The document discusses metrics-driven design and highlights several key points:
1) It describes how Google tested 41 shades of blue to determine the optimal color and how testing small variations can have large impacts.
2) It contrasts intuition-driven and data-driven design, noting that while data-driven design removes subjectivity, it can also prevent daring decisions.
3) It emphasizes that metrics should measure the effectiveness of a business by tracking things like acquisition, conversion, engagement, and satisfaction over time.
The document outlines the key steps in an analytical problem solving process: 1) clarify the problem, 2) investigate causes, 3) identify decision criteria, 4) identify solutions, 5) evaluate solutions, 6) implement a solution, and 7) follow up and measure. It emphasizes that clarifying the problem is the most important first step, and provides tools like the 5 Ws, 5 Whys, and SWOT analysis to help define and understand the problem. The document also provides a real-world example of using the 5 Whys technique to uncover the root cause of late product shipments.
Tens of thousands of apps are launched daily, all attempting to tap into this lucrative and growing market; yet relatively few find success. But ninety-nine percent of all mobile apps disappear sooner or later. So how do developers and studios get their app or game to become part of the valuable 1% category? In this session, Eyal Rabinovich, VP Marketing at MoMinis, will review some of the highly cost-effective tools available to publishers and developers that can be leveraged today, together with practical guidance, tips and best practices on where cross-promotion can be used and how.
This hymn asks God to go with us and fill our lives with love, joy and peace. It asks God to speed us on our way and bring light, hope, justice and healing to all lands, races and the earth. The hymn expresses a commitment to working for a renewed world of peace through praying, working, singing and remaining faithful to Christ's call.
The document is a song about how God works in people's lives like different forms of water. It describes God working through lives like a healing stream in the desert, bringing life. It also likens God to a gentle rain nourishing a garden, and a river carving out a new direction. Finally, it portrays God as a mighty sea with a love both deep and wide, working to shape a new tomorrow. The song repeats that God works in lives like different forms of water.
This 3 line hymn acknowledges that all gifts and possessions ultimately belong to God, who entrusts them to humanity. Whatever gifts or possessions one might offer back to God were first given by God alone. All of humanity's possessions and talents are held in trust from God.
The song is about following Christ and letting His love transform one's life in profound ways. It asks if the listener will go wherever Christ leads, even into the unknown, and let their life be defined by serving Him and bringing His love to others in need. It also questions if one will use their faith to reshape the world around them through Christ's influence.
This song is about learning to walk with God. It asks God to take, melt, mould and fill the singer with thoughts of Him. It also asks God to cradle, hold, guide and teach the singer, as the singer is learning to walk with God, just as the sun rises each morning to bring a new day.
Jesus asked his followers to stay and pray with him on the darkest night of the year. While Jesus prayed in the garden, his followers promised to stay awake with him but they fell asleep. Judas then came and betrayed Jesus with a kiss. His followers ask to love and speak God's truth as Jesus did, and to stay awake with him even when hope seems distant.
The spiritual talks about there being a balm in Gilead that can heal the wounded and sin-sick soul. It expresses that sometimes the work feels vain but the Holy Spirit revives the soul. It encourages sharing the love of Jesus even if one can't preach or pray like famous figures, and that seeing the Holy Spirit descend is a sign of God's abiding love.
Psalm 1 describes two paths - the path of the righteous and the path of the wicked. The righteous find joy and strength by meditating on God's teachings day and night. They are like trees planted beside streams of water that are deeply rooted and able to withstand what comes. In contrast, the wicked offer empty words and have no place in God's eternal kingdom, like grass that quickly withers and dies in the wind.
The song expresses a commitment to follow someone wherever they may go and make their people the singer's people as well. It promises to always be a faithful, loyal, and true friend who will never go away, but instead will travel side by side with God's love as a guide. The singer pledges to always be there as a friend from beginning to end with trustworthy care.
Lead on, O Cloud of Presence is a hymn about following God out of slavery into freedom. It describes how God leads the tribe as a cloud and pillar of fire as they leave Egypt and make their home in the wilderness. Though they follow with fears and tears, they will come rejoicing to the promised land where justice, mercy and love dwell.
[pdf]Press release : The BMW Group at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP 15): taking responsibility - implementing sustainability
The document celebrates God's glory shining through people's lives and their lives bearing witness to God. Heaven sings with joy that both the author and reader's lives reflect God's glory and serve as examples of God to others. The document repeats the refrain "Hallelujah!" to express praise to God.
The document contains 3 versions of a poem in 3 languages expressing how God is always with us and surrounding us, like a rock beneath our feet, the night sky above our head, the sun before us, and that our home is in God forever, like a river flowing to the ocean.
