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Equations of relationships among nations are changing
Countries are in search of new friends
None is sure who will be there in the forefront after a decade

We, Keralites are conventional and traditional
We are slow to changes
We prefer to live in the comfort of today  a kind of complacency
               Change is a temporary disturbance
               Change is uncertain
               Change is fearsome
               Change may lead us to progress or destruction

                 Progress and Prosperity comes through change only
Changing with change is painful

So we Keralites prefer to resist change

Wait and see is a good policy though not the best
But resisting changes is often foolish


       changes are sure to come
       None can stop changes
       We can only slow down the processes
Changes must be positive

Change does not mean that everything that is going on in Western countries is changes
Western culture is not a change but it is their culture
It has proved itself to be destructive

Only Eastern countries have a value based culture
In other words only Eastern countries have true culture

Time has proved that the Western way of life based on excessive individualism is destructive
It gives no value to family system and morality
The concept of God is shoved aside

Now they are harvesting its fruits of anarchy
They have confessed that their way of life is not progressive
Western countries are facing :

              Distrust among people  even husband and wife do not trust each other
              Youths live aimless  young energy is wasted
              Universities are short of students
              Refined, educated and trained human resource is becoming rare
              The concept of self sacrifice for a common good is unknown

The future of the country is at danger
Family system has became old fashioned
The society is paying much for the breakup of the family system
Saving for the future is not a thought among them
Living this day is the slogan

One of many reasons for the financial crisis of the West is lack of savings by the people
India is praised by all nations for its habit of saving for the future
India overcome world financial crisis by its own strength

Now the Westerners are studying about our family system
Our way of life is praised by them

But tragically, we are in a hurry to adopt what they call destructive living style
We are adopting the Western life style after it has proved to be destructive
This is foolishness

The culture of Valentines Day, fashion shows and many Reality shows in TVs are dangerous
adaptations of what the Westerns call destructive
At Kochi we are arranging fashion shows of kids
We watch live TV programme of little innocent girls walk through the podium with little dress
This gives a message to the kids
Little dress is fashion and is appreciated by the society
As they grow they will not be hesitant to wear a more short dress

This is dangerous and destructive

This is not change
This is a byproduct of change

We need not use every byproduct
If it is helpful to a meaningful progress, let us accept it
What is a meaningful progress?

It is value based progress

      Progress is not against values
      Progress is not against morality
      Progress never deny the presence of God - progress cannot deny anything that exist
      Progress is only better living

                             Living is a meaningful experience
                Living without values and morality is only existence
 Existence is not living
It is only waking in the morning because the Sun rises
Working for money because your physical body demands food and food is bought with money
You try to satisfy all the demands of your physical body because you cannot resist it
You sleep because your physical body demands rest and the sun sets.
You are not so eager to meet a new day  it comes you way you cannot avoid it

 Living is a meaningful experience
You wake up with the sun because you are glad to welcome a new day
You work because working is a pleasure
You earn money because it reward for your work and it gives you a satisfaction
You maintain your health because good health is necessary for a good living
You eat food, drinks water and satisfy the needs of your body because it is a pleasure to do it
You sleep with great satisfaction that you have living a successful day

And more over
You like to wake up in the next morning because you like to live the day.
Meaningful progress is value based

Progress is success

       Success is not a negative term
       Success is a dream
       Success is a myth
       Success is prosperity

There is none who do not want to succeed in life
A negative way of life cannot lead you to success

      Success is a myth
      Success is a constant journey to a better life
      So preparation for it is necessary
 Success is a long journey

No resting place
No recreation break
It is a tiresome continuous journey

It needs motivating and refreshing drinks
It needs guiding posts
It needs a positive training or help
It needs a mentor to correct the path

This session is a motivating and refreshing drink
This session intends to mend your path
It has been there behind all successful people
This is the time you refuel your petrol tank
Prepare for a long journey

 Fix your target place

It is where you want to end
You must know something about it  collect as much information about it

What is your purpose of going there?

