- The author was overweight at 180 lbs with high blood pressure and ate predominantly junk food until age 40.
- They started following a paleo diet in February 2012 that cut out grains and used thermogenic spices.
- By June they had lost over 30 lbs down to 149.6 lbs with lower body fat and blood pressure. By mid-July they lost more weight down to 141 lbs with further reductions in body fat and blood pressure.
- They attribute their weight loss success to following the paleo diet, exercising, and the thermogenic qualities of the spices enhancing their metabolism and ketosis.
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Weight testimonial bill c arizona
1. Testimonial
Diet Seasonings
Diet Seasonings
I am 5'9" and never had issues with weight no matter
what I ate. In my teens, twenties, thirties, and into my
I am 5'9" forties I atehad issues with weight no matterfast I
early and never predominantly junk food; soda, what
ate.food, sugary snacks, and so on. On February early fortiesI I
In my teens, twenties, thirties, and into my 14th, 2012
ate weighed 180 lbs, myfood; soda, fast food, sugary snacks, and
predominantly junk body fat was over 19%, and
so on. On February 14th, 2012 I weigheddoctor wanted to fat
my blood pressure was 160/107. My 180 lbs, my body
wasget me on blood pressurepressure was 160/107. Mythat
over 19%, and my blood medication and I decided doctor
wanted to get me on and out of shape.
I was overweight blood pressure medication and I decided
that I was overweight and out of shape.
I began following a paleo diet as described in the Primal
I began following adiet focuses on cutting out the Primal
Blueprint. This paleo diet as described in grains, while
Blueprint. This dietvegetables, cuttingnuts,grains, while allowing
allowing meat, focuses on fruits, out and seeds. All my
meat, vegetables, allergies to seafood, tree nuts,life I have had
life I have had fruits, nuts, and seeds. All my and most
allergies to seafood, tree nuts, and most fruits and vegetables. I
fruits and vegetables. I was given a few samples of the
wasthermogenicsamples of the thermogenicbegan to try on my
given a few spices to try on my foods. I spices
foods. I beganand following the paleo diet very strictly. I
exercising exercising and following the paleo diet very
strictly. I Jazzy Jazzy Free Trip to Thailand, Moroccan the the
used used Jerk, Jerk, Free Trip to Thailand, Moroccan
Casbah, andand a couplethe the other spices chicken, lunch
Casbah, a couple of of other spices on on chicken,
meat, and eggs. and eggs. I would solely have dinnerfor an
lunch meat, I would solely have meat for meat after
evening workout. I eveningused the thermogenic spices on them
dinner after an always workout. I always used the
andthermogenic spices on them and in the morningaI pound
in the morning I noticed I would lose up to 1/2
overnight compared to the to 1/2 a pound overnight after
noticed I would lose up morning before! This was
eating a 10 oz to theor a breast of chicken,was after eating a
compared steak morning before! This but always with the
thermogenic spices breast of chicken, but 4th I weight the
10 oz steak or a on the meat. On June always with 149.6,
body fat was 6.6%, and on the meat. On June 4th I weight
thermogenic spices my blood pressure was 117/63. I had
Before After lost149.6, body with diet and exercise. In mid July I was down to
over 30 lbs fat was 6.6%, and my blood pressure was
141117/63. I had lost over 30 lbs with diet and exercise. In
lbs, 4.7% body fat, and my b
The Before and exercising for triathlons played major
paleo diet After mid July I was down to 141 lbs, 4.7% body fat, and my16
roles in my weight loss. I am convinced that the blood pressure was 106/58!
thermogenic qualities of the spices assisted in my weight Bill C. Arizona 16
loss, especially the fat loss by increasing my metabolism
and enhancing the ketosis from cutting out grains.