Jesus calls Christians to shine their light for Him and others through their actions and faith. Believers should shine brightly in both their own small roles and circumstances, as well as working together to bring light to the darkness in the world through addressing issues like sin, poverty, and sorrow. Christians are to let their faith shine for Jesus first before shining it for others around them.
The document discusses BMW's research into future innovations related to vehicle interiors, infotainment systems, and mobility. Key areas of research include using light design to enhance the driving experience, developing lighter but still safe and comfortable car seats, and improving head-up and central information displays. The goal is to better integrate technology while maintaining driver focus, comfort, and safety.
The document is a summary of Psalm 107 set to music. It describes how people who were in distress cried out to their maker and God delivered them from trouble, hunger, imprisonment, and abandonment. It repeats the refrain "So while I live my soul is yours" throughout and concludes by praising God for being good and having enduring love.
This song expresses thanks to God for blessings like rain, land, and working hands that allow people to provide food for their bodies and souls. It acknowledges that if they keep thanking God, their food will get cold, so they better get bolder and eat the meal instead of continuing to give thanks.
Blessed are those who prepare and serve at the table. This includes those who set the table, cook the food, tend to the meal, light candles, serve others, sing grace, welcome all people including those in the wrong, and share God's love. The document expresses gratitude for all those involved in the communal act of sharing a meal together.
A hymn about Jesus Christ coming as a savior as an infant. It describes angels worshipping the infant Jesus and his message as an adult to let children come to him. The hymn asks God to bless the baptism of children and for them to praise the Trinity as part of the heavenly hosts.
This hymn text from 1779 describes the amazing grace that saved the author's soul and brought them from being lost to being found. It expresses how grace taught them to fear God and relieved their fears when they first believed. Through dangers and trials, grace has brought the author safely this far and will lead them home, as God has promised goodness and will be their shield for as long as life endures. The hymn looks forward to singing God's praise in heaven for eternity.
The document provides a list of optional equipment and their prices for different BMW Z4 models. Some key optional extras included are adaptive M sport suspension, comfort access, wind deflector, and exterior mirror packages. The list also notes whether each optional extra can be fitted to specific Z4 trim levels and provides the additional retail price for each option in UK pounds.
The document discusses various teaching methods and their effectiveness. It provides data showing that teaching others and practicing by doing are the most effective retention methods, with 90% and 75% retention respectively after 24 hours. It also discusses strategies for increasing student motivation using autonomy, mastery and purpose and increasing novelty in teaching methods.
This document summarizes a presentation about flipping the classroom using technology. It discusses using instructional videos to deliver content outside of class time so that class time can be used for hands-on activities, group work and assessments. Key elements of flipped classroom are highlighted as quality instructional videos, engaging classroom activities and robust assessment. Benefits mentioned are students becoming independent learners and teachers being able to better differentiate and customize instruction.
The song is about following Christ and letting His love transform one's life in profound ways. It asks if the listener will go wherever Christ leads, even into the unknown, and let their life be defined by serving Him and bringing His love to others in need. It also questions if one will use their faith to reshape the world around them through Christ's influence.
This song is about learning to walk with God. It asks God to take, melt, mould and fill the singer with thoughts of Him. It also asks God to cradle, hold, guide and teach the singer, as the singer is learning to walk with God, just as the sun rises each morning to bring a new day.
Jesus asked his followers to stay and pray with him on the darkest night of the year. While Jesus prayed in the garden, his followers promised to stay awake with him but they fell asleep. Judas then came and betrayed Jesus with a kiss. His followers ask to love and speak God's truth as Jesus did, and to stay awake with him even when hope seems distant.
The spiritual talks about there being a balm in Gilead that can heal the wounded and sin-sick soul. It expresses that sometimes the work feels vain but the Holy Spirit revives the soul. It encourages sharing the love of Jesus even if one can't preach or pray like famous figures, and that seeing the Holy Spirit descend is a sign of God's abiding love.
Psalm 1 describes two paths - the path of the righteous and the path of the wicked. The righteous find joy and strength by meditating on God's teachings day and night. They are like trees planted beside streams of water that are deeply rooted and able to withstand what comes. In contrast, the wicked offer empty words and have no place in God's eternal kingdom, like grass that quickly withers and dies in the wind.
The song expresses a commitment to follow someone wherever they may go and make their people the singer's people as well. It promises to always be a faithful, loyal, and true friend who will never go away, but instead will travel side by side with God's love as a guide. The singer pledges to always be there as a friend from beginning to end with trustworthy care.
Lead on, O Cloud of Presence is a hymn about following God out of slavery into freedom. It describes how God leads the tribe as a cloud and pillar of fire as they leave Egypt and make their home in the wilderness. Though they follow with fears and tears, they will come rejoicing to the promised land where justice, mercy and love dwell.
