The document discusses website optimization by minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to reduce file sizes. It describes concatenating multiple CSS and JavaScript files into a single file to reduce HTTP requests. The document also lists libraries that can be used to minify files, such as Htmlcompressor, YUI Compressor, and Closure Compiler.
Mobile marketshare increasing2G 3GReduces file size complete website (zip)
Reduction in filesizewitouthknowing the contentMinify: removeallunneededcharactersConcatenate filesRecompile javascript
CommentsNew linesWhitespacesbetween tags (tabs, spaces, new lines)
A lot of small filesHeaderCombine files => 1 header
Thismakesit a bit more difficultBecause the links dont match up in htmlSo i used a regularexpressiontoreplace the link tags to the correct tags
Combine icons in 1 imageUsing cssSet as div backgroundTune background positionView 1 iconAdvisableto do itthis way for images thatdont have content (set via css)Blind ppldontneedanimgfor a button
Google closure compilerCompileyour javascriptto more efficient javascriptRemovingunusedfunctionsinlinefunctionsif more efficientminifingExpectswelformed javascriptLint conormDont save functions as strings andexecutewithevalmethod
Upload zipSelect optimizationsSee reportHistorychartReductionquite large, images causelessreductionCantoptimize images (convertallto gif) => bad result, need human