1. The document discusses types of salads and salad ingredients. It classifies salads into categories like green salads, vegetable salads, and fruit salads. It also discusses different types of salads based on their function, such as appetizer salads, accompaniment salads, and main course salads.
2. A wide variety of ingredients are listed for salads, including various lettuces, vegetables, fruits, starches, and proteins. Freshness and variety are important for high quality salads.
3. Salads can be produced for different purposes in a meal, and the appropriate types and ingredients depend on the role of the salad.
4. 4
• Because the number and variety of salad
combinations is nearly endless, it is helpful to
divide salads into categories in order to understand
how they are produces.
• For the pantry chef, the most useful way to classify
salads is by ingredient :
– green salads, vegetable salads, fruit salads, and so on.
• This is because production techniques are slightly
different for each kind. We use this classification
when we discuss specific recipes later in this
5. 5
• Before the pantry chef can produce the salads,
first he or she has to decide exactly what salads
should be made.
• Therefore, you should know what kinds of salads
are best for which purposes.
• For this reason, salads are also classified according
to their function in the meal.
• Keep in mind that there are no exact dividing lines
between the types of salads discussed below.
6. 6
• For example, a salad that is suitable as the
first course of a dinner may also be an
excellent main course on a luncheon menu.
1) Green Salads
2) Vegetable Salads
3) Fruit Salads
8. 8
• Today, the variety of salads on offer seems to
be greater than ever in memory.
• Restaurants that once listed no more than two
or three salads on their menu now devote an
entire page to the category.
• New kinds of salads fill bin after bin in the
prepared – food sections of supermarkets and
9. 9
• At the same time, more traditional salads
have not lost their importance. In schools,
hospitals, nursing homes, neighborhood
dinners, and mom – and – pop restaurant,
cooks who may never have heard of mesclun
still have to know how to clean a head of
iceberg lettuce and how to prepare flavored
10. 10
• The following classification of salads types
describes the roles salads fill in modem
• These categories apply to both traditional
and modern recipes.
11. 11
• Many establishments serve salads as a first
course, often as a more elaporate first course.
Not only does this ease the pressure on the
kitchen during service but it also gives the
customers a satisfying food to eat while their
dinners are being prepared.
12. 12
• In addition, more elaborate composed salads
are popular as appetizer (and also as main
courses at lunch) in many elegant restaurants.
These often consist of a poultry, meat, or fish
item, plus a variety of vegetables and
garnishes, attractively arranged on 1 bed of
13. 13
• Appetizer salads should stimulate the appetite.
This means they must have fresh crisp ingredients;
a tangy, flavorful dressing; and an attractive,
appetizing appearance
• Pre-portioned salads should not be so large as
to be filling, but they should be substantial enough
to serve as a complete course in themselves. (Self-service
salads bars, of course, avoid this problem.)
Tossed green salads are especially popular for this
reason as they are bulky without being filling.
14. 14
• The combination of ingredients should be interesting, not
dull or trite. Flavorful foods like cheese, ham, salami,
shrimp, and crabmeat, even in small quantities, add
appeal. So do crisp raw or lightly cooked vegetables. A
bowl of poorly drained iceberg lettuce with a bland
dressing is hardly the most exciting way to start a meal.
• Attractive arrangement and garnish are important
because visual appeal stimulates the appetite. A satisfying,
interesting starter puts the customer in a good frame of
mind for the rest of the meal.
15. 15
• Salads can also be served with the main course.
They serve the same function as other side dishes
(vegetables and starches).
• Accompaniment salads must balance and
harmonize with the rest of the meal, like any other
side dish. For example, don’t serve potato salad at
the same meal at which you are serving French
fries or another starch. Sweet fruit salads are
rarely appropriate is accompaniments, except with
such items as ham or pork.
16. 16
• Side-dish salads should be light and flavorful,
not too rich. Vegetable salads are often good
choices. Heavier salads, such as macaroni or
high-protein salads containing meat, seafood,
cheese, and so on, are less appropriate,
unless the main course is light. Combination
salads with a variety of elements are
appropriate accompaniments to sandwiches.
17. 17
• Cold salad plates have popular on luncheon
menus, especially among nutrition and diet-conscious
diners. The appeal of these salads is
in variety and freshness of ingredients.
