Earnwell is a profit sharing system that allows customers around the world to earn passive income from purchases made by those in their network of up to 8 levels deep. Customers earn personal points from their own purchases and group points from the purchases of others in their network. To get started, customers sign up on the website and make a purchase of 10 points or more, then submit a claim form to accrue points that can be redeemed for free products or cash payments when certain point thresholds are met. The system is designed to help customers earn additional money through the group point structure and bonuses.
2. Earnwell is a profit sharing system
Designed and created to help customers
share profits
Open to customers around the world.
3. Active Income: Income generated only when
you are present.
Passive Income: Income generated even
without your presence.
Personal Points (PP): Points earned on ones
own purchases.
Group Points (PP): Points passed up on
others purchases from level 1 to level 8.
4. Step 1 is to Sign up with www.earnwell.net.
Step 2 is to Purchase 10 PP or more.
All payments to be made against order.
Order confirmation to be forwarded to
Claim Form to be prepared and submitted
5. Points assigned are shown under images
of websites in www.earnwell.net under
various categories.
10PP and above websites are shown in
6. Depending on which site you buy from and the quantity you buy,
points will get allocated.
Accrued Points are shown in your back office after we approve your
Claim Forms.
When you purchase first, you get positioned at level 0.
Points generated from positions from level 1 to level 8 will be
passed up to you as per the policy of the company.
You get 100% of the points from level 0, 1 and 2.
Your get 75% of the points from level 3, 4 and 5
You get 50% of the points from level 6, 7 and 8.
7. Once your PP is 10 and GP is 500, you can start
redeeming the points accrued in your account.
You can sent an intimation to us from your back office
for redemption.
Redemption will be done at 1 point = Re. 1 subject to tax
laws prevailing on date of disbursement and service
charges based on company policy.
You can thus redeem Rs.500 worth of free products
subject to point 3 above.
8. If you redeem 500 GP, you will also qualify to get
our cheque/bank transfer for Rs. 1000, an
amount double that of redeemed amount.
Redemption can continue with the addition of
every 500 GP.
Each time redemption is done, you also qualify
for double the amount for a cheque/bank
9. A Calculator has been devised and has been sent
to all concerned.
Copies will be made available on request to
those who have not received it.
By changing the average points per position and
level numbers, you can discover for yourself how
much you can earn.
This can help you to plan completion of your first
Matrix fast.
10. A separate chart showing all Earnwell purchase
options of websites from where 10 PP and above
can be done has been prepared and sent to all.
Those who have not received copies can request
for it.
Against each site you will see the minimum you
have to purchase to get your 10 PP or above.
11. Special Achievement Bonuses will be announced
from time to time.
There will be monthly , quarterly and yearly
Challenges and Contests.
In addition to the basic benefits, special
achievement bonuses will be paid on these
challenges and contests.
12. A special bonus will be given to a customer as
soon as he finds directly or indirectly his/her 4 in
the next level.
Remember, if each one of you find your next
level 4 fast, the first Matrix can be completed
fast. And you start making big Extra Money.
13. At Earnwell we want you to earn Big Extra Money
to improve the Quality of Your Life.
We believe, you deserve it.
So Get Started Today. Sow the Seed to Reap an
Abundant Harvest.
And Wish You All the Best.
Lets Grow Together.