Oral squamous cell disease affects the tongue by creating tumors and white or red patches that are initially painless and unnoticeable until reaching a critical stage. While curable if treated, the disease can spread to lymph nodes and potentially cause death if left untreated, with risk factors including poor oral hygiene and smoking from an early age, most commonly affecting men around age forty.
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1. What’s going on?!
Oral squamous cell diease effects the tongue.
It creates tumors and forms white and red patches.
It is not notiable until the diease reaches its critical stage.
The diease is painless.
Is curable but if not treated can cause death if reaches lymphnods
Not nessisaryly a time but depending on when the person takes up smoking or hygean that isnt healthy
for the mouth
Oral squamous cell diease takes place in mostly men.
They can get it around the age of fourty