JD, originally named James Daniel, was an ornery child who would beat toys with wooden objects. In high school, he went by Jimmy Dan and was known for his mullet haircut and motorcycle rides with his brother. He later became a star football player in college. Now going by JD, he has found his match in Ashley and his brother is honored to be his best man at the wedding, celebrating the rare happiness JD has found.
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1. To truly know JD you have to understand who JD the person is.
2. Born James Daniel, he was an ornery youngster who would routinely issue beatings to Winnie the Pooh using blunt wooden objects.
3. Some time after giving up toy abuse, he took the name Jimmy Dan. These years lasted through highschool and were defined by his Mr. T Chuck Taylors, his signature mullet and the two of us chasing one another through the neighborhood on our motorcycles.
4. Then he went off to college and became a big football star. Years later he returned home as the person we know today, JD.
5. He goes by many names: Jimmy Dan, Jimmy, JD . dad, son, brother. As his brother, as his friend, theres no other place Id rather be than next to him on his big day. To be his best man is an honor and a privilege. Jimmy and I have shared so many memories over the years...some only brothers can understand.
6. I am so happy for him to have found his match. The person that brings out the best in him, that brings balance to his life. Shortly after meeting Ashley, it was easy to see that his search is over. Thats a rare thing in life and deserves to be celebrated. If you agree, have a drink with me, raise your glasses for a toast. To JD and Ashley. Heres wishing you a long marriage filled with love and happiness.