• Main-course salads should be large enough to
serve as a full meal and should contain a
substantial portion of protein. Meat, poultry,
and seafood salads, as well as egg salad and
cheese, are popular choices.
18. 18
• Main-course salads should offer enough variety on
the plate to form a balanced meat, both
nutritionally and in flavors and textures. In addition
to the protein, a salad platter should offer a variety
of vegetable, greens, and/or fruits. Examples are
chef’s salad (mixed greens, raw vegetables, and
strips of meat and chesses), shrimp or crabmeat
salad with tomato wedges and slices of avocado on
a bed of greens, and cottage cheese with an
assortment of fresh fruits.
19. 19
• The portion size and variety of ingredients
give the chef an excellent opportunity to use
imagination and creativity to produce
attractive, appetizing salad plates. Attractive
• Arrangements and good color balance are
20. 20
• Many fine restaurants serve a refreshing, light
salad after the main course. The purpose is to
cleanse the palate after a rich dinner and to
refresh the appetite and provide a pleasant break
before desert.
• Salads served after the main course were the rule
rather than the exception many years ago, and the
practice deserve to be more widespread. A dinner
who may be satiated after a heavy meal is often
refreshed and ready for dessert after a light,
piquant salad.
21. 21
• Separate-course salads must be very light
and in no way filling. Rich, heavy dressing,
such as those made with sour cream and
mayonnaise, should be avoided. Perhaps the
ideal choice is a few delicate greens, such as
Bibb lettuce or Belgian endive, lightly dressed
with vinaigrette. Fruit salads are also popular
22. 22
• Desert salads are usually sweet and may
contain items such as fruits, sweetened
gelatin, nut and cream. They are often too
sweet to be serve as appetizers or
accompaniments and are best serve as dessert
or as part of a buffet or party menu.
24. 24
• Freshness and variety of ingredients are
essential for high-quality salads. Lettuce, of
course, is the first choice for most people.
• The following table list, by categories, most of
the ingredients used in popular salads
33. 33
AAAArrrrrrrraaaannnnggggiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee SSSSaaaallllaaaadddd
• Perhaps even more than with most other
foods, the appearance and arrangement of the
salad are essential to its quality.
• The colorful variety of salad ingredients gives
the chef an opportunity to create works of art
on the salad plate.
37. 37
• Salad dressings are liquids or semi liquids
used to flavor salads. They are sometimes
considered cold sauces, and they serve the
same functions as sauces-that is, they flavor,
moisten, and enrich.
• Most of the basic salad dressing used today
can be divided into three categories:
38. 38
1. Oil and vinegar dressings (most unthickened
2. Mayonnaise-based dressings (most thickened
3. Cooked dressing (similar in appearance to
mayonnaise dressings, but more tart, and with
little or no oil content).
• A number of dressings have as their main ingredient
such products as sour cream, yogurt, and fruit juices.
Many of these are designed specifically for fruit salad
or for low-calorie diets.
39. 39
• Because the flavors of most salad dressings
are not modified by cooking, their quality
depends directly on the quality of the
• Most salad dressings are made primarily of an
oil and an acid, with other ingredients added
to modify the flavor or texture.
40. 40
1111.... CCCCoooorrrrnnnn ooooiiiillll is widely used in dressing. It has a light golden
color and is nearly tasteless, except for a very mild
cornmeal-type flavor.
2222.... CCCCoooottttttttoooonnnnsssseeeeeeeedddd ooooiiiillll,,,, ssssooooyyyybbbbeeeeaaaannnn ooooiiiillll,,,, ccccaaaannnnoooollllaaaa ooooiiiillll,,,, aaaannnndddd ssssaaaafffffffflllloooowwwweeeerrrr ooooiiiillll
are bland, nearly tasteless oils. Vegetable oil or salad oil
is a blend of oil and is popular because of its neutral
flavor and relatively low cost.
41. 41
3333.... PPPPeeeeaaaannnnuuuutttt ooooiiiillll has a mild but distinctive flavor and may be
used in appropriate dressings. It is somewhat more
4444.... OOOOlllliiiivvvveeee ooooiiiillll has distinctive, fruity flavor and aroma and a
greenish color. The best olive oils are called virgin or
extra-virgin, which means they are made from the first
pressing of the olives. Because of its flavor, olive oil is
not an all-purpose oil but may be used in specialty
salads such as Caesar salad.
