The 5 W's is a method for asking questions about places or events by focusing on who, what, where, when and why. It can be used to form questions about images to gain a better understanding. Examples are provided of using the 5 W's to ask questions like "WHERE is this?", "WHAT caused it?", and "WHO was affected?". The document encourages using the 5 W's framework to look at additional images and come up with one's own questions.
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What are-the-5-ws-
1. What are the 5 Ws ? The 5 Ws is a way of asking geographical questions about a place or an event.
2. The Five Ws (or..) What ? Where? When? Who? Why? The image on the next slide gives an example of how we can use this skill.
3. WHERE is this? WHAT caused it? WHO was affected? WHY are buildings like this? WHEN did it happen?
4. Who, where, why, when, what? Now it is your turn Look at the images in the following slides See if you can use the 5ws to come up with questions of your own about what you see.