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Student Page
 [Teacher Page]
                                      VISIT ANCIENT ROME
 Introduction                   Designed by Kyle Archer for 8th grade History students
   Process                                      Kra15@zips.uakron.edu



    Credits                     Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
Student Page
 [Teacher Page]

     Task         WELCOME! This is time traveling 101. You have been selected by the
                  Government to be a part of the first ever time travel attempt. This mission is
   Process        extremely confidential and it is imperative that we have nothing other then
  Evaluation      success. Now that you know what's at stake you should know your
                  destinationPack up your suitcase you are going to ANCIENT ROME!

    Credits                                                                     http://rome.mrdonn.org/index.1.gif
Student Page
 [Teacher Page]                        The Task
                  We are asking you and your group to gather information in 3 different areas of ancient
     Title        Rome. One role for each of you. When you have gathered enough information you and
                  your group will make a PowerPoint 10 slides in length putting it all together. You will
 Introduction     present this to the public upon your arrival back to the year 2012.


Student Page
 [Teacher Page]                                                    The Process
                  We are asking that you become experts in your chosen roles. You are required to gather facts and other information that will contribute to a better
                  under standing of ancient Rome.
     Title        The roles are as follows:

                  Role 1 Architecture Evaluation- Your role is too shed light into the architecture of ancient Rome. Famous Architecture? Famous Architects?
 Introduction     Purposes? Etc.

     Task         Role 2 Daily Life Expert- Your role is to formulate an understanding of the normal ancient roman. You should be able to tell us what went on in the
                  everyday life of a ancient roman citizen. What did they do for work? What was the family like? Recreation/ gladiator games? Etc.

   Process        Role 3 Military Expert- your role is to shed insight into the famous roman army. You should focus on describing military philosophies, weapons and
                  famous battles. Important generals? Armor? Solders?

  Evaluation      Below is a list of websites you need to use to gather this information.




                  The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights


Student Page
 [Teacher Page]

                                             Multimedia Project : Ancient Rome Powerpoint
                   Teacher Name:
   Process         Mr.archer

  Evaluation       Student Name:   ________________________________________

  Conclusion            CATEGORY       4                         3                       2                          1
                  Presentation         Well-rehearsed with       Rehearsed with fairly   Delivery not smooth,       Delivery not smooth
                                       smooth delivery that      smooth delivery that    but able to maintain       and audience attention
                                       holds audience            holds audience          interest of the audience   often lost.
                                       attention.                attention most of the   most of the time.

                  Organization         Content is well           Uses headings or        Content is logically       There was no clear or
                                       organized using           bulleted lists to       organized for the most     logical organizational
                                       headings or bulleted      organize, but the       part.                      structure, just lots of
                                       lists to group related    overall organization of                            facts.
                                       material.                 topics appears flawed.

                  Content              Covers topic in-depth     Includes essential      Includes essential      Content is minimal OR
                                       with details and          knowledge about the     information about the there are several factual
                                       examples. Subject         topic. Subject          topic but there are 1-2 errors.
                                       knowledge is excellent.   knowledge appears to    factual errors.
                                                                 be good.

                  Mechanics            No misspellings or        Three or fewer          Four misspellings          More than 4 errors in
                                       grammatical errors.       misspellings and/or     and/or grammatical         spelling or grammar.
                                                                 mechanical errors.      errors.

Student Page
 [Teacher Page]                              Conclusion
                  Way to go time travelers. Thanks to you we now have a large understanding of ancient
     Title        Rome. There is still work to be done and it is up to you to learn more about this fascinating
                  empire. So get on your computers and do some research for your selves. Go to the library
 Introduction     and check out some books. Watch some movies about Rome. You can never learn to much!

Student Page
 [Teacher Page]
                                  Credits & References
     Title              http://rome.mrdonn.org/index.1.gif
 Introduction            http://ancienthistory.mrdonn.org/rome02.gif




                          The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights

[Student Page]
Teacher Page      Curriculum Standards (Teacher)
     Title        understandingofthesubjectofancientRomeinwhichtheteachercanbuildonin
 Introduction     combineitintoapolishedgroupeffort.Thiswebquestteachesstudentstowork
   Learners       independentlyaswellasingroupsandthiscanbeverybeneficialtolearning.The
  Standards       place.Asuccessshouldshowthatthestudentsfoundinterestingandcreativefacts
   Process        together.

