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Welcome to facebook
How to sign up
Profile info
ï‚— Education
ï‚— Work
ï‚— Where you have lived & currently live
ï‚— Contact info (email & phone number)
ï‚— Gender
ï‚— Relationship status
ï‚— Birthday

ï‚— https://www.facebook.com/#!/cathydeberry/info
Add profile photo and cover photo
ï‚— Your profile picture is the picture that friends see next
  to your name everywhere on the site. This is how
  people recognize you.
ï‚— Your cover is the large image at the top of your
  timeline. This is your chance to feature a unique image
  that represents who you are or what you care about.
Navigating the top of the page
Finding friends
How else to find friends
 Locate a friend’s profile (or timeline) using the search
  bar at top of page
 On that friend’s page, click on their friends icon and
  search for possible acquaintances or other people you
  may know
 Click on that person’s page and click on send friend
ï‚— To import your email lists so that you can email friends
  to invite them to join you on facebook, open your
  admin panel, click Build Audience and select Import
  Email Contacts
Deleting friends
How to upload photos and/or create albums
 ï‚— Add a cover
 ï‚— Edit your basic info
 ï‚— Jump to the past
 ï‚— View your activity log
 ï‚— See highlights from each month
 ï‚— Star stories you want to highlight
 ï‚— Add life events
 ï‚— Update your status
 ï‚— View and add photos
 ï‚— Share your app activity
ï‚— Status

ï‚— Photo

ï‚— Place

ï‚— Life event
Welcome to facebook

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Welcome to facebook

  • 3. Profile info ï‚— Education ï‚— Work ï‚— Where you have lived & currently live ï‚— Contact info (email & phone number) ï‚— Gender ï‚— Relationship status ï‚— Birthday ï‚— https://www.facebook.com/#!/cathydeberry/info
  • 4. Add profile photo and cover photo ï‚— Your profile picture is the picture that friends see next to your name everywhere on the site. This is how people recognize you. ï‚— Your cover is the large image at the top of your timeline. This is your chance to feature a unique image that represents who you are or what you care about.
  • 5. Navigating the top of the page
  • 8. How else to find friends ï‚— Locate a friend’s profile (or timeline) using the search bar at top of page ï‚— On that friend’s page, click on their friends icon and search for possible acquaintances or other people you may know ï‚— Click on that person’s page and click on send friend request ï‚— To import your email lists so that you can email friends to invite them to join you on facebook, open your admin panel, click Build Audience and select Import Email Contacts
  • 11. How to upload photos and/or create albums
  • 13. maps
  • 14. TIMELINE…WHAT IS IT? ï‚— Add a cover ï‚— Edit your basic info ï‚— Jump to the past ï‚— View your activity log ï‚— See highlights from each month ï‚— Star stories you want to highlight ï‚— Add life events ï‚— Update your status ï‚— View and add photos ï‚— Share your app activity
  • 15. status ï‚— Status ï‚— Photo ï‚— UPLOAD PHOTO ï‚— USE WEBCAM ï‚— CREATE PHOTO ALBUM ï‚— Place ï‚— Life event

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, owned and operated by Facebook, Inc.[3] As of May 2012[update], Facebook has over 900 million active users, more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device. It was started by Mark Zuckerburg when he was a student at Harvard. The movie the Social Network and the book the Accidental Billionaire are semi-biographical beginnings about the start of Facebook.
  • #3: If you don’t have a facebook account, you can sign up for one in a few easy steps. To sign up for a brand new account, enter your name, gender email address, birthday and password into the form on www.facebook.com. If you are worried about privacy, the only thing that needs to be valid is your email address.
  • #4: When you first sign up for a facebook account, you will be asked for information regarding your personal and private life. It is up to you as to how much of that information you wish to include or may available to the public. After you enter the information, you can decide if you want to make that information viewable only to yourself, to your friends, to friends of friends and to the entire facebook community. You can also go back later and edit this information to change it.
  • #5: (*show them how to upload profile photo and cover photo. Remind them that the photos have to reside either on the hard drive of their computer, or jump drive) You can choose a unique personal photo or to protect privacy you can select photos from google images and use them for your profile and cover photos
  • #6: At the top of the toolbar there is an icon on the left for new friend requests, messages from friends (which are private to you and the friend who sent it), notifications (items letting you know anything that has happened on your page, like a comment posted, photos posted etc. Next is the search bar where you can look for potential friends or organizations, the find friends option and the home option.
  • #7: If you click on home it will take you to your news feed. Here you can see the activities of your friends as well as access private messages, and events on the left. Advertising is on the right. You can sort the news feed by top stories or the most recent stories. Next to the sort button is an arrow key which allows you to hide that story or unsubscribe to the person you select. Unsubscribing doesn’t mean you are unfriending them, it just means their postings will not appear in your newsfeed. If you unsubscribe to that person, you will have to go to that person’s page to see anything new.
  • #8: If you click on finding friends at the top of your screen you will possibly see a list of suggested friends based upon people you are already friends with. You can also find them by high school, university, place of employment etc. This only occurs if the person you are looking for provided that information in their profile.
  • #10: Go to the friends page. Hover over the word friend. A drop down menu will appear. Select unfriend. If you unfriend someone, they will not be notified.
  • #11: Below the cover photo is information regarding who you are friends with, what your likes are, any photos or photo albums you have uploaded, and a map indicating places you have been.
  • #12: Click on the word photo and from this point you can either upload an individual photo or create a photo album. The photos need to either reside on your hard drive or a flash drive. When creating the photo album it will ask you to name it and describe it.
  • #13: How do I edit my Likes (ex: favorite bands, books, movies, people who inspire me, etc) from my timeline? Your Likes unit shows the likes and interests you add along with Pages you Like on Facebook. To add to your Likes, pick from popular pages or search for y...Your Likes unit shows the likes and interests you add along with Pages you Like on Facebook. To add to your Likes, pick from popular pages or search for your favorite things in the search bar at the top of every Facebook page. When you find a page for your interest (ex: your favorite band), you can add this to your timeline by clicking the Like button on that page. You can also edit your Likes from your timeline: Go to your timelineClick on the Likes unit in the top bar, beneath your coverClick on the Edit button in the top-right cornerFind the section you want to add to (ex: music, books, movies, etc)Type in the name of whatever you want to add, choose an audience for that section, and save your changesClick Done Editing when you’re finishedClick on your name (at the top of the page) to get back to your timeline
  • #14: Your map shows you all of the places you've visited, whether you checked in to a nearby place on your phone or added a life event to your timeline. To see your map, go to your timeline and click the Map box under your cover photo. You can also see your friends' maps by visiting their timelines.
  • #15: Your timeline is your collection of the photos, stories, and experiences that tell your story. Here are some of the things you can do on your timeline: …..A number of things determine what’s include on your timeline such as: the type of post, who posted it, how many friends are commenting on it…you can decide what stays on your timeline by either hiding it, deleting it, or changing the audience of who can see it.
  • #16: Use the status feature to post and share information about yourself or your life. You can also use it to post photos, post who you are with or where you are. Click on one of the icons to post different things. When you're filling in your timeline, you can use the Life Event option to add experiences from the different parts of your life. Unlike other stories, life events will automatically be starred on your timeline. They are also public by default, but you can adjust the audience at any time using the audience selector. (CLICK ON EACH TO SHOW AUDIENCE WHAT THEY DO)