Dokumen tersebut merupakan ringkasan profil seorang penulis bernama Kiki. Ia menjelaskan latar belakang panggilannya, sifatnya yang mudah beradaptasi dan suka tantangan, pengalamannya menulis untuk beberapa media, serta kontaknya.
Lingkungan dan interaksi sosial {cb 12.2 e.13}Ryan Darmawan
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tukang becak bernama Shaleh yang bekerja sebagai pengangkut penumpang menggunakan becak. Ia tinggal bersama istri dan anaknya serta bekerja sebagai sumber penghasilan utama keluarganya.
This document contains a list of 11 photographers credited for photos used in a Haiku Deck presentation on 際際滷Share. It ends by encouraging the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation.
Ever wonder how the world's greatest structures are built? There are many hands that go into building them. Engineers, architects, carpenters, resulting in many professionals being contracted and no matter the scope of the project, they were completed because the carpenter had the right tools. Just like any good carpenter, presenters should carry tool belts of their own.
How to Really Connect With Your Audience! It's not your slides! It's the value you bring to your audience.
Understand the ABC of really connecting with your audience. Without them, you are NOTHING!
Este documento ofrece consejos para crear presentaciones m叩s efectivas. Recomienda usar una portada y t鱈tulo llamativos, una paleta de colores cohesiva, im叩genes impactantes en lugar de texto, dise単o simple con contraste, repetici坦n, alineaci坦n y proximidad de elementos, y videos cortos cuando sean relevantes. Tambi辿n sugiere compartir la presentaci坦n en l鱈nea y resumir al final. El objetivo es inspirar e impactar al p炭blico m叩s que aburrirlo.
This presentation was created for a Social Media event in Lake Charles, Louisiana hosted by Fusion Five. It was supposed to have a Twitter focus. My thoughts...why not tell my Twitter story. It's the truth, and it's how I learned the ropes. The slides are only support to the actual content that I have to share in person. It is broken in to 3 parts; What is Twitter? My Tweet Story. Right first steps. Some of the images in this presentation were passed on to me from friends so I cannot properly credit the artist. If you see work that is yours please contact me so I can credit you. I hope the presentation will be of use to you.
This is a stylization of a slideshow originally created by Karl Fisch, examining globalization and Americas future in the 21st century. It is designed to stand alone, without having to be presented in person. Enjoy!
This is an educational presentation exploring humanity's water use and the emerging worldwide water shortage. It is designed to act as a stand-alone presentation. Enjoy!
In our web 2.0 world, the business landscape has changed. Consumers refuse to be interrupted anymore - demanding that brands engage with them.
People do business with people they like, know, and trust. By utilizing the social media tools available to all of us, businesses can become human. By creating valuable content and engaging with customers where they are, businesses are creating real relationships, resulting in real trust.
This presentation offers a high-level overview to where we've been, where we are, and we're we are going in social media. It gives simple-to-follow steps to start implementing social media into a business. It's not comprehensive, but can help a business take that first step.
Content developed by Jon Thomas and M80 ( Presentation designed by Jon Thomas at Presentation Advisors (
This contains the entire 4-napkin health care series in one file. It makes more sense to read this one now than the others since it is the complete set all in one file.
This document provides a summary of common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design and tips to avoid them. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality visuals, having a disorganized "visual vomit" style, and lack of preparation. The document emphasizes telling a story over slide design, using whitespace on slides, consistent formatting, and spending significant time preparing presentations.
Each month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your 際際滷Shares, and share your expertise with the world!
Not sure what to share on 際際滷Share?
際際滷Shares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. Weve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
際際滷Share is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on 際際滷Share, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
In our web 2.0 world, the business landscape has changed. Consumers refuse to be interrupted anymore - demanding that brands engage with them.
People do business with people they like, know, and trust. By utilizing the social media tools available to all of us, businesses can become human. By creating valuable content and engaging with customers where they are, businesses are creating real relationships, resulting in real trust.
This presentation offers a high-level overview to where we've been, where we are, and we're we are going in social media. It gives simple-to-follow steps to start implementing social media into a business. It's not comprehensive, but can help a business take that first step.
Content developed by Jon Thomas and M80 ( Presentation designed by Jon Thomas at Presentation Advisors (
This contains the entire 4-napkin health care series in one file. It makes more sense to read this one now than the others since it is the complete set all in one file.
This document provides a summary of common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design and tips to avoid them. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality visuals, having a disorganized "visual vomit" style, and lack of preparation. The document emphasizes telling a story over slide design, using whitespace on slides, consistent formatting, and spending significant time preparing presentations.
Each month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your 際際滷Shares, and share your expertise with the world!
Not sure what to share on 際際滷Share?
際際滷Shares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. Weve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
際際滷Share is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on 際際滷Share, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
4. Orantuaku memberi namaRizki Indriyanah, dan
mereka memanggilku Kiki atau terkadang
memanggilku Indri, tapi mereka lebih sering
memanggilku Kiki, karena lebih mudah diingat
5. Aku adalah orang yang mudah membaur dengan lingkungan baru, menyukai tantangan dan
berpetualang, konsisten, bertanggungjawab, tidak suka telat, terkadang agak sedikit keras kepala,
selalu senang mempelajari hal-hal baru
6. Penulis Lepas di Majalah dan website Sang Buah Hati, website, dan Penulis Lepas di beberapa website lainnya
Blogger, design, jasa rewriter dan pekerjaan lainnya di bidang seni
9. 7 Tips Move On Dari Masalah, Oktober 2015,
Rain : Mimpi Di Ujung Senja , Oktober 2015,
Tips Dan Teknik Dasar Menulis, Januari 2016,
Cara Merawat Wajah Yang Alami Dengan Buah, Januari 2016,
7 Cara Jitu Mengatasi Patah Hati, Januari 2016,
Mengenal Jauh Tentang Pneumonia, Edisi Februari-Maret 2016, Majalah Sang
Buah Hati
Sarapan Itu Wajib, Edisi Februari-Maret 2016, Majalah Sang Buah Hati