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Website to raise awareness on AIDS - Community | The Star ... http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Community/2014/12/01/We... 
Website to raise awareness on AIDS 
by kelly tey 
Reaching out to netizens: (From left) Soo, Tarandeep, Adeeba and Diana at the launch of 
TemanTeman.org at Bangsar Village 2, Kuala Lumpur. 
AN ONLINE resource centre was recently launched to help raise awareness on HIV/AIDS. 
The TemanTeman.org site provides information on treatment, care and support services for those with 
HIV/AIDS and sexually-transmitted diseases. 
The site highlights the importance of early, routine and voluntary testing and features local experts and 
“Although the HIV situation is not as bad as it was a few years ago, we are still seeing far too many 
“Certain sectors of the population are still recording high numbers,” said Universiti Malaya Medical 
Faculty dean Prof Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman. 
“Also troubling is the fact that many of them are diagnosed late and have reached higher levels of 
complication,” she said, adding that treatment became more difficult in such cases. 
This is why testing for the disease is emphasised. 
“When it is detected and treated early, patients can pretty much lead normal lives,” said Prof Adeeba. 
1 of 2 12/2/57 BE 6:34 PM
Website to raise awareness on AIDS - Community | The Star ... http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Community/2014/12/01/We... 
TemanTeman.org ambassadors Carmen Soo and Diana Danielle also made the first move by 
volunteering to get tested. 
Soo said HIV/AIDS should be viewed just like any other disease while Diana said people needed to be 
more aware of what can be done. 
“No one is immune. People need to be aware of the things they can do and the steps they can take,” she 
TemanTeman.org also provides information on how to access treatment as well as a directory of medical 
The site is created by Purple Haze Asia, organised by Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre and 
funded by ViiV Healthcare and the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), with the support of 
University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) Infectious Diseases Department and the Centre of 
Excellence for Research in AIDS. 
TemanTeman.org project director Tarandeep Anand also said future projects included a photography 
exhibition next year. 
2 of 2 12/2/57 BE 6:34 PM

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Website to raise awareness on aids in Malaysia community | the star online

  • 1. Website to raise awareness on AIDS - Community | The Star ... http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Community/2014/12/01/We... Website to raise awareness on AIDS by kelly tey Reaching out to netizens: (From left) Soo, Tarandeep, Adeeba and Diana at the launch of TemanTeman.org at Bangsar Village 2, Kuala Lumpur. AN ONLINE resource centre was recently launched to help raise awareness on HIV/AIDS. The TemanTeman.org site provides information on treatment, care and support services for those with HIV/AIDS and sexually-transmitted diseases. The site highlights the importance of early, routine and voluntary testing and features local experts and celebrities. “Although the HIV situation is not as bad as it was a few years ago, we are still seeing far too many cases. “Certain sectors of the population are still recording high numbers,” said Universiti Malaya Medical Faculty dean Prof Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman. “Also troubling is the fact that many of them are diagnosed late and have reached higher levels of complication,” she said, adding that treatment became more difficult in such cases. This is why testing for the disease is emphasised. “When it is detected and treated early, patients can pretty much lead normal lives,” said Prof Adeeba. 1 of 2 12/2/57 BE 6:34 PM
  • 2. Website to raise awareness on AIDS - Community | The Star ... http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Community/2014/12/01/We... TemanTeman.org ambassadors Carmen Soo and Diana Danielle also made the first move by volunteering to get tested. Soo said HIV/AIDS should be viewed just like any other disease while Diana said people needed to be more aware of what can be done. “No one is immune. People need to be aware of the things they can do and the steps they can take,” she added. TemanTeman.org also provides information on how to access treatment as well as a directory of medical facilities. The site is created by Purple Haze Asia, organised by Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre and funded by ViiV Healthcare and the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), with the support of University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) Infectious Diseases Department and the Centre of Excellence for Research in AIDS. TemanTeman.org project director Tarandeep Anand also said future projects included a photography exhibition next year. 2 of 2 12/2/57 BE 6:34 PM