42. 42
QQQQuuuuaaaalllliiiittttyyyy FFFFaaaaccccttttoooorrrrssss
• All-purpose oils for dressings should have a mild, sweet
flavor. Strongly flavored oils can make excellent salad
dressings but are not appropriate with every food.
• Winterized oil should be used with dressings that are to
be refrigerated. These oils have been treated so they
remain a clear liquid when chilled.
• Rancidity is a serious problem with oils because even a
hint of a rancid flavor can ruin an entire batch of
dressing. A thin film of oil, such as might be left on
containers through careless washing, becomes rancid
very quickly. Clean all dressing containers thoroughly,
and never pour a fresh batch into a jar containing older
43. 43
2222.... VVVViiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrr
• CCCCiiiiddddeeeerrrr vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrr is made from apples. It is brown
in color and has a slightly sweet apple taste.
• WWWWhhhhiiiitttteeee oooorrrr ddddiiiissssttttiiiilllllllleeeedddd vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrr is distilled and
purified so that it has a neutral flavor.
• WWWWiiiinnnneeee vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrr may be white or red, and it has,
naturally, a winy flavor.
• FFFFllllaaaavvvvoooorrrreeeedddd vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrrssss have had another product
added to them, such as tarragon, garlic, or
44. 44
• SSSShhhheeeerrrrrrrryyyy vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrr is made from sherry wine and,
consequently, has the distinctive flavor of that
• BBBBaaaallllssssaaaammmmiiiicccc vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrr is a special wine vinegar that
has been aged in wooden barrels. It is dark
brown in color and has a noticeably sweet
• OOOOtttthhhheeeerrrr ssssppppeeeecccciiiiaaaallllttttyyyy vvvviiiinnnneeeeggggaaaarrrrssss include malt vinegar,
rice vinegar, and vinegar, and vinegars
flavored with fruits, such as raspberry.
45. 45
• True balsamic vinegar is made by
small artisan producers, as
distinguished from the industrial
product found in most kitchens and
supermarkets. It is made not from
wine or wine vinegar but from grape
juice, usually from white Trebbiano
grapes, although four other grapes
are permitted by Italian law.
Balsamico tradizionale is aged in a
series of small wooden barrels for at
least 10 but as long as 50 years. The
result is an intensely flavorful, thick,
almost syrupy, dark brown liquid.
• Because of the small production and the
long aging, true balsamic vinegar is very
expensive, the oldest bottlings being
among the most expensive foods
• The familiar inexpensive balsamico
vinegars most of us are familiar with are
made in large quantities from wine
vinegar and caramelized sugar,
sometimes with the addition of a quantity
of aged balsamico. The quality of
inexpensive balsamic vinegars ranges
from terribl to good. The better ones can
be excellent salad ingredients. True
balsamico tradizionale is too costly to be
mixed with salad dressings. It is generally
used by itself as a condiment, measured
out in mere drops.
46. 46
QQQQuuuuaaaalllliiiittttyyyy FFFFaaaaccccttttoooorrrrssss
• Vinegars should have a good, clean, sharp flavor for their
• Strength of acidity determines the tartness of the
vinegar—and of the dressing made from it.
• Most salads vinegars are about 5 percent acidity, but
some range as high as 7 or 8 percent.
• White vinegar is used when a completely neutral flavor is
desired for a dressing. Other vinegars are used for their
characteristic flavor. Wine vinegars are usually preferred
for the best-quality oil-and-vinegar dressings
47. 47
Fresh lemon juice may be used in place of or in
addition to vinegar in some preparations, when its
flavor is desired.
Egg yolk is an essential ingredient in mayonnaise
and other emulsified dressings. For safety,
pasteurized eggs should be used (see pp.788 and
1030), and the finished product should be
refrigerated to guard against spoilage.
48. 48
• Nearly any herb or spice can e used in salad
dressings. Fresh herbs are preferable to dried
herbs as flavorings, especially when the dressings
are used for simple, light mixed green salads.
Remember that dried herbs and spics need extra
time to release their flavors if they are not heated
in the product. This is why most dressings are best
at least two or three hours before serving. Review
Chapter 4 to refresh your memory on the use of
herbs and spices.
49. 49
• Other ingredients added for flavoring include
mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and
various kinds of cheeses.
