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Webinars Attended
Social Media For Success
   Social Media Marketing University
 10 Keys to Social Media SuccessThe "10 Keys
  to Social Media Success"
 Webinar gives you practical, actionable steps
  that Professionals, Small Business Owners,
  and Entrepreneurs
 Opitimzize you Linked In for Social Media
 90 Minute training to optimize your Linked In
 Wed October 31
  "Increasing and Cultivating Social Brand
  with Jason's Deli, 5Loom and Spredfast
 Wed November 7
  "Building Social Community and Increasing
  with Jive, HomeAway and Spredfast
 Wed November 14
  "Measuring the Impact of Social Engagement"
  with AT&T and Spredfast
Training by Talent Net Live
 The #TalentNet Social Recruiting Conference will be
 November 2nd, 2012 at Pepsico Frito-Lay Conference
  Center Plano, TX
 We will explore the blurring lines of marketing and
  recruiting  where employees are the new brand...
  delving into #SocialHR, workforce marketing,
  employer branding, social talent attraction strategies,
  digital strategy, the latest in sourcing, and much more
  with some of the top social media, HR, and recruiting
  minds of today.
Talent Net Live
 The #TalentNet Social Recruiting      Some of the top Social Media and
  Conference will be held                Recruiting industry experts in the
 November 2nd, 2012 at Pepsico          world will be there sharing the
  Frito-Lay Conference Center            latest tips and techniques.
  Plano, TX                             Strategic learning includes:
 We will explore the blurring lines    Faster and more accurate search
  of marketing and recruiting           and sourcing
  where employees are the new           Attract more targeted talent and
  brand... delving into                  prospects
  #SocialHR, workforce marketing,       Build a better brand online!
  employer branding, social talent
  attraction strategies, digital        Don't miss the candidate closing
  strategy, the latest in sourcing,      workshop!
  and much more with some of            Create a better candidate
  the top social media, HR, and          experience!
  recruiting minds of today.            Measure and track your results
Talent Net Live November 2 2012
   9:00 - 9:30AM Registration
   9:30 - 9:45AM Welcome and opening remarks - Craig Fisher, Chris Hoyt
   9:45 - 10:45AM Keynote - Big Data for Recruiting & Employer Brand with John Sumser and Sean Rae of Pepsico
   10:55 - 11:25PM - Candidate closing workshop Craig Fisher & Jeremy Roberts
   11:25 - 11:45AM Power Networking & Sponsor Intros
   11:45 - 12:45PM lunch
   12:45 - 1:35PM - Cool Tools with Craig Fisher & Matt Charney sponsored by Talent Technology
   1:45 - PM 2:35PM- Breakouts
   Sourcing workshop with Jim Schnyder, & Ryan Leary
   Future workforce with Jim Durbin
   2:45 - 3:35PM - Breakouts
   Boolean skills workshop Jeremy Roberts
   Mobile Recruiting with Joel Cheesman
   3:45 - 4:30PM - Panel discussion
   What makes a great candidate experience - Sarah White and Jason Leonard, - Moderator William Tincup
   The panel will discuss this year's candidate experience award winners and what they are doing right, as well as
    showcasing what you can do to ensure a better close rate.
   4:45 - 5:15PM - Q&A with Chris Hoyt, moderator Jason Seiden
   5:15 - 5:30PM - Wrap up and closing remarks Craig Fisher
 TalentNet Fall Conference  Dallas 2012 
 #talentnet #DICEcode
 Mobile Recruiting  Joel Cheesman
 Sourcing Workshop  Jim Schnyder
 LinkedIn And Cool Tools - Craig Fisher, Matt
 Boolean Workshop  Jeremy Roberts
Webinars attended

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Webinars attended

  • 2. Social Media For Success Social Media Marketing University 10 Keys to Social Media SuccessThe "10 Keys to Social Media Success" Webinar gives you practical, actionable steps that Professionals, Small Business Owners, and Entrepreneurs Opitimzize you Linked In for Social Media Success 90 Minute training to optimize your Linked In
  • 3. SpredFast Wed October 31 "Increasing and Cultivating Social Brand Engagement" with Jason's Deli, 5Loom and Spredfast Wed November 7 "Building Social Community and Increasing Loyalty" with Jive, HomeAway and Spredfast Wed November 14 "Measuring the Impact of Social Engagement" with AT&T and Spredfast
  • 4. Training by Talent Net Live The #TalentNet Social Recruiting Conference will be held November 2nd, 2012 at Pepsico Frito-Lay Conference Center Plano, TX We will explore the blurring lines of marketing and recruiting where employees are the new brand... delving into #SocialHR, workforce marketing, employer branding, social talent attraction strategies, digital strategy, the latest in sourcing, and much more with some of the top social media, HR, and recruiting minds of today.
  • 5. Talent Net Live The #TalentNet Social Recruiting Some of the top Social Media and Conference will be held Recruiting industry experts in the November 2nd, 2012 at Pepsico world will be there sharing the Frito-Lay Conference Center latest tips and techniques. Plano, TX Strategic learning includes: We will explore the blurring lines Faster and more accurate search of marketing and recruiting and sourcing where employees are the new Attract more targeted talent and brand... delving into prospects #SocialHR, workforce marketing, Build a better brand online! employer branding, social talent attraction strategies, digital Don't miss the candidate closing strategy, the latest in sourcing, workshop! and much more with some of Create a better candidate the top social media, HR, and experience! recruiting minds of today. Measure and track your results
  • 6. Talent Net Live November 2 2012 Pepsico Agenda 9:00 - 9:30AM Registration 9:30 - 9:45AM Welcome and opening remarks - Craig Fisher, Chris Hoyt 9:45 - 10:45AM Keynote - Big Data for Recruiting & Employer Brand with John Sumser and Sean Rae of Pepsico 10:55 - 11:25PM - Candidate closing workshop Craig Fisher & Jeremy Roberts 11:25 - 11:45AM Power Networking & Sponsor Intros 11:45 - 12:45PM lunch 12:45 - 1:35PM - Cool Tools with Craig Fisher & Matt Charney sponsored by Talent Technology 1:45 - PM 2:35PM- Breakouts Sourcing workshop with Jim Schnyder, & Ryan Leary Future workforce with Jim Durbin 2:45 - 3:35PM - Breakouts Boolean skills workshop Jeremy Roberts Mobile Recruiting with Joel Cheesman 3:45 - 4:30PM - Panel discussion What makes a great candidate experience - Sarah White and Jason Leonard, - Moderator William Tincup The panel will discuss this year's candidate experience award winners and what they are doing right, as well as showcasing what you can do to ensure a better close rate. 4:45 - 5:15PM - Q&A with Chris Hoyt, moderator Jason Seiden 5:15 - 5:30PM - Wrap up and closing remarks Craig Fisher
  • 7. http://wordpress.talentnetlive.com/pr esentations/ TalentNet Fall Conference Dallas 2012 Presentations #talentnet #DICEcode Mobile Recruiting Joel Cheesman Sourcing Workshop Jim Schnyder LinkedIn And Cool Tools - Craig Fisher, Matt Charney Boolean Workshop Jeremy Roberts