              Sight seeing
              Rest for few days
              New experience
              Meetings old friends
              Meeting new friends
              Attending a business conference
              Eating new and better food etc.
Going and coming is not a purposeful journey

Fix your target that will suit your purpose

A meaningful journey is a purposeful journey

None goes to the top of Mount Everest for sightseeing and rest
None goes there for business conference
It is not a place of luxury hotels
It is for new experience and adventure
Fixing your target is fixing your purpose

   I have something to tell to the society
   I want to became a writer  a poet, novelist or a journalist
   So I want to build a career in media and journalism

   I have creative ideas
   So I want a profession where I can use creative ideas
   I choose advertising filed

   I want to contribute something for the society to improve the present condition
   So I would like to pursue a career of research
   It can be in technology, medicine, basic science and social sciences

   I am interested in helping the poor and the down trodden
   So I prefer to spend my future life uplifting the cause of the marginalized
   I would like to became a social worker
 Make exhaust preparation for the journey

You may get help during the journey from some friends or strangers  but do not take it for

Watch the preparation people make for a long journey by train
Clothes, food, snacks, water, towel, blanket, pillow, plastic bucket, plastic mug, soap, powder

The train ticket gives you legal right to travel to your destination
But many other preparations is necessary to make the journey comfortable

Before you start, take enough preparations
Prepare your mind

I am to make a long journey
It is not going to be comfortable however I try
So toughen your mind

You are going to miss a lot of comforts and enjoyments
You decide purposefully to give up certain comforts and enjoyment

Comforts and enjoyments are not more important than your purpose
 New associations

Leaving behind old friends
In search of new ones
Whom you meet on the way are only your co travelers

Associations are important
You become what your associations are

The way a reputed Public School student dresses and a student who study in an ordinary school
in Kerala is different
The student of an ordinary school tries to imitate villains in cinemas
A Public School student is always in executive dress

Dress is very important
It speaks of who you are  your family background, financial background, taste, talent,
seriousness in purpose, way of life, the country you live, the state you live  and a lot
We must be ready to associate and disassociate with people

Associate with people with the same purpose
If not available
Associate with people who are serious about their own purpose

Reading is a way to associate with great men
Read great historians, writers, scientists, politicians etc.

Do not associate with purposeless travelers
They are vagabonds
Extend pity to vagabonds not your precious time and valuables
 Keep a map with you

Keep some picture post cards of your destination with you
Look often at them
Collect many as you go

Once Microsoft giant Bill gates was only a college student
Personal computers were not popular
But he wrote a sentence on a paper and pasted it in his study room
The small poster read  One day every person in the world will have a computer on his study
table and software made by me to run it

It was his picture postcard
He read it every day
It was his map
He looked at it every day
It helped him to reach the destination without fail
Once Ford, the automobile giant said to his friends in the fuel station:

         One day a car will come here to fill petrol and the car will bear my name on it.

Maps help you

       To remember you destination
       To protect you from distraction
       To push you through difficulties
 Do not be a drop out

A drop out is a failure

The first step to failure is to stop
The second step automatically follows - a step backwards
Then it is down the hill journey

A line written at a Tokyo bus stand reads:
Only buses stop here, not time. So do not waste your time, keep moving with
your aim.

The way side sceneries may be very attractive
Enjoy them as you move to your destination
But your destination is more important than it.
 Journey to your destination of purpose is tough

However you try, journey is discomfort

You miss a lot

You miss your daily TV programme
You miss many marriage ceremonies
You miss many festivals and ceremonies

You miss it purposefully to fulfill a great purpose
You suffer a lot

         Duration of journey may be longer than you expect
         Can I make it?
         What is really at the other side?
But still we have to try

      Alone with this particular purpose
      None to share and support
      Many we meet on the way give up

    More over inviting deviations trouble us
      Our own conscience often turns against us
      But do not drop out.

Journey is hard and tough
Only those who are ready to bear it will make it through

Once you have reached your destination and fulfilled your purpose
It is all joy  nothing else
It is happiness
It is comfort
It is bliss.

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Welcome to a new age of change

  • 1. WELCOME TO AN AGE OF CHANGES Equations of relationships among nations are changing Countries are in search of new friends None is sure who will be there in the forefront after a decade We, Keralites are conventional and traditional We are slow to changes We prefer to live in the comfort of today a kind of complacency Change is a temporary disturbance Change is uncertain Change is fearsome Change may lead us to progress or destruction Progress and Prosperity comes through change only
  • 2. Changing with change is painful So we Keralites prefer to resist change Wait and see is a good policy though not the best But resisting changes is often foolish Because: changes are sure to come None can stop changes We can only slow down the processes
  • 3. Changes must be positive Change does not mean that everything that is going on in Western countries is changes Western culture is not a change but it is their culture It has proved itself to be destructive Only Eastern countries have a value based culture In other words only Eastern countries have true culture Time has proved that the Western way of life based on excessive individualism is destructive It gives no value to family system and morality The concept of God is shoved aside Now they are harvesting its fruits of anarchy They have confessed that their way of life is not progressive
  • 4. Western countries are facing : Distrust among people even husband and wife do not trust each other Youths live aimless young energy is wasted Universities are short of students Refined, educated and trained human resource is becoming rare The concept of self sacrifice for a common good is unknown The future of the country is at danger Family system has became old fashioned The society is paying much for the breakup of the family system
  • 5. Saving for the future is not a thought among them Living this day is the slogan One of many reasons for the financial crisis of the West is lack of savings by the people India is praised by all nations for its habit of saving for the future India overcome world financial crisis by its own strength Now the Westerners are studying about our family system Our way of life is praised by them But tragically, we are in a hurry to adopt what they call destructive living style We are adopting the Western life style after it has proved to be destructive This is foolishness The culture of Valentines Day, fashion shows and many Reality shows in TVs are dangerous adaptations of what the Westerns call destructive
  • 6. At Kochi we are arranging fashion shows of kids We watch live TV programme of little innocent girls walk through the podium with little dress This gives a message to the kids Little dress is fashion and is appreciated by the society As they grow they will not be hesitant to wear a more short dress This is dangerous and destructive This is not change This is a byproduct of change We need not use every byproduct If it is helpful to a meaningful progress, let us accept it
  • 7. What is a meaningful progress? It is value based progress Progress is not against values Progress is not against morality Progress never deny the presence of God - progress cannot deny anything that exist Progress is only better living Living is a meaningful experience Living without values and morality is only existence
  • 8. Existence is not living It is only waking in the morning because the Sun rises Working for money because your physical body demands food and food is bought with money You try to satisfy all the demands of your physical body because you cannot resist it You sleep because your physical body demands rest and the sun sets. You are not so eager to meet a new day it comes you way you cannot avoid it Living is a meaningful experience You wake up with the sun because you are glad to welcome a new day You work because working is a pleasure You earn money because it reward for your work and it gives you a satisfaction You maintain your health because good health is necessary for a good living You eat food, drinks water and satisfy the needs of your body because it is a pleasure to do it You sleep with great satisfaction that you have living a successful day And more over You like to wake up in the next morning because you like to live the day.
  • 9. Meaningful progress is value based Progress is success Success is not a negative term Success is a dream Success is a myth Success is prosperity There is none who do not want to succeed in life A negative way of life cannot lead you to success Success is a myth Success is a constant journey to a better life So preparation for it is necessary
  • 10. Success is a long journey No resting place No recreation break It is a tiresome continuous journey It needs motivating and refreshing drinks It needs guiding posts It needs a positive training or help It needs a mentor to correct the path This session is a motivating and refreshing drink This session intends to mend your path It has been there behind all successful people This is the time you refuel your petrol tank
