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Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

                Weight, Stature, Standing and Sitting Measurements
                             Combined        Male      Female

                              3 Vertical
                                          4 Frontal     5 Lateral Grip
  1 Weight       2 Stature      Grip                                      6 Step Height
                                         Grip Reach        Reach
11 Maximum Hip Breadth
12 Maximum Thigh
Breadth (Seated)
9 Erect Sitting Height
10 Eye Height (Seated)
13 Thigh Clearance
14 Buttock-Knee Length
15 Knee Height
7 Supine Stature

8 Standing Center of

16 Supine Sitting Height

17 Seated Center of

  zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       1
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

                          Head, Face and Neck Measurements
                              Combined        Male      Female
18 Head Circumference
20 Head Length
23 Lower Face Height
24 Face Height
25 Head Height
26 Tragion to Back of
27 Tragion to Top of
28 Ear-Sellion Depth
31 Nose Length

32 Neck Circumference

19 Head Breadth
21 Bizygomatic Breadth
22 Frontal Breadth
29 Bitragion Breadth
30 Mouth Breadth
33 Lateral Neck Breadth

   zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       2
Furniture Designs                                          Children Anthropometrics Data

                          Shoulder and Arm Measurements
                             Combined        Male      Female
34 Clavicale-Acromion

36 Biacromial Breadth

38 Acromion-Radiale
39 Upper Arm

42 Radiale-Stylion

43 Forearm

   zaini@selectvest.com    Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       3
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

44 Forearm Breadth

   37 Shoulder-Elbow
        Length              35 Shoulder Breadth            40 Upper Arm Depth
 41 Elbow-Hand Length

                                  Hand Measurements
                              Combined        Male      Female
  45 Wrist Circumference

   zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       4
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

47 Hand Length
48 Hand Breadth
50 Thumb Crotch-Middle
Finger Length
51 Thumb Length
52 Thumb Diameter
53 Index Finger Length
54 Index Finger Diameter
55 Middle Finger Length

56 Middle Finger Diameter

46 Wrist Breadth

59 Maximum Fist Breadth

57 Middle Finger -Thumb
Grip Length

58 Maximum Fist

60 Maximum Fist Depth

49 Mimimun Hand Clearance

 zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       5
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

                    Torso, Pelvis, Leg and Foot Measurements
                             Combined      Male      Female
61 Suprasternale Height
62 Chest Height at Axilla
63 Chest Circumference
64 Chest Breadth at Axilla
65 Waist Height
66 Waist Circumference
67 Waist Breadth
68 Natural Waist
70 Hip Height at Buttocks

71 Hip Circumference

77 Upper Thigh
78 Upper Thigh Depth
80 Calf Circumference
81 Calf Circumference
82 Calf Depth
75 Gluteal Furrow Height

zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       6
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

 69 Iliocristale Height
 73 Iliospinale Height
 76 Trochanteric Height
 74 Bispinous Breadth

 72 Hip Breadth at

79 Tibiale Height
83 Ankle Circumference
84 Ankle Breadth
85 Sphyrion Height
86 Foot Length

87 Foot Breadth

    zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       7
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       8
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

                                     Infant Measurements
1 Weight
10 Elbow-Hand
28 Mid-Thigh Depth
2 Crown-sole Length
30 Calf
31 Ankle
9 Upper Arm
11 Forearm

8 Shoulder Elbow

24 Rump-Knee
29 Knee-Sole
3 Crown-Rump

23 Rump-Sole

      zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                       9
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

17 Thumb Diameter
18 Middle Finger
12 Wrist
13 Hand Length

14 Hand Breadth

15 Minimun Hand

16 Maximum Fist

33 Foot Length

34 Foot Breadth

      zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                     10
Furniture Designs                                         Children Anthropometrics Data

4 Head
6 Head Length
5 Head Breadth

7 Shoulder Breadth

19 Chest
20 Chest Breadth
27 Mid-Thigh
32 Ankle Breadth
21 Waist
22 Waist Breadth
25 Hip

26 Hip Breadth

      zaini@selectvest.com   Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                     11
Furniture Designs                                              Children Anthropometrics Data

                    KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES)
  AGE/YRS              N      MEAN      S.D.    MIN     5TH     50TH         95TH    MAX
         2.0-3.5       203       27.0     2.0    22.5   23.7          26.9    30.6    32.3
         3.5-4.5       206       29.9     2.0    22.0   26.7          29.8    33.1    35.8
         4.5-5.5       241       32.3     2.0    28.1   29.2          32.2    35.6    38.2
         5.5-6.5       214       34.9     2.0    29.6   31.5          34.7    38.3    40.6
         6.5-7.5       219       37.3     2.2    31.0   33.5          37.2    40.9    43.6
         7.5-8.5       188       39.4     2.3    33.1   35.7          39.3    43.3    46.4
         8.5-9.5       249       41.7     2.5    34.5   37.9          41.5    45.7    48.7
        9.5-10.5       250       43.6     2.6    37.6   39.4          43.5    48.1    53.4
       10.5-11.5       279       45.6     2.6    37.9   41.3          45.5    49.8    53.3
       11.5-12.5       277       47.5     2.7    40.9   43.3          47.3    52.3    59.3
       12.5-13.5       297       49.0     3.0    41.2   44.5          49.0    54.2    59.8
       13.5-14.5       252       50.7     3.3    42.1   45.6          50.5    56.5    60.3
       14.5-15.5       259       51.5     3.3    43.6   46.7          51.5    56.8    60.2
       15.5-16.5       185       52.4     3.9    44.3   46.5          52.5    58.9    61.6
       16.5-17.5       212       52.1     3.9    41.6   46.1          51.6    58.5    62.0
       17.5-19.0       151       53.0     4.0    44.4   47.2          52.8    60.0    62.8

zaini@selectvest.com       Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                      12
Furniture Designs                                              Children Anthropometrics Data

                    KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES)
  AGE/YRS              N      MEAN      S.D.    MIN     5TH     50TH         95TH    MAX
         2.0-3.5       203       27.0     2.0    22.5   23.7          26.9    30.6    32.3
         3.5-4.5       206       29.9     2.0    22.0   26.7          29.8    33.1    35.8
         4.5-5.5       241       32.3     2.0    28.1   29.2          32.2    35.6    38.2
         5.5-6.5       214       34.9     2.0    29.6   31.5          34.7    38.3    40.6
         6.5-7.5       219       37.3     2.2    31.0   33.5          37.2    40.9    43.6
         7.5-8.5       188       39.4     2.3    33.1   35.7          39.3    43.3    46.4
         8.5-9.5       249       41.7     2.5    34.5   37.9          41.5    45.7    48.7
        9.5-10.5       250       43.6     2.6    37.6   39.4          43.5    48.1    53.4
       10.5-11.5       279       45.6     2.6    37.9   41.3          45.5    49.8    53.3
       11.5-12.5       277       47.5     2.7    40.9   43.3          47.3    52.3    59.3
       12.5-13.5       297       49.0     3.0    41.2   44.5          49.0    54.2    59.8
       13.5-14.5       252       50.7     3.3    42.1   45.6          50.5    56.5    60.3
       14.5-15.5       259       51.5     3.3    43.6   46.7          51.5    56.8    60.2
       15.5-16.5       185       52.4     3.9    44.3   46.5          52.5    58.9    61.6
       16.5-17.5       212       52.1     3.9    41.6   46.1          51.6    58.5    62.0
       17.5-19.0       151       53.0     4.0    44.4   47.2          52.8    60.0    62.8

zaini@selectvest.com       Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                      12
Furniture Designs                                              Children Anthropometrics Data

                    KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES)
  AGE/YRS              N      MEAN      S.D.    MIN     5TH     50TH         95TH    MAX
         2.0-3.5       203       27.0     2.0    22.5   23.7          26.9    30.6    32.3
         3.5-4.5       206       29.9     2.0    22.0   26.7          29.8    33.1    35.8
         4.5-5.5       241       32.3     2.0    28.1   29.2          32.2    35.6    38.2
         5.5-6.5       214       34.9     2.0    29.6   31.5          34.7    38.3    40.6
         6.5-7.5       219       37.3     2.2    31.0   33.5          37.2    40.9    43.6
         7.5-8.5       188       39.4     2.3    33.1   35.7          39.3    43.3    46.4
         8.5-9.5       249       41.7     2.5    34.5   37.9          41.5    45.7    48.7
        9.5-10.5       250       43.6     2.6    37.6   39.4          43.5    48.1    53.4
       10.5-11.5       279       45.6     2.6    37.9   41.3          45.5    49.8    53.3
       11.5-12.5       277       47.5     2.7    40.9   43.3          47.3    52.3    59.3
       12.5-13.5       297       49.0     3.0    41.2   44.5          49.0    54.2    59.8
       13.5-14.5       252       50.7     3.3    42.1   45.6          50.5    56.5    60.3
       14.5-15.5       259       51.5     3.3    43.6   46.7          51.5    56.8    60.2
       15.5-16.5       185       52.4     3.9    44.3   46.5          52.5    58.9    61.6
       16.5-17.5       212       52.1     3.9    41.6   46.1          51.6    58.5    62.0
       17.5-19.0       151       53.0     4.0    44.4   47.2          52.8    60.0    62.8

zaini@selectvest.com       Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                      12
Furniture Designs                                              Children Anthropometrics Data

                    KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES)
  AGE/YRS              N      MEAN      S.D.    MIN     5TH     50TH         95TH    MAX
         2.0-3.5       203       27.0     2.0    22.5   23.7          26.9    30.6    32.3
         3.5-4.5       206       29.9     2.0    22.0   26.7          29.8    33.1    35.8
         4.5-5.5       241       32.3     2.0    28.1   29.2          32.2    35.6    38.2
         5.5-6.5       214       34.9     2.0    29.6   31.5          34.7    38.3    40.6
         6.5-7.5       219       37.3     2.2    31.0   33.5          37.2    40.9    43.6
         7.5-8.5       188       39.4     2.3    33.1   35.7          39.3    43.3    46.4
         8.5-9.5       249       41.7     2.5    34.5   37.9          41.5    45.7    48.7
        9.5-10.5       250       43.6     2.6    37.6   39.4          43.5    48.1    53.4
       10.5-11.5       279       45.6     2.6    37.9   41.3          45.5    49.8    53.3
       11.5-12.5       277       47.5     2.7    40.9   43.3          47.3    52.3    59.3
       12.5-13.5       297       49.0     3.0    41.2   44.5          49.0    54.2    59.8
       13.5-14.5       252       50.7     3.3    42.1   45.6          50.5    56.5    60.3
       14.5-15.5       259       51.5     3.3    43.6   46.7          51.5    56.8    60.2
       15.5-16.5       185       52.4     3.9    44.3   46.5          52.5    58.9    61.6
       16.5-17.5       212       52.1     3.9    41.6   46.1          51.6    58.5    62.0
       17.5-19.0       151       53.0     4.0    44.4   47.2          52.8    60.0    62.8

zaini@selectvest.com       Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd.                      12