[pdf]Press release : The BMW Group at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP 15): taking responsibility - implementing sustainability
The document celebrates God's glory shining through people's lives and their lives bearing witness to God. Heaven sings with joy that both the author and reader's lives reflect God's glory and serve as examples of God to others. The document repeats the refrain "Hallelujah!" to express praise to God.
The document contains 3 versions of a poem in 3 languages expressing how God is always with us and surrounding us, like a rock beneath our feet, the night sky above our head, the sun before us, and that our home is in God forever, like a river flowing to the ocean.
Jesus calls Christians to shine their light for Him and others through their actions and faith. Believers should shine brightly in both their own small roles and circumstances, as well as working together to bring light to the darkness in the world through addressing issues like sin, poverty, and sorrow. Christians are to let their faith shine for Jesus first before shining it for others around them.
The document discusses BMW's research into future innovations related to vehicle interiors, infotainment systems, and mobility. Key areas of research include using light design to enhance the driving experience, developing lighter but still safe and comfortable car seats, and improving head-up and central information displays. The goal is to better integrate technology while maintaining driver focus, comfort, and safety.
The document is a summary of Psalm 107 set to music. It describes how people who were in distress cried out to their maker and God delivered them from trouble, hunger, imprisonment, and abandonment. It repeats the refrain "So while I live my soul is yours" throughout and concludes by praising God for being good and having enduring love.
This song expresses thanks to God for blessings like rain, land, and working hands that allow people to provide food for their bodies and souls. It acknowledges that if they keep thanking God, their food will get cold, so they better get bolder and eat the meal instead of continuing to give thanks.
Blessed are those who prepare and serve at the table. This includes those who set the table, cook the food, tend to the meal, light candles, serve others, sing grace, welcome all people including those in the wrong, and share God's love. The document expresses gratitude for all those involved in the communal act of sharing a meal together.
A hymn about Jesus Christ coming as a savior as an infant. It describes angels worshipping the infant Jesus and his message as an adult to let children come to him. The hymn asks God to bless the baptism of children and for them to praise the Trinity as part of the heavenly hosts.
This hymn text from 1779 describes the amazing grace that saved the author's soul and brought them from being lost to being found. It expresses how grace taught them to fear God and relieved their fears when they first believed. Through dangers and trials, grace has brought the author safely this far and will lead them home, as God has promised goodness and will be their shield for as long as life endures. The hymn looks forward to singing God's praise in heaven for eternity.
The document provides a list of optional equipment and their prices for different BMW Z4 models. Some key optional extras included are adaptive M sport suspension, comfort access, wind deflector, and exterior mirror packages. The list also notes whether each optional extra can be fitted to specific Z4 trim levels and provides the additional retail price for each option in UK pounds.
The document discusses various teaching methods and their effectiveness. It provides data showing that teaching others and practicing by doing are the most effective retention methods, with 90% and 75% retention respectively after 24 hours. It also discusses strategies for increasing student motivation using autonomy, mastery and purpose and increasing novelty in teaching methods.
This document summarizes a presentation about flipping the classroom using technology. It discusses using instructional videos to deliver content outside of class time so that class time can be used for hands-on activities, group work and assessments. Key elements of flipped classroom are highlighted as quality instructional videos, engaging classroom activities and robust assessment. Benefits mentioned are students becoming independent learners and teachers being able to better differentiate and customize instruction.
The document discusses how repairing and reusing existing things is more efficient and cost-effective than constantly mining for new raw materials. It notes that the Earth has limited resources and we cannot rely on a linear manufacturing process indefinitely. Repairing things is often free or cheaper than replacing them, and taking things apart is a good way to understand how they work. Self-repair fosters sustainability and connections between people and devices.
The document discusses the Disruptor, a data structure and work flow that allows for high-performance concurrent programming with no contention. The Disruptor uses a ring buffer to pass messages between threads very quickly in a parallel manner. Publishers can insert events into the ring buffer, while batch event processors can read the events in batches to process them in parallel threads. The Disruptor framework encourages modeling the problem domain and provides reliable ordering, parallelism, and high performance.
Java performance: What's the big deal? - Trisha GeeJAX London
It seems that everywhere you look these days people are needing to work on high performance/low latency applications. If they're not already working on them, then they want to be. But what do you really need to know when you're working on performance-sensitive systems? Where do you get started? In this session, Trisha outlines things you need to consider when thinking about performance, covers some of the frequently-asked questions, and notes the pitfalls and common traps that developers fall into.
Learning organisations and design thinkingemilia 奪str旦m
The document discusses learning organizations and design thinking. It provides information about Hyper Island, an organization that designs learning experiences to enable companies and individuals to develop skills for tomorrow's technologies. Hyper Island uses learning by doing, problem solving, collaboration, and design thinking. Design thinking involves separating creative and analytical thinking, generating many ideas, listening, building on others' ideas, and defining problems before sketching solutions. The document includes exercises and tips for using techniques like brainstorming, feedback, and concept creation within one hour.
