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WES Water Technologies
Introducing a New Water Management Solution
WES Water Technologies
Our Objectives are to introduce water management
solutions that:
    ? Save Water
    ? Save Money
    ? Save the Environment
    ? Empower the population to be WaterWise
The Issues ¨C Global Water Levels

? Worlds water supply is
  under extreme stress.
? Globally we are past
  sustainable renewable
  water levels
The Issues ¨C Future Cost of Water
    Many Years ago water was free.

         Today water rates are regularly rising by 10%+ while
         free usage allowances decrease.

                   What is it going to cost me in the Future?

                              Answer is we dont know!
                         But our valve will help manage future costs whilst
                                                  reducing water wastage.
The Issues ¨CCost & Scarcity of Water
     Survey puts Water      Scarcity is the fundamental economic
     & Air above Gobal      problem of having humans who have        Pre paid water
     Warming, with 72%      unlimited wants and needs in a world    meters, at prices          Big rises for water on way
     noting it as a Top     of limited resources. Society has      that can amount to
                            insufficient productive resources to      one fifth of a
     priority.                                                                              DAVID KILLICK | July 20, 2011 12.00am
                            fulfill all human wants and needs      persons¡¯ income in       HOUSEHOLDERS are expected to face
                                                                      South Africa.         water price hikes of up to 10 per cent a
                                                                                             year for the next two years, Southern
                                                                                                     Water said yesterday.
                                                                                           The company released its Draft Price and
                                                                                            Service Plan yesterday, outlining likely
                                                                                              cost increases it will seek from the
                                                                                               Tasmanian Economic Regulator.
                                                                                            Typical bills will rise about 5 per cent a
                                                                                          year from $942 a year in 2012-13 to $992 in
                                                                                                 2013-14 and $1046 in 2014-15.

Water is a glue that                                               Growth of large private water
bonds all of life on                                               companies brings higher
earth together.                                                    water rates, little recourse for
http://bit.ly/kzAdfl                                               consumers
The Issues ¨C Domestic Waste

? Dripping tap wastes up to 30 Litres (8 Gallons) of
  Water per week.
? Outdoor taps - biggest source of water wastage in
  the USA estimated to be approximately 75 litres
  or 19.8 gallons per day where the average USA
  waterflow is 492 litres or 130 gallons per hour.
The Solution ¨C Water Cartridge
? The Main feature of our product is that it Controls the flow
  of water, not Restricts it with negligible loss of pressure.
? We did a trial for a Chairperson of a Water Board and a
  Shire Councillor in Australia, they picked the Tap for the
Outcome of TEST
? The Tap was flowing at over 1200 litres (317 Gallons) per
  hour. We replaced the insides of the tap with our cartridge,
  and reduced the flow to 400 litres (106 Gallons) per hour.
The Solution ¨C 3 Forms