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Weight children

  • 1. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data Weight, Stature, Standing and Sitting Measurements Combined Male Female 3 Vertical 4 Frontal 5 Lateral Grip 1 Weight 2 Stature Grip 6 Step Height Grip Reach Reach Reach 11 Maximum Hip Breadth (Seated) 12 Maximum Thigh Breadth (Seated) 9 Erect Sitting Height (Seated) 10 Eye Height (Seated) 13 Thigh Clearance 14 Buttock-Knee Length 15 Knee Height 7 Supine Stature 8 Standing Center of Gravity 16 Supine Sitting Height 17 Seated Center of Gravity zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 1
  • 2. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data Head, Face and Neck Measurements Combined Male Female 18 Head Circumference 20 Head Length 23 Lower Face Height 24 Face Height 25 Head Height 26 Tragion to Back of Head 27 Tragion to Top of Head 28 Ear-Sellion Depth 31 Nose Length 32 Neck Circumference 19 Head Breadth 21 Bizygomatic Breadth 22 Frontal Breadth 29 Bitragion Breadth 30 Mouth Breadth 33 Lateral Neck Breadth zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 2
  • 3. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data Shoulder and Arm Measurements Combined Male Female 34 Clavicale-Acromion Length 36 Biacromial Breadth 38 Acromion-Radiale Length 39 Upper Arm Circumference 42 Radiale-Stylion Length 43 Forearm Circumference zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 3
  • 4. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data 44 Forearm Breadth 37 Shoulder-Elbow Length 35 Shoulder Breadth 40 Upper Arm Depth 41 Elbow-Hand Length Hand Measurements Combined Male Female 45 Wrist Circumference zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 4
  • 5. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data 47 Hand Length 48 Hand Breadth 50 Thumb Crotch-Middle Finger Length 51 Thumb Length 52 Thumb Diameter 53 Index Finger Length 54 Index Finger Diameter 55 Middle Finger Length 56 Middle Finger Diameter 46 Wrist Breadth 59 Maximum Fist Breadth 57 Middle Finger -Thumb Grip Length 58 Maximum Fist Circumference 60 Maximum Fist Depth 49 Mimimun Hand Clearance zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 5
  • 6. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data Torso, Pelvis, Leg and Foot Measurements Combined Male Female 61 Suprasternale Height 62 Chest Height at Axilla 63 Chest Circumference 64 Chest Breadth at Axilla 65 Waist Height 66 Waist Circumference 67 Waist Breadth 68 Natural Waist Circumference 70 Hip Height at Buttocks 71 Hip Circumference 77 Upper Thigh Circumference 78 Upper Thigh Depth 80 Calf Circumference Height 81 Calf Circumference 82 Calf Depth 75 Gluteal Furrow Height zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 6
  • 7. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data 69 Iliocristale Height 73 Iliospinale Height 76 Trochanteric Height 74 Bispinous Breadth 72 Hip Breadth at Trochanter 79 Tibiale Height 83 Ankle Circumference 84 Ankle Breadth 85 Sphyrion Height 86 Foot Length 87 Foot Breadth zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 7
  • 8. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 8
  • 9. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data Infant Measurements 1 Weight 10 Elbow-Hand Length 28 Mid-Thigh Depth 2 Crown-sole Length 30 Calf Circumference 31 Ankle Circumference 9 Upper Arm Circumference 11 Forearm Circumference 8 Shoulder Elbow Length 24 Rump-Knee Length 29 Knee-Sole Length 3 Crown-Rump Length 23 Rump-Sole Length zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 9
  • 10. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data 17 Thumb Diameter 18 Middle Finger Diameter 12 Wrist Circumference 13 Hand Length 14 Hand Breadth 15 Minimun Hand Clearance 16 Maximum Fist Breadth 33 Foot Length 34 Foot Breadth zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 10
