This document summarizes a webinar about using data from a school library assessment rubric and student survey to develop a library program plan. It discusses connecting data on areas like staffing hours and library budgets to categories in the rubric to identify strengths and areas for growth. The webinar also covers sharing this information with stakeholders to advocate for the library program and get input on the plan.
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1. AASL Online Learning Series:
A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners
The webinar will begin momentarily.
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2. Audience Survey
Please select school level
A. Elementary School
B. Middle School
C. High School
D. University
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
3. Audience Survey
Please select your position
A. School Librarian
B. Educator
C. Administrator
D. Other
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
4. AASL Online Learning Series:
A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners
Using the Planning Guide with
School Libraries Count!:
personalized results to advocate for
your school library program
Sabrina Carnesi
Crittenden Middle School
Newport News, Virginia 23606
5. What Youve Done So Far
Discussed how the Assessment Rubric
provides an entry point for developing
goals and objectives
Covered the selection of stakeholders
for collaborative planning and
continued implementation
Walked through the planning process
using the online module
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
6. Todays Objectives:
Draw connections between
Planning Guide modules data results
Personalized reports from School Libraries
Count! survey
Discuss Sharing Information from
Program Assessment with
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
7. Objective 1:
Drawing connections between
Planning Guide modules data results
Personalized reports from School Libraries
Count! survey
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
8. The Assessment Rubric
Aligned with the national guidelines presented in
Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
9. The Assessment Rubric
Aligned with the national guidelines presented in
Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
10. The Assessment Rubric
Aligned with the national guidelines presented in
Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs
Assesses the program using 16 sets of criteria
1. Developing Visions for Learning 9. The Learning Space
2. Teaching for Learning 10. Budgeting
3. Reading 11. Policies
4. Multiple Literacies 12. Collection and Information
5. Inquiries Access
6. Assessment for Learning 13. Outreach
7. Building the Learning 14. Professional Development
Environment 15. Enpowering Learning
8. Staffing 16. Leadership
13. A Closer Look:
Staffing Raw Data and the
Assessment Rubric
Hours per Week meeting w/Teachers Hours per Week Delivering Instruction
to Plan Instructional Units
14. Teaching for Learning Section
pages 2&3
The raw data
from School
Count as well
as additional
data from
Hines MS is
used to
develop a
profile for the
15. Teaching for Learning Section
pages 2&3
The raw data
shows that Hines
MS spends an
average of 3 hours
per week planning
instruction with
teachers in
comparison to the
rest of the states
3.5 hours and
nations 3.01
Exemplary - Proficient - Basic
18. A Closer Look:
Library Expenditures
and the Assessment Rubric
Average Spend on Information Resources:
print, nonprint, licensed databases, and other
electronic access to information
19. Building the Learning Environment:
Budget-pages 10 & 11
Library budget
for Hines MS
is slightly
higher than
the national
and state
20. Building the Learning Environment:
Budget-pages 10 & 11
The raw data
shows that Hines
MS spends
$15,000 on
resources in
comparison to the
average for rest of
the state at $8,000
and the nations
Exemplary - Proficient - Basic
21. Drawing Connections with Data
Snapshot of library program as it now exists.
Bold and Clear Areas
Fuzzy Areas
Clarifying the picture
Move from what is to what should be
Identify activities or steps needed to develop picture
Brainstorm suggestions
Responsibilities carried out by various stakeholders
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
22. The Assessment Guides Program
Snapshot for Hines Middle School
Basic 8
Exemplary 50
Proficient 42
A PlanningProficient - Basic
Exemplary - Guide for
Empowering Learners
23. Objective 2:
Use Your Data to Advocate for Your Program!
Share Your Plan
with the
Stakeholders in
Your School
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
24. Library Advocacy definition
The establishment of a base of grassroot
supporters who are educated about your library
and its needs that reach beyond the walls of the
library into the local, state and national
Ibach, Mark. "Advocavy Defined." South Central Library System. South Central Library System.
Madison, WI. Web. 5 Aug. 2010. <>.
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
25. Key to Successful Advocacy
Be polite, be prepared, and be persistent.
Educate early -- if you wait until an issue arises it may be too late to garner
the necessary support.
Make it part of your culture, and work at it daily. Every staff member needs
to be involved.
Ensure your library is visible in the community.
Dont stop doing advocacy because the answer to your request is no. It often
takes time to get the desired results!
Be sure to say thank you, even if you don't get the answer or support you
Ibach, Mark. "Advocavy Defined." South Central Library System. South Central Library System.
Madison, WI. Web. 5 Aug. 2010. <>.
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
26. How to Order
Orders will be handled by Britannica Digital Learning
Call 1-800-621-3900
For more information
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners
27. AASL Online Learning Series:
A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners
Questions? Please type any questions in the
Chat box.
Follow-up User Chat:
September 22 | 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. CDT.
28. Online Learning Series
How the assessment rubric informs your planning process
September 15, 2010 | 4:30 5:30 p.m. CDT
Online Chat Hosts: Donna Shannon, Jody Howard
The planning process and getting your school community involved
September 22, 2010 | 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. CDT
Online Chat Host: Hilda Weisburg
A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners tutorial
September 29, 2010 | 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. CDT
Online Chat Host: Rebecca Jackman
Visit the AASL Web site to see a complete session listing and to register.
A Planning Guide for
Empowering Learners