Solution comes in 3 forms
? Tap / Fawcett Cartridge
? Inline Cartridge for Mixer / Sensor Taps
? Commercial Inline Cartridge
First 2 products will leverage American standards which are in use in a number
of SE Asian countries.
A number of Universities have offered WES their facilities to refine the designs
and obtain our US standards. The Universities are interested in the long term
picture helping us refine the Pipe Valve.
The Solution ¨C Benefits
? Manages water flow
? Eliminates dripping taps
? Eliminates water hammering.
? Managing Water flow can save upto 55% of hotwater
? The flow of water is not restricted, but controlled
  through our cartridge
? Currently complies with Australia and China standards
? Compliance with standards for US or EU, are being
  undertaken. Prototypes are being developed.
The Solution ¨C Key Attributes
Key attributes of the cartridge are:
? Fixed Water flow valve
? Demonstrable water flow control with negligible loss of pressure
? Single component with O ring compared to 4 parts within traditional taps
? Unknown life span (current devices have been used 300,000+ times with no
  sign of wear)
? Low cost to manufacture equating to User friendly retail pricing whilst enabling
  distributors to experience healthy margins of 25 ¨C 40%.
? Grade of brass approximately 5 times higher than the regular commercial
  products which adds to the durability of the product.
The Solution ¨C Benefits
For Example
? Texas A&M has reduced its annual energy
  consumption (including water) by 20 % over the
  past five years, saving the university
  approximately $50 million in energy costs and
  reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the
  atmosphere by 338 million pounds or 153,427
  metric tons (ratio of pounds per metric tons (2203/1).
The Solution ¨C Weaknesses
The one weakness, though it is not the products
fault, is that it is not a one fit globally.
In Australia there are 4 Taps with different fittings
that is the shower is different to the kitchen sink
etc. Some countries have 5.
China has in-excess of 50 different valves.
The Solution ¨C Opportunities
The product is getting all the free advertising for its needs now from
Summits such as Copenhagen etc. which the average human is now
well aware of.
School children are being made aware of the environment, and what
they must do to help.
Governments are also aware, because the Voters are complaining
about the ever raising costs as well as concerns for water for their
children¡¯s children.
 The amount of enquiries we are getting now are 10 fold than 12
months ago.
  The World Today is Blue Planet Innovation & Technologies Oyster.
The Solution ¨C Threats
There is no direct threat to our product now or in the
foreseeable future. You cannot compare it with an
electronic game or new gadgetry in a new car.
There are basically four products, existing tapware to be
fitted with either inline or intap, for water and mining
pipes and tapware with our product fitted for the global
hardware industry.
Going from the response from Water Engineers, that
are kept up to date with new products there is nothing
on the horizon.
Initial Target Territories
Initially the product will be introduced into the following countries and
? Australia
    ¨C   Florida
    ¨C   California
    ¨C   Texas
    ¨C   New York
? China
? Canada
Business Path
                                                                        Year 2 Revenue
                                                                          and Global
                                   Proof of Concept
                                   Projects Commence
                                   ?   Australia
                                   ?   Canada
                                   ?   China      Distribution
                                   ?   USA          Networks
                                                                              Year 1
               Patent   Drawings &                   Secured
              Pending   Prototypes                                           Revenue
Investment     Status    created.                                          from Target
  Secured                                                                    Regions
                                                      Initial Revenue
                                  Development of        from Sales
                                 Commercial Inline
                                 Valve Commences
             Month 1.      Month 2.            Months 3 - 6.
Management Team and Advisors
   Chief Executive Officer
   Con Polkinghorne                         Inventor and Consultant to the Board
   Executive Director and Founder of TSA    Jim Hillier
   Corporation ¨C A National Management
                                            Inventor of the 3 in 1 Water Management
   and ICT Consulting Organisation with
                                            System, Jim will be responsible for the
   in excess of 90 resources. Prior to
                                            development of products and advise the
   founding TSA Corporation Con was a
                                            Board of operational issues that will need to
   Principal Consultant for
                                            be considered by Blue Planet Innovation and
   PriceWaterhouseCoopers throughout
   the Asia Pacific region.
                                            Jim had decades of experience with water
   Born and raised in WA he fully
                                            management solutions.
   understands and appreciates the
   challenges in water management and
   Con also bring extensive network of
   contacts through Asia Pacific and USA.
? The Planet doesn¡¯t have an endless source of our precious
? People need to be introduced to water management solutions
  to help curb their consumption as well as education.
? USA water consumption leads the world by upto 4 times the
  consumption of Australia and Germany.
? Globally we are past sustainable renewable water levels
              ¡°Water is the oil of the 21st century.¡±
                        ¨CAndrew Liveris, CEO Dow Chemical,
                 cited in ¡°Running Dry,¡± The Economist, 21 Aug 08
Summary cont.
? WES¡¯s water management solution is the only one of it¡¯s kind on the planet.
? We can put the tools into Peoples¡¯ hands to conserve and collectively manage
  the sustainability of our precious resource.
? Our solution is robust and real and economical with patent pending status
  coming before end of financial year.
? A limited opportunity exists for investors to obtain a stake (lots of $50,000
  AUD) in WES Australia, the licensee and holder of patents.

