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Website Testing & Optimization

Saturday, November 10, 12                    1
Saturday, November 10, 12            2
I'm Dan.

Saturday, November 10, 12              3
Saturday, November 10, 12       4
I'm a Designer.
Saturday, November 10, 12                     5
Measurement & R.O.I

Saturday, November 10, 12              6
Essential Methodology
                                    1. Who
                                    2. What
                                   3. When
                                   4. Where
                                    5. Why

Saturday, November 10, 12                           7
 Designers               Business Development

                 Developers              Future Clients

                 Project Managers        Current Clients

                 Marketers               Whole Teams

Saturday, November 10, 12                                         8
Essential Methodology
                                    1. Who
                                    2. What
                                   3. When
                                   4. Where
                                    5. Why

Saturday, November 10, 12                           9
                            (AKA The Designers Choice)

Saturday, November 10, 12                                 10
                            (AKA The Engineers Choice)

Saturday, November 10, 12                                 11
Design Spectrum
 Intuition Driven                          Data Driven

    Instinctive                         Deliberate
    Subjective                           Objective
    Daring                                    Safe
Saturday, November 10, 12                                12
                            (AKA The Every-mans Choice)

          Radical innovation requires both evidence and
          intuition: evidence to become informed, and
          intuition to inspire us in imagining and creating new
          and better possibilities.Jane Fulton Suri, IDEO

Saturday, November 10, 12                                         13
Scientific Method


                              Learn           Try

Saturday, November 10, 12                           14
Essential Methodology
                                    1. Who
                                    2. What
                                   3. When
                                   4. Where
                                    5. Why

Saturday, November 10, 12                           15
Saturday, November 10, 12        16
Ideation               Wireframes Visuals / Prototypes    Launch!         Iteration
                                User Flows                        Analytics Measurement
                                                Click Tests
                                             Preference Tests
                                                   Usability Testing
                                                       A/B or Multivariate Tests

Saturday, November 10, 12                                                                  17
Essential Methodology
                                    1. Who
                                    2. What
                                   3. When
                                   4. Where
                                    5. Why

Saturday, November 10, 12                           18
Wheres Waldo?

Saturday, November 10, 12                    19
The Number Narrative
                            (hypothetical situation)



Saturday, November 10, 12                                        20
Essential Methodology
                                    1. Who
                                    2. What
                                   3. When
                                   4. Where
                                    5. Why

Saturday, November 10, 12                           21

Saturday, November 10, 12           22
The more users expectations
                        prove right, the more they will
                       feel in control of the system and
                          the more they will like it.
                                 Jakob Nielson

Saturday, November 10, 12                                  23
UI Fundamentals & Best Practices
                                  Basic Usability

                            Bad                     Good

Saturday, November 10, 12                                  24
UI Fundamentals & Best Practices
                             Information Architecture / Hierarchy

                            Bad                          Good
Saturday, November 10, 12                                           25
UI Fundamentals & Best Practices
                                  Call To Actions

                            Bad                     Good
Saturday, November 10, 12                                  26
Testing UI
                            Free!                $$

Saturday, November 10, 12                             27
                 ZURB Apps                         Invision
                        Plunk (plunkapp.com)
                                                    Google Analytics
                        Clue (clueapp.com)          (google.com/analytics)

                        Notable                    Gauges (gaug.es)
                        Verify (verifyapp.com)      (chartbeat.com)

Saturday, November 10, 12                                                     28
Resources (contd)
                 Google URL Builder
                  (http://                     ClickTale (clicktale.com)
                                               Crazy Egg
                  7)                           Optimizely
                 Click Heat (http://
                  www.labsmedia.com/           Litmus (litmus.com)

Saturday, November 10, 12                                                   29
Image Sources (cc)
   際際滷 3:
      Bridge: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jenik/    際際滷 13:
      1032573169/                                       Teeter Totter: http://www.flickr.com/
   際際滷 5:                                             photos/joephotos/748426315/
      Things Organized Neatly: http://               際際滷 14:
      thingsorganizedneatly.tumblr.com/post/            Brain: http://www.flickr.com/photos/
      29420742974/submission-old-school-                lizhenry/2051224366/
      deconstruction-givewave                           Wright: http://www.flickr.com/photos/
   際際滷 6:                                             7726011@N07/3364409856/
      Chemistry Set: http://www.flickr.com/             Supernova: http://www.flickr.com/photos/
      photos/unloveable/2395867186/                     nasamarshall/6313004758/
   際際滷 10:                                         際際滷 16:
      Whack-a-mole: http://www.flickr.com/              Lion King: http://cdn0.hark.com/images/
      photos/tpapi/2765541278/                          000/006/667/6667/original.0
   際際滷 11:                                         際際滷 19:
      The Megahangar: http://www.flickr.com/            Wheres Waldo: http://www.flickr.com/
      photos/stuckincustoms/5699183849/                 photos/jameson42/4353769995/