  • 11. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data 4 Head Circumference 6 Head Length 5 Head Breadth 7 Shoulder Breadth 19 Chest Circumference 20 Chest Breadth 27 Mid-Thigh Circumference 32 Ankle Breadth 21 Waist Circumference 22 Waist Breadth 25 Hip Circumference 26 Hip Breadth zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 11
  • 12. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES) AGE/YRS N MEAN S.D. MIN 5TH 50TH 95TH MAX 2.0-3.5 203 27.0 2.0 22.5 23.7 26.9 30.6 32.3 3.5-4.5 206 29.9 2.0 22.0 26.7 29.8 33.1 35.8 4.5-5.5 241 32.3 2.0 28.1 29.2 32.2 35.6 38.2 5.5-6.5 214 34.9 2.0 29.6 31.5 34.7 38.3 40.6 6.5-7.5 219 37.3 2.2 31.0 33.5 37.2 40.9 43.6 7.5-8.5 188 39.4 2.3 33.1 35.7 39.3 43.3 46.4 8.5-9.5 249 41.7 2.5 34.5 37.9 41.5 45.7 48.7 9.5-10.5 250 43.6 2.6 37.6 39.4 43.5 48.1 53.4 10.5-11.5 279 45.6 2.6 37.9 41.3 45.5 49.8 53.3 11.5-12.5 277 47.5 2.7 40.9 43.3 47.3 52.3 59.3 12.5-13.5 297 49.0 3.0 41.2 44.5 49.0 54.2 59.8 13.5-14.5 252 50.7 3.3 42.1 45.6 50.5 56.5 60.3 14.5-15.5 259 51.5 3.3 43.6 46.7 51.5 56.8 60.2 15.5-16.5 185 52.4 3.9 44.3 46.5 52.5 58.9 61.6 16.5-17.5 212 52.1 3.9 41.6 46.1 51.6 58.5 62.0 17.5-19.0 151 53.0 4.0 44.4 47.2 52.8 60.0 62.8 zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 12
  • 13. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES) AGE/YRS N MEAN S.D. MIN 5TH 50TH 95TH MAX 2.0-3.5 203 27.0 2.0 22.5 23.7 26.9 30.6 32.3 3.5-4.5 206 29.9 2.0 22.0 26.7 29.8 33.1 35.8 4.5-5.5 241 32.3 2.0 28.1 29.2 32.2 35.6 38.2 5.5-6.5 214 34.9 2.0 29.6 31.5 34.7 38.3 40.6 6.5-7.5 219 37.3 2.2 31.0 33.5 37.2 40.9 43.6 7.5-8.5 188 39.4 2.3 33.1 35.7 39.3 43.3 46.4 8.5-9.5 249 41.7 2.5 34.5 37.9 41.5 45.7 48.7 9.5-10.5 250 43.6 2.6 37.6 39.4 43.5 48.1 53.4 10.5-11.5 279 45.6 2.6 37.9 41.3 45.5 49.8 53.3 11.5-12.5 277 47.5 2.7 40.9 43.3 47.3 52.3 59.3 12.5-13.5 297 49.0 3.0 41.2 44.5 49.0 54.2 59.8 13.5-14.5 252 50.7 3.3 42.1 45.6 50.5 56.5 60.3 14.5-15.5 259 51.5 3.3 43.6 46.7 51.5 56.8 60.2 15.5-16.5 185 52.4 3.9 44.3 46.5 52.5 58.9 61.6 16.5-17.5 212 52.1 3.9 41.6 46.1 51.6 58.5 62.0 17.5-19.0 151 53.0 4.0 44.4 47.2 52.8 60.0 62.8 zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 12
  • 14. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES) AGE/YRS N MEAN S.D. MIN 5TH 50TH 95TH MAX 2.0-3.5 203 27.0 2.0 22.5 23.7 26.9 30.6 32.3 3.5-4.5 206 29.9 2.0 22.0 26.7 29.8 33.1 35.8 4.5-5.5 241 32.3 2.0 28.1 29.2 32.2 35.6 38.2 5.5-6.5 214 34.9 2.0 29.6 31.5 34.7 38.3 40.6 6.5-7.5 219 37.3 2.2 31.0 33.5 37.2 40.9 43.6 7.5-8.5 188 39.4 2.3 33.1 35.7 39.3 43.3 46.4 8.5-9.5 249 41.7 2.5 34.5 37.9 41.5 45.7 48.7 9.5-10.5 250 43.6 2.6 37.6 39.4 43.5 48.1 53.4 10.5-11.5 279 45.6 2.6 37.9 41.3 45.5 49.8 53.3 11.5-12.5 277 47.5 2.7 40.9 43.3 47.3 52.3 59.3 12.5-13.5 297 49.0 3.0 41.2 44.5 49.0 54.2 59.8 13.5-14.5 252 50.7 3.3 42.1 45.6 50.5 56.5 60.3 14.5-15.5 259 51.5 3.3 43.6 46.7 51.5 56.8 60.2 15.5-16.5 185 52.4 3.9 44.3 46.5 52.5 58.9 61.6 16.5-17.5 212 52.1 3.9 41.6 46.1 51.6 58.5 62.0 17.5-19.0 151 53.0 4.0 44.4 47.2 52.8 60.0 62.8 zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 12
  • 15. Furniture Designs Children Anthropometrics Data KNEE HEIGHT CM. - (MALES AND FEMALES) AGE/YRS N MEAN S.D. MIN 5TH 50TH 95TH MAX 2.0-3.5 203 27.0 2.0 22.5 23.7 26.9 30.6 32.3 3.5-4.5 206 29.9 2.0 22.0 26.7 29.8 33.1 35.8 4.5-5.5 241 32.3 2.0 28.1 29.2 32.2 35.6 38.2 5.5-6.5 214 34.9 2.0 29.6 31.5 34.7 38.3 40.6 6.5-7.5 219 37.3 2.2 31.0 33.5 37.2 40.9 43.6 7.5-8.5 188 39.4 2.3 33.1 35.7 39.3 43.3 46.4 8.5-9.5 249 41.7 2.5 34.5 37.9 41.5 45.7 48.7 9.5-10.5 250 43.6 2.6 37.6 39.4 43.5 48.1 53.4 10.5-11.5 279 45.6 2.6 37.9 41.3 45.5 49.8 53.3 11.5-12.5 277 47.5 2.7 40.9 43.3 47.3 52.3 59.3 12.5-13.5 297 49.0 3.0 41.2 44.5 49.0 54.2 59.8 13.5-14.5 252 50.7 3.3 42.1 45.6 50.5 56.5 60.3 14.5-15.5 259 51.5 3.3 43.6 46.7 51.5 56.8 60.2 15.5-16.5 185 52.4 3.9 44.3 46.5 52.5 58.9 61.6 16.5-17.5 212 52.1 3.9 41.6 46.1 51.6 58.5 62.0 17.5-19.0 151 53.0 4.0 44.4 47.2 52.8 60.0 62.8 zaini@selectvest.com Wisdom Management Services (M) Sdn. Bhd. 12