Wee Solve is a digital advertising agency that aims to provide alternative revenue streams for publishers and innovative engagement tools for advertisers. It offers in-image, slider, and video advertising products that can be flexibly implemented across diverse online outlets. The business model involves taking a 50-70% commission on products sold. Wee Solve sees opportunities in the growing UK and global digital advertising markets, which are projected to reach billions in revenue over the next few years. It is seeking 贈70,000 in investment to launch and compete against other established digital advertising companies.
6. The Solution - Publishers
An agency that provides alternative revenue
A flexible agency with a non-exclusive arrangement
7. The Solution - Advertisers
Tools to help define and shape a brand message
Innovative software that maximises exposure in a clustered environment
8. #marketingplan
Website & Product
Comment Marketing
Forums Word Of Mouth
B2B Adverts SEO
Direct / Referral Traffic
Online Videos
Social Media
10. The Market Place
The UK mobile market will reach 贈500 million by 2012
The first six months of 2012 saw 贈70 million spent on UK video advertising
The US ad market will be worth 贈38.6 billion in 2016
The digital ad spend in 2012 globally will be 贈67 billion
UK online advertising will be worth 贈7.6 billion in 2016
11. Products
Wee Solve X
You know youre not
the first, But, do you
really care ?
In-Image 際際滷r Video
12. The Business Model
50% 70% commission on each product sold
In-Image 際際滷r Video
贈0.75 贈0.60 贈0.90