natural science that studies non-living systems, in contrast to life science. It encompasses a broad range of fields and subjects that seek to understand the physical universe. The study of celestial objects and phenomena beyond Earth's atmosphere. Key Concepts: The Solar System: Planets, moons, and the sun. Stars and Galaxies: Life cycles of stars, types of galaxies, and cosmic distances. Cosmology: The origin, evolution, and fate of the universe. Observational Techniques: Telescopes and space probes. Earth Science Definition: The study of the Earth and its processes. Key Concepts: Geology: Earth's structure, minerals, rocks, and tectonics. Meteorology: Weather, climate, and atmospheric phenomena. Oceanography: Oceans, marine life, and oceanic processes. Environmental Science: Human impact on the environment and natural resources. Importance of Physical Science Understanding the Universe: Physical science helps us understand how the universe works, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. Technological Advancements: Knowledge in physical science leads to technological innovations that improve our quality of life. Problem-Solving: It provides the tools to solve practical problems in various fields like engineering, medicine, and environmental science. Critical Thinking: The study of physical science enhances analytical and critical thinking skills. Methods of Study The Scientific Method: A systematic approach to inquiry involving observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and conclusion. Mathematics: The language of physical science, used to quantify and model physical phenomena. Experimentation: Conducting controlled experiments to test hypotheses and theories. Observation: Using tools like telescopes, microscopes, and satellites to observe and collect data.