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Why website performance matters? Website load speed influence on business
What is website performance? It is how quickly your visitors will get your information
If your site is slow... ...less visitors will reach your product
What is a slow site?* Visitors analysis: 47% expect a web page to load in  two seconds or less
40%  will abandon a web page  if it takes more than three seconds to load
52% of online shoppers claim that quick page loads are important for their  loyalty to a site
* According to Akamai study: http://www.akamai.com/html/about/press/releases/2009/press_091409.html
So if a user visits a slow site... 14%  will start shopping at a  different site  if page loads are slow,  23%  will  stop shopping  or even walk away from their computer.
64%  of shoppers who are dissatisfied with their site visit will  go somewhere else  to shop next time.
* According to Akamai study: http://www.akamai.com/html/about/press/releases/2009/press_091409.html
Microsoft research on server side delays: Delays above 200ms introduce  strong negative impacts  on the following metrics: Repeat usage
Revenue (A revenue drop per user as much as 4%)

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Website performance