¡°Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in
human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights¡±.
                                                            The United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights,
                                                                                           Environment News Service, 27 Nov 02

Acknowledgement is made of the in-valuable consultation that has contributed to the formation of the business
model by ¨C David Marsden-Ballard, Permaculture Designer, Science Communicator, Climate Change & Sustainability
Educator, M.Env.Ed., Grad.Dip.Env.Ed., B.App.Sc.(Social Ecology)Hons,

¡°Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in
human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights¡±.
                                                            The United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights,
                                                                                           Environment News Service, 27 Nov 02

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Wes water mgmt presentation final v4.0 dec 2011

  • 1. WES Water Technologies Introducing a New Water Management Solution
  • 2. WES Water Technologies Our Objectives are to introduce water management solutions that: ? Save Water ? Save Money ? Save the Environment ? Empower the population to be WaterWise
  • 3. The Issues ¨C Global Water Levels ? Worlds water supply is under extreme stress. ? Globally we are past sustainable renewable water levels
  • 4. The Issues ¨C Future Cost of Water Many Years ago water was free. Today water rates are regularly rising by 10%+ while free usage allowances decrease. What is it going to cost me in the Future? Answer is we dont know! But our valve will help manage future costs whilst reducing water wastage.
  • 5. The Issues ¨CCost & Scarcity of Water Survey puts Water Scarcity is the fundamental economic & Air above Gobal problem of having humans who have Pre paid water Warming, with 72% unlimited wants and needs in a world meters, at prices Big rises for water on way noting it as a Top of limited resources. Society has that can amount to insufficient productive resources to one fifth of a priority. DAVID KILLICK | July 20, 2011 12.00am fulfill all human wants and needs persons¡¯ income in HOUSEHOLDERS are expected to face http://bit.ly/p5nlmV South Africa. water price hikes of up to 10 per cent a year for the next two years, Southern Water said yesterday. The company released its Draft Price and Service Plan yesterday, outlining likely cost increases it will seek from the Tasmanian Economic Regulator. Typical bills will rise about 5 per cent a year from $942 a year in 2012-13 to $992 in 2013-14 and $1046 in 2014-15. Water is a glue that Growth of large private water bonds all of life on companies brings higher earth together. water rates, little recourse for http://bit.ly/kzAdfl consumers
  • 6. The Issues ¨C Domestic Waste ? Dripping tap wastes up to 30 Litres (8 Gallons) of Water per week. ? Outdoor taps - biggest source of water wastage in the USA estimated to be approximately 75 litres or 19.8 gallons per day where the average USA waterflow is 492 litres or 130 gallons per hour.
  • 7. The Solution ¨C Water Cartridge ? The Main feature of our product is that it Controls the flow of water, not Restricts it with negligible loss of pressure. ? We did a trial for a Chairperson of a Water Board and a Shire Councillor in Australia, they picked the Tap for the trial. Outcome of TEST ? The Tap was flowing at over 1200 litres (317 Gallons) per hour. We replaced the insides of the tap with our cartridge, and reduced the flow to 400 litres (106 Gallons) per hour.
  • 8. The Solution ¨C 3 Forms Solution comes in 3 forms ? Tap / Fawcett Cartridge ? Inline Cartridge for Mixer / Sensor Taps ? Commercial Inline Cartridge First 2 products will leverage American standards which are in use in a number of SE Asian countries. A number of Universities have offered WES their facilities to refine the designs and obtain our US standards. The Universities are interested in the long term picture helping us refine the Pipe Valve.
  • 9. The Solution ¨C Benefits ? Manages water flow ? Eliminates dripping taps ? Eliminates water hammering. ? Managing Water flow can save upto 55% of hotwater costs ? The flow of water is not restricted, but controlled through our cartridge ? Currently complies with Australia and China standards ? Compliance with standards for US or EU, are being undertaken. Prototypes are being developed.
  • 10. The Solution ¨C Key Attributes Key attributes of the cartridge are: ? Fixed Water flow valve ? Demonstrable water flow control with negligible loss of pressure ? Single component with O ring compared to 4 parts within traditional taps ? Unknown life span (current devices have been used 300,000+ times with no sign of wear) ? Low cost to manufacture equating to User friendly retail pricing whilst enabling distributors to experience healthy margins of 25 ¨C 40%. ? Grade of brass approximately 5 times higher than the regular commercial products which adds to the durability of the product.