• A note on blue cheese and Roquefort cheese: Many
restaurants sell what they call Roquefort dressing
when it is actually blue cheese dressing. Roquefort
is a brand name for a special kind of blue cheese
made in Roquefort, France. It is made of sheep’s
milk, has a distinctive taste, and is expensive. Do
not use the term Roquefort for blue cheese
dressing unless you are actually using this brand of
51. 51
• As you know, oil and water do not normally stay
mixes but separate into layers. Salad dressings,
however, must be evenly mixed for proper service,
even thought they are made primarily of oil and
• A uniform mixture of two unmixable liquids is called
an emulsion. One liquid is said to be in suspension
in the other.
52. 52
• A simple oil and vinegar dressing is called a
temporary emulsion because the two liquids always
separate after being shaken.
• The harder the mixture is beaten or shaken, the
longer it takes for it to separate. This because the
oil and water are broken into smaller droplets, so
the droplets take longer to recombine with each
other so the oil and water can separate.When a
mixture of oil and vinegar is mixed in a blender,
the resulting mixture stays in emulsion considerably
53. 53
• Some ingredients act as weak emulsifiers. For
example, when mustard is added to the
mixture, the vinaigrette stays emulsified
longer. Other ingredients that work this way
include vegetable purees and stocks with a
good gelatin content. Even these mixture,
however, will separate when they stand long
enough. They should be mixed again before
54. 54
• Mayonnaise is also a mixture of oil and vinegar, but
the two liquids do not separate. This is because the
formula also contains egg yolk, which is a strong
emulsifier. The egg yolk forms a layer around each
of the tiny droplets and holds them in suspention.
• The harder the mayonnaise is beaten to break up
the droplets, the more stable the emulsion
becomes. All emulsion, whether permanent or
temporally, form more easily at room temperature,
because chilled oil is harder to break up into small
57. 57
• Basic vinaigrette, the first recipe in this
section, is a simple mixture of oil, vinegar,
and seasoning. It can be used as is, but it is
usually the base fore other dressings, such as
the variations that follow.
58. 58
• The ratio of oil to vinegar in a basic
vinaigrette is 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar.
• This is not a divine law, however, and the
proportions may be changed to taste.
• Some chefs prefer a 2:1 ratio, while others
prefer a 4:1 or even 5:1 ratio.
• Less oil makes the dressing more tart, while
more oil makes it taste milder and oilier
59. 59
• A very strong vinegar, more than 5 percent
acid, may have to be diluted with water
before being measured and added to the
• For guidelines in the preparation of
vinaigrettes, review the discussion of
temporary emulsion above.
60. 60
UUUU....SSSS.... MMMMeeeettttrrrriiiicccc Innnnggggrrrreeeeddddiiiieeeennnnttttssss
1 cup 250 ml. Wine vinegar
1 tbsp 15 ml Salt
1 tsp 5 ml White pepper
3 cups 750 ml Salad oil, olive oil,
or Part salad oil
and part olive oil
62. 62
• Mayonnaise is the most important emulsified
dressing. It is sometimes used by itself as a
salad dressing, but more often it serves as the
base for a wide variety of other dressings.
Mayonnaise-based dressings are generally
thick and creamy. In face, many of them are
made with the addition of sour cream.
63. 63
• Emulsified French dressing is similar to basic
French dressing, except that egg yolk has
been added to keep the oil and vinegar from
separating. Its preparation is similar to that of
mayonnaise. Emulsified French dressing is
given a red-orange color and a subtle
flavoring through the addition of Spanish
64. 64
• Good-quality prepared mayonnaise is readily
available on the market, and few
establishments make their own. But it is such
a basic preparation and, like the mother
sauces you studied in chapter 8, the
foundation of many others. Therefore, it is
important to know how to make it.
65. 65
• Homemade mayonnaise is not as stable as the commercial
product, which is prepared with special equipment that
creates a finer emulsion and which may have adds
stabilizers to increase its shelf life. Also, the commercial
product is usually less expensive. Nevertheless, making
mayonnaise in your operation takes only minutes with a
power mixer, and by carefully selecting your ingredients
you can make a superior-tasting product.
• To make mayonnaise, you must observe several
conditions in order to get an emulsion. Study these
guidelines before proceeding with the recipe: