This document outlines several successful marketing partnerships organized by Kevin Whelan, including an integrated program between Kohl's and Elle that included co-branded clothing and content, a customized content partnership between Toyota and Hachette that outperformed historical campaigns, and a strategic partnership between gWallet and Hachette to generate revenue from content among gWallet's network. It also lists successful programs partnering Woman's Day with Frommer's to increase travel advertising, Direct Brands to sell subscriptions and products, and multiple brands to position the website as a meal planning destination.
Research Survey (Multi-Screens) - FINAL 5.17.12Kevin Whelan
This document discusses research from a study on modern viewing habits called "The Multi-Screen Marketer". The study found that multi-tasking across devices while watching TV has become common, with over 60% of smartphone users and 65% of tablet owners reporting doing so. Younger age groups are more likely to multi-task. Tablet owners are more likely to take actions like purchasing in response to ads. However, consumers find mobile apps and sites from media companies unsatisfying. The rise of smartphones and tablets indicates multi-screen behavior will continue to increase as these devices become more prevalent.
This document provides information about different types of digital and analog audio media used for instructional purposes. It describes common digital audio formats like compact discs, MP3s, and WAV files, outlining their advantages such as efficient storage and ease of use, as well as limitations such as potential loss of audio quality and large file sizes. Analog formats of audio cassettes and gramophone records are also examined, highlighting benefits such as accessibility for the blind but noting disadvantages like bulkiness and fragile nature. A variety of techniques for improving listening skills are also presented.
This document appears to be from a company but does not provide any details about the company name, document title, or contents. It includes some nonsensical text like "jaswi" and numbers that do not provide meaningful context or information to summarize.
The document summarizes changes in rank for various members of a clan or group called RRC. LeetMcLeety was demoted to General to take care of another clan. Kenzo8787 was promoted to OVE to replace Leet. Several members like Happy8796 and Heroxical were demoted to lower ranks like Commando or Lieutenant Commando for not being active enough in RRC. A few members like Fuiger and Godofdungoen were promoted for showing great activity.
Thomas Cook was the first travel agency, starting tours in 1841 in England. A travel agency acts as an agent to sell travel services from suppliers like airlines and hotels, without keeping an inventory. Thomas Cook arranged the first trip abroad from England to France in 1845 and went on to organize large tours around the world. He established Thomas Cook & Son which became a major global travel company before being nationalized and later privatized. Today Thomas Cook Group operates various travel brands in many countries.
Comparison between school life and college lifeDheepikakumar
A survey was conducted of 30 college students to compare their school and college lives. The survey found that 80% said they had more fun and hung out with friends in college rather than school. Nearly half reported having more time for extracurricular activities in college. While school and college lives differ, students look back fondly on their school memories.
This document provides an overview of a Bible study on discipleship. It discusses approaching the study through a topical-textual hybrid focusing on passages like Psalms 119. It divides people into three groups - the armchair geologist who rejects the Bible, the shopper who consumes it superficially, and the miner who puts in effort to understand it holistically. The goal of discipleship is to make disciples through life together, teaching God's commands diligently at all times. Effective tools include spending time in Scripture, noting patterns and summaries. The overall aim is to cultivate spiritual growth and understanding.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo los estudiantes universitarios pueden ayudar a reducir la contaminaci坦n ambiental. Explica que todos contribuyen a la contaminaci坦n del aire en las ciudades y debemos intentar adoptar acciones para reducirla y evitar enfermedades. Luego detalla algunas formas en que los estudiantes pueden evitar la contaminaci坦n como usar el transporte p炭blico para trayectos cortos, conducir con suavidad, mantener los l鱈mites de velocidad y realizar un mantenimiento adecuado de sus veh鱈culos.
This document is a 10-page audit report from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation summarizing groundwater quality monitoring compliance rates for inactive landfills in Region 3 from 2010-2014. It finds that only 50% of landfills submitted required monitoring data every year during that period, with compliance rates declining each year. Twelve landfills are identified as non-compliant for missing various years of data. The report recommends sending letters to the operators of the 11 most non-compliant landfills to inform them of the issues and encourage returning to regulatory compliance.
Este documento trata sobre 辿tica, educaci坦n y diversidad. Habla sobre la 辿tica y la moral, la educaci坦n comprensiva, el curr鱈culo comprensivo, la diversidad educativa y las medidas para atender a la diversidad. Explica conceptos como 辿tica, moral, educaci坦n comprensiva, curr鱈culo flexible y c坦mo crear un ambiente inclusivo que valore las diferencias individuales.
El documento describe varias acciones para cuidar el medio ambiente, incluyendo limpiar r鱈os y ciudades de basura, proteger bosques y animales, explorar la naturaleza de manera responsable, y poner la basura en su lugar apropiado para reciclaje. El autor es un estudiante que desea aprender c坦mo cuidar el planeta.
Haiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style presentations. The platform encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on 際際滷Share. Creating Haiku Deck presentations follows a simple format of 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllable structure for each slide.
This document discusses the impact of hepatitis on labor productivity in Pakistan. It provides statistics showing that Pakistan has a high prevalence of hepatitis, with over 18 million people infected. Hepatitis places a large financial burden on individuals and families due to treatment costs. It disproportionately impacts lower social classes and transmission is linked to unsanitary living and working conditions. Efforts to control hepatitis in Pakistan include increasing access to clean water, vaccination programs, awareness campaigns, and policies at the national and provincial level.
