Recommender systems aim to provide personalized recommendations of items like movies, music, or products based on a user's preferences. Collaborative filtering approaches make recommendations based on the ratings of other similar users, while content-based filtering relies on item attributes. Hybrid systems combine these methods. The Netflix Prize competition spurred research on collaborative filtering algorithms like memory-based and model-based approaches. However, data sparsity and new user problems remain challenges.
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Webtech recommender systems_presentation
1. Recommender Systems
Simona Dakova
The slides are licensed under a
1 Web Technologies – Prof. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder – WS 2010/11 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
3. We live in information overload!
“We are leaving the age of Information and entering the Age of Recommendation” -
The Long Tail (Chris Anderson)
3 Web Technologies
4. They try to attract you!
Netflix: 2/3 of the movies rented were recommended
Google News: 38% more click-throughs
Amazon: 35% sales from recommendations
4 Web Technologies
5. Why recommenders?
Enhance e-commerce and boost sales
Browsers into buyers
Recommender vs. Search:
Discover the items you are looking, match your preferences
Limited list of results
Personalize your website content to the profile of an
individual user
Discover interesting items
Automated personalization
Increase usage and satisfaction
5 Web Technologies
6. Netflix Prize Competition
$1.000.000 - if you “only” improve existing system by 10%!
Contest started in 2006
Annual progress prize $ 50.000
Gained great popularity in
academic circles
The Winner
BellKor´s Pragmatic Chaos
10.5% improvement in July 2009
6 Web Technologies
7. Recommender System = ?
Algorithms/Systems for information filtering attempting to
recommend certain items the user might like
Advertising messages, Investment choices, Restaurants, Cafes,
Music tracks, Movies, TV programs, Books, Cloths, Supermarket
goods, Tags, News articles, Online mates, Research papers
7 Web Technologies
8. User Profiling
Understand people´s needs and interests
Explicit Data Collection
Ask for rating of items
Rank a set of items
Ask for detailed information/feedback
CON: not well received by users, not ubiquitous
Implicit Data Collection
Purchasing history
Items viewed
Navigational patterns
Obtain list of watched/listened items
Analyze social data
CON: Privacy concerns
8 Web Technologies
10. Collaborative filtering (CF)
Collaborative Content-based Hybrid
filtering (CF) Filtering (CB) recommenders
Memory-based Model-based
CF Algorithms CF Algorithms
• prediction based on past ratings • learn a model from user’s ratings
• compute similarities between • use the model to predict the
users/items probabilistic rating of the active
user on given item
• make prediction according to the
calculated weight (similarity)
10 Web Technologies
12. Memory-based CF Algorithms
Entire or sample of the user-item matrix
1. For the active user/item identify his neighbors
Similarity computation
Pearson correlation
Vector cosine-based similarity
2. Neighborhood-based prediction/ Top-N
12 Web Technologies
13. User-based vs. Item-based
i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
u1 5 8 7 8 u1 5 8 7 8
u2 10 1 u2 10 1
u3 2 10 9 9 u3 2 10 9 9
u4 2 9 9 10 u4 2 9 9 10
u5 1 5 1 u5 1 5 1
ua 2 9 10 ua 2 9 10
User-based = You may like it Item-based = You may like it
because your “friends” liked it because you like similar items
13 Web Technologies
15. Model-Based CF Algorithms
r5 E
r9 C
r11 O
r3 r3 M
r4 M
r7 Train r7 r4 E
r8 r8 N
r2 r1 A
r6 I
all ratings (only set of ratings)
Train your system to recognize complex patterns in user-
item data (ratings)
Make the recommendation based on the trained model
Relies on machine learning and data mining algorithms
15 Web Technologies
16. Limitations and problems of CF
Depend on human ratings
Data sparsity
Cold start , New user and New item problem
Shilling attacks
Gray/Black sheep
16 Web Technologies
18. Content-based recommendation (CB)
For items containing textual information (keywords)
Information Retrieval
Compares similarity of the features of given items
Example: Movie recommendation application
Analyze common features among the movies
Recommend only the movies that have a high degree of similarity
to whatever the user’s preferences are
Small Large
Similarity SImilarity
18 Web Technologies
19. Limitations and problems of CB
Limited content analysis
Explicitly associated features
Multimedia data – relies on tagging
Same set of features – indistinguishable
Difficult to recognize synonyms, concepts, or new emergi
ng words
New user Problem
19 Web Technologies
21. Hybrid recommenders
Use combination of CF and CB
Implementing methods separately and combining their predictions
Incorporating CB characteristics into a CF approach or vice versa
Constructing a general unifying model that incorporates both
Example: content-boosted collaborative filtering
i1 i2 i3 i4 i1 i2 i3 i4
Content Collaborative
u1 5 8 x 7 u1 5 8 7 7
predictor filtering
u2 10 x 1 x u2 10 4 1 8
u3 2 x 10 9 u3 2 5 10 9
u4 x 2 9 9 u4 6 2 9 9
ua 2 x 9 10 ua 2 3 9 10
21 Web Technologies
22. Pros/Cons of Hybrid Recommenders
Address limitations of pure CF or CB systems
Provide more accurate recommendations
Performance improvement
Overcome sparsity
Expensive to build
22 Web Technologies
23. The winning solution on Netflix Contest
A blend of several complex
algorithms into a hybrid
recommender system
Main improvement:
Incorporate temporal effects that cause movie and user biases as
well as the changing user preferences
23 Web Technologies
24. Summary
Techniques Advantages Limitations
Memory-based algorithms: • easy implementation •data sparsity
Neighborhood-based CF • no content considered •cold start problem
Top-N recommendation •limited scalability
Model-based algorithms: • deal better with sparsity, • expensive modeling
machine learning / data scalability • trade-off between
mining algorithms • intuitive rationale performance and
Information retrieval • no data about other users • limited content
• recommendation for analysis
new/unpopular items • overspecialization
• predictions for users with •new user problem
unique tastes
combination of • overcome limitations of pure • complexity
collaborative and content- collaborative and content-based • expensive to build
based approaches recommendations
• more accurate
• performance improvement
24 Web Technologies
25. Literature
Adomavicius, G., Tuzhilin, A. 2005. Toward the Next Generation of
Recommender Systems: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible
Su, X., Khoshgoftaar, T. 2009 A Survey on Collaborative Filtering Techniques.
Sarwar, B., Karypis, G., Konstan, J., Riedl, J. 2001 Item-based collaborative
Filtering Recommendation Algorithms.
Das, A., Datar, M., Garg, A. 2007 Google News Personalization: Scalable
Online Collaborative Fitlering.
Linden, G., Smith, B., York, J. 2003 Recommendations Item-to-
Item Collaborative Filtering.
Guy, I., Zwerdling, N., Ronen, I., Carmel, D., Erel, U. 2010 Social Media
Recommendation based on People and Tags.
Schafer, J., Konstan, J., Riedl, J. 1999 Recommender Systems in E-Commerce.
Piotte, M., Chabbert, M. 2009 Extending the toolbox.
25 Web Technologies