Personal Mailings letters, HAND WRITTEN thank you notes, birthday cards, etc. *Personal Email Campaigns *Personal Mailing Campaigns *Corporate Mailings & Email Campaigns *Touch Points -- PrintGrowProTAKEAWAY *Traditional Networking (school, church, volunteer activities, civic functions) *Trade shows that visit your town *4 MORE BIGGEES
  • 19. The 3 Foot Rule Execute It Daily *get way out of your comfort zone *smile, make eye contact, and say hi to everyone
  • 20. Referrals *Have you asked for any in the last 7 days?
  • 22. #1 Practice #2 Have Fun!!! #3 Be Prepared/Scripted #4 Expect to Win #5 - Keep Notes of Who, What, Why, etc. #6 Keep A Journal On How You Perform #7 Always Have Good Questions Ready #8 See #1 (5Ps Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance)
  • 24. Hi5 MetaCafe DIGG ASmallWorld Plaxo NING LinkedIn YouTube FlickR Twitter MySpace StumbleUpon Facebook WordPress (personal blogs) Color
  • 25. Social Media is the new cold calling -video-
  • 26. LinkedIn Personal Blog Twitter YouTube Account
  • 27. Its no longer only who you know; its who knows you.
  • 28. TAKEAWAY #1 *Plan every day in advance *Make prospecting a part of every day *Always work from a written to do list *Schedule prospecting the same way you would lunch with a client *Make your list the night before the workday ahead *Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly *The first 10% of time you spend planning your work before you begin can save you up to 90% of the time once you get started.
  • 29. TAKEAWAY #2 Read Something! The Go Giver Bob Burg
  • 30. TAKEAWAY #3 Google Yourself Monthly
  • 31. TAKEAWAY #4 *Call Yourself *Listen To Your Voice Mail Message *Would You Call You Back? *Friendly Positive Enthusiastic?

Editor's Notes

  • #16: Prospect Management