La 辿tica y la moralidad se refieren al car叩cter y modo de ser de una persona o grupo. La 辿tica proviene del griego "ethos" que significa lugar de vida, mientras que la moralidad proviene del lat鱈n "mos, moris" y se refiere a las costumbres. La conciencia moral es la capacidad de discernir entre lo que est叩 bien y mal y aprueba o desaprueba nuestras acciones. Los principios y virtudes morales gu鱈an nuestra conducta y nos permiten construir relaciones dignas. Una educaci坦n comprehensiva debe atender a la
La investigaci坦n involucr坦 visitas a 3 colegios, encuestas a 400 estudiantes y entrevistas a profesores. Los resultados mostraron que las clases son mayormente te坦ricas debido a falta de tiempo para laboratorios. Los temas m叩s dif鱈ciles involucran varias materias o requieren memorizaci坦n de f坦rmulas. Aunque los estudiantes ven los laboratorios como entretenidos, tambi辿n los consideran una p辿rdida de tiempo. Los estudiantes prefieren pedir ayuda a sus compa単eros sobre los profesores.
This document provides an overview of a Bible study on discipleship. It discusses approaching the study through a topical-textual hybrid focusing on passages like Psalms 119. It divides people into three groups - the armchair geologist who rejects the Bible, the shopper who consumes it superficially, and the miner who puts in effort to understand it holistically. The goal of discipleship is to make disciples through life together, teaching God's commands diligently at all times. Effective tools include spending time in Scripture, noting patterns and summaries. The overall aim is to cultivate spiritual growth and understanding.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo los estudiantes universitarios pueden ayudar a reducir la contaminaci坦n ambiental. Explica que todos contribuyen a la contaminaci坦n del aire en las ciudades y debemos intentar adoptar acciones para reducirla y evitar enfermedades. Luego detalla algunas formas en que los estudiantes pueden evitar la contaminaci坦n como usar el transporte p炭blico para trayectos cortos, conducir con suavidad, mantener los l鱈mites de velocidad y realizar un mantenimiento adecuado de sus veh鱈culos.
This document is a 10-page audit report from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation summarizing groundwater quality monitoring compliance rates for inactive landfills in Region 3 from 2010-2014. It finds that only 50% of landfills submitted required monitoring data every year during that period, with compliance rates declining each year. Twelve landfills are identified as non-compliant for missing various years of data. The report recommends sending letters to the operators of the 11 most non-compliant landfills to inform them of the issues and encourage returning to regulatory compliance.
Este documento trata sobre 辿tica, educaci坦n y diversidad. Habla sobre la 辿tica y la moral, la educaci坦n comprensiva, el curr鱈culo comprensivo, la diversidad educativa y las medidas para atender a la diversidad. Explica conceptos como 辿tica, moral, educaci坦n comprensiva, curr鱈culo flexible y c坦mo crear un ambiente inclusivo que valore las diferencias individuales.
El documento describe varias acciones para cuidar el medio ambiente, incluyendo limpiar r鱈os y ciudades de basura, proteger bosques y animales, explorar la naturaleza de manera responsable, y poner la basura en su lugar apropiado para reciclaje. El autor es un estudiante que desea aprender c坦mo cuidar el planeta.
Haiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style presentations. The platform encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on 際際滷Share. Creating Haiku Deck presentations follows a simple format of 3 lines with a 5/7/5 syllable structure for each slide.
This document discusses the impact of hepatitis on labor productivity in Pakistan. It provides statistics showing that Pakistan has a high prevalence of hepatitis, with over 18 million people infected. Hepatitis places a large financial burden on individuals and families due to treatment costs. It disproportionately impacts lower social classes and transmission is linked to unsanitary living and working conditions. Efforts to control hepatitis in Pakistan include increasing access to clean water, vaccination programs, awareness campaigns, and policies at the national and provincial level.
La 辿tica y la moralidad se refieren al car叩cter y modo de ser de una persona o grupo. La 辿tica proviene del griego "ethos" que significa lugar de vida, mientras que la moralidad proviene del lat鱈n "mos, moris" y se refiere a las costumbres. La conciencia moral es la capacidad de discernir entre lo que est叩 bien y mal y aprueba o desaprueba nuestras acciones. Los principios y virtudes morales gu鱈an nuestra conducta y nos permiten construir relaciones dignas. Una educaci坦n comprehensiva debe atender a la
La investigaci坦n involucr坦 visitas a 3 colegios, encuestas a 400 estudiantes y entrevistas a profesores. Los resultados mostraron que las clases son mayormente te坦ricas debido a falta de tiempo para laboratorios. Los temas m叩s dif鱈ciles involucran varias materias o requieren memorizaci坦n de f坦rmulas. Aunque los estudiantes ven los laboratorios como entretenidos, tambi辿n los consideran una p辿rdida de tiempo. Los estudiantes prefieren pedir ayuda a sus compa単eros sobre los profesores.
2. Agenda
Inleiding & voorstelrondje nieuwe Lastpakken
Terugblik Lastpak #1
Introductie in Search
Inleiding Project X-Mas Tree
Presentatie idee谷n per werkgroep
Nabespreking & afsluiting
3. Inleiding & voorstelrondje
Wie ben je? Waar werk je nu? Wat is je achtergrond?
Wat verwacht je van Lastpak en wat hoop je eruit te halen?
Wat kan je bijdragen aan Lastpak? Wanneer moeten mensen
bij jou zijn?
7. Wat kan je met Search?
Pullmarketing met SEO
Informational queries
Navigation queries
Transactional queries
Pushmarketing met SEA
Tekstadvertenties op SERPs
Beeldadvertenties (banners/videos)
9. Praktische tips
Doe keyword research, analyseer de rankings, wat
zijn de quick wins?
Maak gebruik van Rich Snippets (bv.
Maak content voor de gebruiker, niet voor de
zoekmachine (maar denk aan spiders!)
Content met meerwaarde: rich content, videos,
infographics, vergelijkingen, unieke informatie
Tools: Analytics, AdWords, Webmaster Tools