There is plenty of data in the world, but it’s not always easy to make sense of it. That’s what data visualization is trying to solve, to see the stories behind the data and make stories visible. Information design translates those stories into a more universal - visual language, that can be perceived and felt easily. What are the challenges that information designers are encountering when creating visualizations to enable people to understand, feel and care about the issues and stories that are hidden into the numbers? How do they combine principles of graphic design and data understanding skills to enrich the data with visualizations.
#3: We can glance at a chart…
strategy we can’t neglect
#5: it feels like We are all suffering from…
plenty data - plenty information.
Information design is something more than graphic design…
presentation decisions reinforce
#6: I made one observation in my life about…
…reason: we don’t feel it personally, we skipped…
my challenge to make people understand…
just ready solutions does not work… put things together
#7: as I said before, just ready solutions does not work, so we try to make audience put things together
#8: Visual storytelling is like ordinary storytelling…
those punchline… are our addends
#9: so here is the truth shown by data.
we have presented up to 300…
then it goes to creating accent on…
We talk about consequences of this situation:…
#10: I explained the logical part…
It’s important to consider what emotions we are trying to bring forth
#11: with different tricks we create mood and make users ready…
We created this mood of danger…
#12: non verbal message
our challenge…to make people feel something rather than think…
We tend to shy away from representing things too literally…
#16: the more clear, striking and impactful your images are…
interactive visualizations which gives us more possibility to make information personal and involve users
#17: those cases would be just someone else’s problem, like bad psychologist’s …
#18: We are going through hundreds of information everyday…