  • 11. The Solution ¨C Benefits For Example ? Texas A&M has reduced its annual energy consumption (including water) by 20 % over the past five years, saving the university approximately $50 million in energy costs and reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere by 338 million pounds or 153,427 metric tons (ratio of pounds per metric tons (2203/1).
  • 12. The Solution ¨C Weaknesses The one weakness, though it is not the products fault, is that it is not a one fit globally. In Australia there are 4 Taps with different fittings that is the shower is different to the kitchen sink etc. Some countries have 5. China has in-excess of 50 different valves.
  • 13. The Solution ¨C Opportunities The product is getting all the free advertising for its needs now from Summits such as Copenhagen etc. which the average human is now well aware of. School children are being made aware of the environment, and what they must do to help. Governments are also aware, because the Voters are complaining about the ever raising costs as well as concerns for water for their children¡¯s children. The amount of enquiries we are getting now are 10 fold than 12 months ago. The World Today is Blue Planet Innovation & Technologies Oyster.
  • 14. The Solution ¨C Threats There is no direct threat to our product now or in the foreseeable future. You cannot compare it with an electronic game or new gadgetry in a new car. There are basically four products, existing tapware to be fitted with either inline or intap, for water and mining pipes and tapware with our product fitted for the global hardware industry. Going from the response from Water Engineers, that are kept up to date with new products there is nothing on the horizon.
  • 15. Initial Target Territories Initially the product will be introduced into the following countries and states: ? Australia ? USA ¨C Florida ¨C California ¨C Texas ¨C New York ? China ? Canada
  • 16. Business Path Year 2 Revenue and Global Expansion Realised Proof of Concept Projects Commence ? Australia ? Canada ? China Distribution ? USA Networks Year 1 Patent Drawings & Secured Pending Prototypes Revenue Investment Status created. from Target Secured Regions Initial Revenue Development of from Sales Commercial Inline Valve Commences Month 1. Month 2. Months 3 - 6.
  • 17. Management Team and Advisors Chief Executive Officer Con Polkinghorne Inventor and Consultant to the Board Executive Director and Founder of TSA Jim Hillier Corporation ¨C A National Management Inventor of the 3 in 1 Water Management and ICT Consulting Organisation with System, Jim will be responsible for the in excess of 90 resources. Prior to development of products and advise the founding TSA Corporation Con was a Board of operational issues that will need to Principal Consultant for be considered by Blue Planet Innovation and PriceWaterhouseCoopers throughout Technologies. the Asia Pacific region. Jim had decades of experience with water Born and raised in WA he fully management solutions. understands and appreciates the challenges in water management and sustainability. Con also bring extensive network of contacts through Asia Pacific and USA.
  • 18. Summary ? The Planet doesn¡¯t have an endless source of our precious resource! ? People need to be introduced to water management solutions to help curb their consumption as well as education. ? USA water consumption leads the world by upto 4 times the consumption of Australia and Germany. ? Globally we are past sustainable renewable water levels ¡°Water is the oil of the 21st century.¡± ¨CAndrew Liveris, CEO Dow Chemical, cited in ¡°Running Dry,¡± The Economist, 21 Aug 08
  • 19. Summary cont. ? WES¡¯s water management solution is the only one of it¡¯s kind on the planet. ? We can put the tools into Peoples¡¯ hands to conserve and collectively manage the sustainability of our precious resource. ? Our solution is robust and real and economical with patent pending status coming before end of financial year. ? A limited opportunity exists for investors to obtain a stake (lots of $50,000 AUD) in WES Australia, the licensee and holder of patents. ¡°Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights¡±. The United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights, Environment News Service, 27 Nov 02
  • 20. Acknowledgements Acknowledgement is made of the in-valuable consultation that has contributed to the formation of the business model by ¨C David Marsden-Ballard, Permaculture Designer, Science Communicator, Climate Change & Sustainability Educator, M.Env.Ed., Grad.Dip.Env.Ed., B.App.Sc.(Social Ecology)Hons, ¡°Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights¡±. The United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights, Environment News Service, 27 Nov 02