The document discusses various new and old tools for staying organized and managing an online presence. It focuses on tools for security and backup, websites and blogging, email and communications, social media management, mobile applications, and miscellaneous productivity tools. For each category, several specific tools and services are mentioned, with brief descriptions and recommendations provided. The goal is to help the reader navigate the many options available and choose those best suited to their needs.
The document discusses adaptive experiences and responsive web design. It emphasizes designing first for mobile and the lowest common device, then progressively enhancing the experience. It recommends establishing collaborative teams of designers and developers with a shared understanding. Design patterns and a common CSS language can help provide responsive solutions. Prototyping can reveal how the design works at different breakpoints. The document provides helpful resources and information about the company Wintr and their services in digital creative and content engineering.
This document discusses how the context of learning has changed in the 21st century due to abundance of information, tools, and connectivity. It argues that schools need to focus less on content delivery and more on developing skills like creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking. An example is given of a school project where students designed water purification devices for people in Haiti. The document suggests new requirements for schools, teachers, and students that focus on authentic work, transparency, self-direction, literacy and networks. It emphasizes starting by focusing on learners rather than teachers in times of rapid change.
The document discusses prototyping and provides guidance on why and how to create prototypes. It notes that prototypes allow you to test ideas early, answer questions and find new ones, validate assumptions, compare alternatives, and fail early and cheaply. Prototypes also help visualize ideas and share them with others. The document recommends designing apps with consistent and predictable behaviors using design patterns and lists some prototyping tools.
The document discusses Vincent Everts and his work with social media and sales. It covers topics like live streaming trips in electric vehicles, innovation acceleration through international study trips in the late 2000s, being an early adopter of video blogging and social media platforms like Tudou and YouTube. It also discusses working with companies like Dell and ANWB on social media strategies and new technologies like location-based apps, the Lytro camera, and activity trackers.
The document summarizes an entrepreneurship festival called Pioneers Festival that took place from October 30th to November 1st in Vienna, Austria. It involved 850 entrepreneurs from 58 countries, with one ultimate winner. Key highlights included international networking opportunities for attendees from across Europe, excellent speakers and venues, free food and drinks, and a Halloween party at the conclusion of the event.
This presentation is for a session on how to connect and communicate with others via the iPad. This is for a Project Connect PD within the SJSD for 4th-8th Grade Teachers in the SJSD.
Pardot Elevate 2012 - Becoming a Dynamic Content DynamoPardot
Pardots Dynamic Content feature allows you to display certain content on your website based on a prospects score, grade, or field value. This very powerful tool allows you to deliver targeted content to your prospects. In this session, learn how to use Dynamic Content creatively and effectively through real-world examples that youll be able to start implementing right away.
The document discusses action storming, which is a technique for rapidly prototyping new behaviors to deal with difficult situations. It involves peer-to-peer collaboration and experimentation with new actions rather than analysis. Action storming draws from improvisational theater techniques and encourages playfulness, empathy, and breaking from past patterns to spark creativity in finding solutions. The document promotes action storming as a way to avoid getting stuck overanalyzing problems and to help think of multiple choices even when feeling stuck.
This slide set was used in conjunction with face to face PD session: "Write About It B" in the Writing strand of professional development for Project Connect in the Saint Joseph School District.
7. Essential Methodology
1. Who
2. What
3. When
4. Where
5. Why
Saturday, November 10, 12 7
8. Designers Business Development
Developers Future Clients
Project Managers Current Clients
Marketers Whole Teams
Saturday, November 10, 12 8
9. Essential Methodology
1. Who
2. What
3. When
4. Where
5. Why
Saturday, November 10, 12 9
10. Intuition-Driven
(AKA The Designers Choice)
Saturday, November 10, 12 10
11. Data-Driven
(AKA The Engineers Choice)
Saturday, November 10, 12 11
12. Design Spectrum
Intuition Driven Data Driven
Instinctive Deliberate
Subjective Objective
Daring Safe
Saturday, November 10, 12 12
13. Metrics-Driven
(AKA The Every-mans Choice)
Radical innovation requires both evidence and
intuition: evidence to become informed, and
intuition to inspire us in imagining and creating new
and better possibilities.Jane Fulton Suri, IDEO
Saturday, November 10, 12 13
23. The more users expectations
prove right, the more they will
feel in control of the system and
the more they will like it.
Jakob Nielson
Saturday, November 10, 12 23
24. UI Fundamentals & Best Practices
Basic Usability
Bad Good
Saturday, November 10, 12 24
25. UI Fundamentals & Best Practices
Information Architecture / Hierarchy
Bad Good
Saturday, November 10, 12 25
26. UI Fundamentals & Best Practices
Call To Actions
Bad Good
Saturday, November 10, 12 26