3. Metagenomics
Metagenomics is the study of Metagenomes. Genetic material removed directly from environmental samples.
It is a study of structure and function of entire nucleotide sequences isolated and analyzed from all the
organisms (typically microbes) in a bulk sample.
It is often used to study a specific community of micro-organisms. Such as those residing on Human skin, in
the soil or in water sample.
Metagenomics is also termed as Environmental Genomics, Eco-Genomics and Community Genomics.
Metagenomics is Direct Genetic Analysis (DGA) of genomes with an environmental sample.
Metagenomics is an interdisciplinary field of Genetics includes the study of environmental samples using
Genetic techniques.
4. Metagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered
directly from environment samples,
5. Principle
Metagenomics, the principle of which relies on the genomic
analysis of a sample from a complex environment containing
more than one microorganism, provides a view of the
composition of this sample. Metagenomic studies became
increasingly accessible with the advent of Next Generation
Sequencing (NGS).
7. 3 steps to metagenomics study
Basically, metagenomic studies include three important steps,
The extraction of desired DNA from an environmental sample,
The construction of metagenomic libraries via transformation
techniques, and
The screening of desired clones, genes, or products and the
identification of the desired product.
8. Metagenomic techniques
Metagenomics is defined as the direct genetic analysis of genomes contained
with an environmental sample.
The field initially started with the cloning of environmental DNA, followed
by functional expression screening ,
was then quickly complemented by direct random shotgun sequencing
(sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining the DNA sequence of
an organism's genome) of environmental DNA.
9. Purpose
To characterize uncultivable (not suitable for cultivation) microbes in
various environments
Because this relatively new field of genetic research enables studies of
organisms that are not easily cultured in a Laboratory.
To determine phylogenetically (A way that relates to the evolutionary
development and diversification of a species or group of organisms:
Phylogenetically related fish species) relevant genes.
10. Methodology
Metagenomics is the genomic analysis of microorganisms by
direct extraction and cloning of DNA from their natural
Protocols have been developed to capture unexplored microbial
diversity to overcome the existing barriers in estimation of
11. Example in research and outcomes
Metagenomics, developed in the first decade of the twenty-first century, laid the foundation of the -omics
techniques and revolutionized research in microbial ecology (Handelsman, 2004).
Environmental metagenomic libraries have proved to be great resources for new microbial enzymes and
aMetagenomic techniques, however, are based on the concept that the DNA retrieved directly from
environmental samples theoretically represents entire community genomes which could be sequenced and
analyzed in the same way as that of a whole genome of a pure bacterial culture, thus enabling microbial
ecologists to glean a comprehensive understanding of whole communities.ntibiotics with potential
applications in biotechnology, medicine, and industry (Riesenfeld et al., 2004).
Essentially, genetic fingerprinting techniques do not provide information on diversity beyond the selected
genes that are being amplified and consequently, are useful only for partial community analysis.
13. Meta transcriptomics
Meta transcriptomics is the science that studies gene
expression of microbes with natural environmental i-e,
The Meta transcriptome.
It also allows to obtain whole gene expression profiling
of complex microbial communities.
16. Principle
Metatranscriptomics informs us of the genes that are
expressed by the community as a whole. With the use of
functional annotations of expressed genes, it is possible to
infer the functional profile of a community under specific
conditions, which are usually dependent on the status of
the host.
17. Purpose
To profile the whole genome expression of microbial communities.
Metatranscriptomics has been applied to many plant-microbe
interactions studies as it is able to characterize members of a
microbiome that are responsible for specific functions and
elucidate genes that drive the relationship of the microbiome with
its host.
18. Methodology
Metatranscriptomic sequencing provides direct access to
culturable and non-culturable microbial transcriptome
information by large-scale, high-throughput sequencing of
transcripts from all microbial communities in specific
environmental samples.
19. Example in research and outcomes
Human gut microbiome
A metatranscriptomics analysis measuring the functional
activity of the gut microbiome reveals insights only partially
observable in metagenomic functional potential, including
disease-linked observations for IBD.
IBD Inflammatory bowel disease.
20. Metaproteomic
Metaproteomic or community proteomics, environmental
proteomics is an umbrella term for experimental approaches
to study all proteins in microbial communities and
microbiomes from environment sources.
The study of the structure and function of proteins, including
the way they work and interact with each other inside cells
22. Principle
The most common metaproteomics workflow consists of sample
collection and preservation, cellular lysis, protein extraction,
tryptic digestion of proteins into peptides, peptide separation by
LC, and analyses of peptide masses (MS) and their fragments
(MS/MS) by mass spectrometry.
23. Purpose
To identify proteins produced by complex microbial communities.
Through connecting genomic and metabolic information, metaproteomics is an
essential approach for understanding how microbiomes function in space and
To provides deep insights into the biodiversity of microbial communities and the
complex functional interplay between microbes and their hosts or environment.
24. Methodology
The most common metaproteomics
workflow consists of sample
collection and preservation, cellular
lysis, protein extraction, tryptic
digestion of proteins into peptides,
peptide separation by LC, and
analyses of peptide masses (MS) and
their fragments (MS/MS) by mass
Metaproteomics is a study used to
qualitatively and quantitively
analyze proteins in microbial
communities, thus revealing
microbial phenotypic information at
the molecular level.
25. Example in research and outcomes
To understand the roles that microorganisms play in diverse
environments such as the open ocean or the human intestinal
tract, we need an understanding of their metabolism and
physiology. A variety of methods such as metagenomics and
metaproteomics exist to assess the metabolism of environmental
microorganisms based on gene content and gene expression.
26. Metabolomics
Metabolomics is the large scale study of small molecules,
commonly known as metabolites, within cells, biofluids,
tissues or organisms.
Collectively, these small molecules and their interactions
27. Principle
Metabolomics is the study of metabolome within cells, biofluids, tissues,
or organisms to comprehensively identify and quantify all endogenous
and exogenous low-molecular-weight (<1 kDa) (1,000 Daltons).
Dalton (Da) is an alternate name for the atomic mass unit, and kilodalton
(kDa) is 1,000 Daltons. Thus a peptide with a mass of 64kDa has a
molecular weight of 64,000 grams per mole) small
molecules/metabolites in a biological system in a high-throughput
28. Purpose
To identify and quantify metabolites
To illustrate quorum sensing.
To identify what the genotype of an organism its physiology and environment (what
the organism eats or breaths).
To offers an opportunity to look at genotype-phenotype and genotype environtype
Metabolites are ultimate result of cellular pathways (changes in genome,
transcriptome, proteome as well as metabolic influences).
29. Example in
research and
Metabolomics is an objective lens to
view the complex nature of how
physiology is linked to external events
and conditions, as well as measure its
response to perturbations such as
those associated with disease.
Metabolomics is the study of
endogenous and exogenous
metabolites in biological systems,
which aims to provide comparative
semi-quantitative information about
all metabolites in the system.
Metabolomics is an emerging and
potentially powerful tool in
ophthalmology research.
30. References
Kleiner, M., Dong, X., Hinzke, T., Wippler, J., Thorson, E., Mayer, B., & Strous, M. (2018). Metaproteomics method to determine carbon
sources and assimilation pathways of species in microbial communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(24),