This document provides information about Impressionism, a style of art that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century. Some key points:
- Impressionist artists aimed to capture fleeting impressions and the effects of light on their subjects. They would paint outdoors to accurately depict how color appears at different times of day.
- Characteristics included using small brushstrokes of unmixed color, concentrating on changes in color and shape caused by light, and choosing everyday subjects involving people.
- Famous Impressionist artists mentioned include Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Berthe Morisot, and Edgar Degas. Their paintings focused on conveying mood and atmosphere.
7. - Surrounds us in our daily life
- We can easily identify
specific styles of cars, brand
names of different goods
- in art, people note personal
styles of specific artists
8. - ¡°That¡¯s a Picasso¡±, That¡¯s an
Anita Magsaysay-Ho¡±
9. -an art style that tried to
capture an impression of
what the eye sees at a
given moment and effect
of sunlight on the subject
17. 4. Their use of tiny dabs
and dashes of bright
colors that are mixed from
pure hues and broken up
with their opposite colors
seem to blend as you look
at them from a distance
23. Claude Monet
-pioneer of impressionist
-had along lasting
fascination in observing
and painting light and
-any of his beautiful
paintings show places in
the garden
-¡±What do I see and how do
I record it in painting?¡±
25. Pierre-Auguste
-liked to paint lively
groups of figures
-usually used the maids
in his house as his
-painted more than
6,000 paintings