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The project 
束W E S K A損 
Business education and 
aesthetic education of 
young rural women and 
girls from low-income 
families, from orphanages
Do we need a project? 
Forecasts and verification 
Opinion of 100 rural girls and 
55 parents is studied 
Problems of the parents 
fear for the future of 
their daughter, 
problems in 
education - "emotional 
there is no possibility 
to provide 
Rural womens problems 
there is no possibility 
to provide leisure, 
social isolation 
llaacckk ooff mmoonneeyy ttoo 
oobbttaaiinn aaddddiittiioonnaall 
ssoocciiaall iissoollaattiioonn, 
Problems of girls from 
single-parent, low-income 
families, orphanages
Business model 
2弌  Sale of services directly 
to the client. 
Customers - the parents, 
the girls 
When you purchase 1 certificate 
2nd certificate - 
gift to the girl from 
low-income family, 
from orphanages. 
We offer
Forms of education 
Part-time (for women 
migrants from villages 
and single-parent, low-income 
(for rural women)
The progress of the project during its 
participation in the program SocStarter 
The educational program is improved 
The approbation of the course is held in Minsk 
The site Geography of the project is defined by 
region (Nesvizh, Minsk, Gorky) 
A set of participants is produced in Minsk (12 
Expert advice is received (Center for Crisis 
Psychology, Moscow) 
Approbation of the course 
is passed in Minsk 
The results are summarized 
"Thank you for such 
a project! As it is 
necessary and 
important! " 
(Alexandra C., 15) 
"Thank you, and let 
the good seed will 
useful fruits 
your endeavors! " 
(Elizabeth S., 19) 
The first reviews are 
You know who needs 
our courses! 
Tell about us! 
Shyrko Oksana 
8029 725 22 88 
8029 655 22 06 

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  • 1. The project 束W E S K A損 Business education and aesthetic education of young rural women and girls from low-income families, from orphanages
  • 2. Do we need a project? Forecasts and verification Opinion of 100 rural girls and 55 parents is studied http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru
  • 3. Problems of the parents fear for the future of their daughter, problems in education - "emotional distance there is no possibility to provide leisure (72%) http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru
  • 4. Rural womens problems loneliness, depression, there is no possibility to provide leisure, social isolation (87%) http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru
  • 5. llaacckk ooff mmoonneeyy ttoo oobbttaaiinn aaddddiittiioonnaall eedduuccaattiioonn,, eemmoottiioonnaall pprroobblleemmss, ssoocciiaall iissoollaattiioonn, ddeepprreessssiioonn, ssuuiicciiddaall tteennddeenncciieess http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru Problems of girls from single-parent, low-income families, orphanages
  • 6. Business model 2弌 Sale of services directly to the client. Customers - the parents, the girls When you purchase 1 certificate 2nd certificate - gift to the girl from incomplete, low-income family, from orphanages. http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru
  • 8. Forms of education Part-time (for women migrants from villages and single-parent, low-income families, orphanages) http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru on-line (for rural women)
  • 9. The progress of the project during its participation in the program SocStarter The educational program is improved The approbation of the course is held in Minsk The site Geography of the project is defined by region (Nesvizh, Minsk, Gorky) A set of participants is produced in Minsk (12 girls) Expert advice is received (Center for Crisis Psychology, Moscow) http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru
  • 10. Approbation of the course is passed in Minsk The results are summarized http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru
  • 11. http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru "Thank you for such a project! As it is necessary and important! " (Alexandra C., 15) "Thank you, and let the good seed will useful fruits your endeavors! " (Elizabeth S., 19) The first reviews are received
  • 12. You know who needs our courses! Tell about us! Shyrko Oksana 8029 725 22 88 8029 655 22 06 http://www.weska.inet4biz.ru