Saturday, November 10, 12                                                                          30

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Website Testing & Methodology

  • 1. Website Testing & Optimization @danleatherman 1 Saturday, November 10, 12 1
  • 2. HELLO. 2 Saturday, November 10, 12 2
  • 3. I'm Dan. 3 Saturday, November 10, 12 3
  • 5. I'm a Designer. 5 Saturday, November 10, 12 5
  • 6. Measurement & R.O.I 6 Saturday, November 10, 12 6
  • 7. Essential Methodology 1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where 5. Why 7 Saturday, November 10, 12 7
  • 8. Designers Business Development Developers Future Clients Project Managers Current Clients Marketers Whole Teams 8 Saturday, November 10, 12 8
  • 9. Essential Methodology 1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where 5. Why 9 Saturday, November 10, 12 9
  • 10. Intuition-Driven (AKA The Designers Choice) 10 Saturday, November 10, 12 10
  • 11. Data-Driven (AKA The Engineers Choice) 11 Saturday, November 10, 12 11
  • 12. Design Spectrum Intuition Driven Data Driven Instinctive Deliberate Subjective Objective Daring Safe 12 Saturday, November 10, 12 12
  • 13. Metrics-Driven (AKA The Every-mans Choice) Radical innovation requires both evidence and intuition: evidence to become informed, and intuition to inspire us in imagining and creating new and better possibilities.Jane Fulton Suri, IDEO 13 Saturday, November 10, 12 13
  • 14. Scientific Method Think Learn Try 14 Saturday, November 10, 12 14
  • 15. Essential Methodology 1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where 5. Why 15 Saturday, November 10, 12 15
  • 17. Ideation Wireframes Visuals / Prototypes Launch! Iteration User Flows Analytics Measurement Click Tests Preference Tests Usability Testing A/B or Multivariate Tests 17 Saturday, November 10, 12 17
  • 18. Essential Methodology 1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where 5. Why 18 Saturday, November 10, 12 18
  • 19. Wheres Waldo? 19 Saturday, November 10, 12 19
  • 20. The Number Narrative (hypothetical situation) 95% 20 Saturday, November 10, 12 20
  • 21. Essential Methodology 1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where 5. Why 21 Saturday, November 10, 12 21
  • 22. Value 22 Saturday, November 10, 12 22
  • 23. The more users expectations prove right, the more they will feel in control of the system and the more they will like it. Jakob Nielson 23 Saturday, November 10, 12 23
  • 24. UI Fundamentals & Best Practices Basic Usability Bad Good 24 Saturday, November 10, 12 24
  • 25. UI Fundamentals & Best Practices Information Architecture / Hierarchy Bad Good 25 Saturday, November 10, 12 25
  • 26. UI Fundamentals & Best Practices Call To Actions Bad Good 26 Saturday, November 10, 12 26
  • 27. Testing UI Free! $$ 27 Saturday, November 10, 12 27
  • 28. Resources ZURB Apps Invision (invisionapp.com) Plunk (plunkapp.com) Google Analytics Clue (clueapp.com) (google.com/analytics) Notable Gauges (gaug.es) (notableapp.com) Chartbeat Verify (verifyapp.com) (chartbeat.com) 28 Saturday, November 10, 12 28
  • 29. Resources (contd) Google URL Builder (http:// ClickTale (clicktale.com) support.google.com/ Crazy Egg analytics/bin/answer.py? (crazyegg.com) hl=en&answer=103386 7) Optimizely (optimizely.com) Click Heat (http:// www.labsmedia.com/ Litmus (litmus.com) clickheat/index.html) 29 Saturday, November 10, 12 29
  • 30. Image Sources (cc) 際際滷 3: Bridge: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jenik/ 際際滷 13: 1032573169/ Teeter Totter: http://www.flickr.com/ 際際滷 5: photos/joephotos/748426315/ Things Organized Neatly: http:// 際際滷 14: thingsorganizedneatly.tumblr.com/post/ Brain: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 29420742974/submission-old-school- lizhenry/2051224366/ deconstruction-givewave Wright: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 際際滷 6: 7726011@N07/3364409856/ Chemistry Set: http://www.flickr.com/ Supernova: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ photos/unloveable/2395867186/ nasamarshall/6313004758/ 際際滷 10: 際際滷 16: Whack-a-mole: http://www.flickr.com/ Lion King: http://cdn0.hark.com/images/ photos/tpapi/2765541278/ 000/006/667/6667/original.0 際際滷 11: 際際滷 19: The Megahangar: http://www.flickr.com/ Wheres Waldo: http://www.flickr.com/ photos/stuckincustoms/5699183849/ photos/jameson42/4353769995/ 30 Saturday, November 10, 12 30