  • 11. Prepare for a long journey Fix your target place It is where you want to end You must know something about it collect as much information about it What is your purpose of going there? Sight seeing Rest for few days New experience Meetings old friends Meeting new friends Attending a business conference Eating new and better food etc.
  • 12. Going and coming is not a purposeful journey Fix your target that will suit your purpose A meaningful journey is a purposeful journey None goes to the top of Mount Everest for sightseeing and rest None goes there for business conference It is not a place of luxury hotels It is for new experience and adventure
  • 13. Fixing your target is fixing your purpose I have something to tell to the society I want to became a writer a poet, novelist or a journalist So I want to build a career in media and journalism I have creative ideas So I want a profession where I can use creative ideas I choose advertising filed I want to contribute something for the society to improve the present condition So I would like to pursue a career of research It can be in technology, medicine, basic science and social sciences I am interested in helping the poor and the down trodden So I prefer to spend my future life uplifting the cause of the marginalized I would like to became a social worker
  • 14. Make exhaust preparation for the journey You may get help during the journey from some friends or strangers but do not take it for granted Watch the preparation people make for a long journey by train Clothes, food, snacks, water, towel, blanket, pillow, plastic bucket, plastic mug, soap, powder etc. The train ticket gives you legal right to travel to your destination But many other preparations is necessary to make the journey comfortable Before you start, take enough preparations
  • 15. Prepare your mind I am to make a long journey It is not going to be comfortable however I try So toughen your mind You are going to miss a lot of comforts and enjoyments You decide purposefully to give up certain comforts and enjoyment Comforts and enjoyments are not more important than your purpose
  • 16. New associations Leaving behind old friends In search of new ones Whom you meet on the way are only your co travelers Associations are important You become what your associations are The way a reputed Public School student dresses and a student who study in an ordinary school in Kerala is different The student of an ordinary school tries to imitate villains in cinemas A Public School student is always in executive dress Dress is very important It speaks of who you are your family background, financial background, taste, talent, seriousness in purpose, way of life, the country you live, the state you live and a lot
  • 17. We must be ready to associate and disassociate with people Associate with people with the same purpose If not available Associate with people who are serious about their own purpose Reading is a way to associate with great men Read great historians, writers, scientists, politicians etc. Do not associate with purposeless travelers They are vagabonds Extend pity to vagabonds not your precious time and valuables
  • 18. Keep a map with you Keep some picture post cards of your destination with you Look often at them Collect many as you go Once Microsoft giant Bill gates was only a college student Personal computers were not popular But he wrote a sentence on a paper and pasted it in his study room The small poster read One day every person in the world will have a computer on his study table and software made by me to run it It was his picture postcard He read it every day It was his map He looked at it every day It helped him to reach the destination without fail
  • 19. Once Ford, the automobile giant said to his friends in the fuel station: One day a car will come here to fill petrol and the car will bear my name on it. Maps help you To remember you destination To protect you from distraction To push you through difficulties
  • 20. Do not be a drop out A drop out is a failure The first step to failure is to stop The second step automatically follows - a step backwards Then it is down the hill journey A line written at a Tokyo bus stand reads: Only buses stop here, not time. So do not waste your time, keep moving with your aim. The way side sceneries may be very attractive Enjoy them as you move to your destination But your destination is more important than it.
  • 21. Journey to your destination of purpose is tough However you try, journey is discomfort You miss a lot You miss your daily TV programme You miss many marriage ceremonies You miss many festivals and ceremonies You miss it purposefully to fulfill a great purpose
  • 22. You suffer a lot Uncertainty Duration of journey may be longer than you expect Can I make it? What is really at the other side? But still we have to try Loneliness Alone with this particular purpose None to share and support Many we meet on the way give up More over inviting deviations trouble us Our own conscience often turns against us But do not drop out.
  • 23. Conclusion Journey is hard and tough Only those who are ready to bear it will make it through Once you have reached your destination and fulfilled your purpose It is all joy nothing else It is happiness It is comfort It is bliss.