Teacher Script


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  • 1. Student Page [Teacher Page] VISIT ANCIENT ROME Title Introduction Designed by Kyle Archer for 8th grade History students Task Process Kra15@zips.uakron.edu Evaluation Conclusion http://dowling.mpls.k12.mn.us/ancient_rome Credits Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
  • 2. Student Page [Teacher Page] Title Introduction Introduction Task WELCOME! This is time traveling 101. You have been selected by the Government to be a part of the first ever time travel attempt. This mission is Process extremely confidential and it is imperative that we have nothing other then Evaluation success. Now that you know what's at stake you should know your destinationPack up your suitcase you are going to ANCIENT ROME! Conclusion Credits http://rome.mrdonn.org/index.1.gif
  • 3. Student Page [Teacher Page] The Task We are asking you and your group to gather information in 3 different areas of ancient Title Rome. One role for each of you. When you have gathered enough information you and your group will make a PowerPoint 10 slides in length putting it all together. You will Introduction present this to the public upon your arrival back to the year 2012. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion http://ancienthistory.mrdonn.org/rome02.gif Credits
  • 4. Student Page [Teacher Page] The Process We are asking that you become experts in your chosen roles. You are required to gather facts and other information that will contribute to a better under standing of ancient Rome. Title The roles are as follows: Role 1 Architecture Evaluation- Your role is too shed light into the architecture of ancient Rome. Famous Architecture? Famous Architects? Introduction Purposes? Etc. Task Role 2 Daily Life Expert- Your role is to formulate an understanding of the normal ancient roman. You should be able to tell us what went on in the everyday life of a ancient roman citizen. What did they do for work? What was the family like? Recreation/ gladiator games? Etc. Process Role 3 Military Expert- your role is to shed insight into the famous roman army. You should focus on describing military philosophies, weapons and famous battles. Important generals? Armor? Solders? Evaluation Below is a list of websites you need to use to gather this information. www.history.com/ Conclusion http://www.rome.mrdonn.org/ http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/a_history_of_ancient_rome.htm http://ancient-rome.com/ The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights Whenyouhavebecomeanexpertintheseareas,youaretocombineyourinformationwiththatoftherestofyourgroup.Nowmakea PowerPointtoshowustheknowledgeyouhavegained.Yourpresentationshouldhaveatleast10slides. Pleaseincludethefollowing: Aconvincingopening Eachexpertshouldcontributeonhisorherownspecialarea. Picturesthatgivealookintothepast Credits
  • 5. Student Page [Teacher Page] Title Evaluation Multimedia Project : Ancient Rome Powerpoint Introduction Task Teacher Name: Process Mr.archer Evaluation Student Name: ________________________________________ Conclusion CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Presentation Well-rehearsed with Rehearsed with fairly Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth smooth delivery that smooth delivery that but able to maintain and audience attention holds audience holds audience interest of the audience often lost. attention. attention most of the most of the time. time. Organization Content is well Uses headings or Content is logically There was no clear or organized using bulleted lists to organized for the most logical organizational headings or bulleted organize, but the part. structure, just lots of lists to group related overall organization of facts. material. topics appears flawed. Content Covers topic in-depth Includes essential Includes essential Content is minimal OR with details and knowledge about the information about the there are several factual examples. Subject topic. Subject topic but there are 1-2 errors. knowledge is excellent. knowledge appears to factual errors. be good. Mechanics No misspellings or Three or fewer Four misspellings More than 4 errors in grammatical errors. misspellings and/or and/or grammatical spelling or grammar. mechanical errors. errors. Credits
  • 6. Student Page [Teacher Page] Conclusion Way to go time travelers. Thanks to you we now have a large understanding of ancient Title Rome. There is still work to be done and it is up to you to learn more about this fascinating empire. So get on your computers and do some research for your selves. Go to the library Introduction and check out some books. Watch some movies about Rome. You can never learn to much! Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits
  • 7. Student Page [Teacher Page] Credits & References Specialthankstothefollowingsiteswhoprovidedclipartand imagesforthiswebquest. Title http://rome.mrdonn.org/index.1.gif Introduction http://ancienthistory.mrdonn.org/rome02.gif Task http://dowling.mpls.k12.mn.us/ancient_rome Process http://rome.phillipmartin.info/rome_boy.gif Evaluation Conclusion References www.history.com/ http://www.rome.mrdonn.org/ http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/a_history_of_ancient_rome.htm http://ancient-rome.com/ The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights Credits
  • 8. [Student Page] Teacher Page Curriculum Standards (Teacher) Asaresultofperformingthiswebquestthestudentswillgetageneral Title understandingofthesubjectofancientRomeinwhichtheteachercanbuildonin thecurriculum.Studentswilllearnhowtotakedifferenttypesofinformationand Introduction combineitintoapolishedgroupeffort.Thiswebquestteachesstudentstowork Learners independentlyaswellasingroupsandthiscanbeverybeneficialtolearning.The successofthislessonismadeevidentinthePowerPointpresentationshatwilltake Standards place.Asuccessshouldshowthatthestudentsfoundinterestingandcreativefacts aboutancientRome.Thepresentationwillprovetobeinformativeandwellput Process together. Resources Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Credits